Part 30: Day 28 - Flower girl
Day 28 Flower girlAs usual, four fruit get juiced to replenish our water, and two wood get burned.
It seems that we decided to send

It appears that the nap has cured all of two points of injury. She wasn't very injured before, so maybe it only heals a certain percentage of damage.
AM Tasks
Alice, Yuri, & Julia Rest
Illyana Research (Result 89% complete)
Jacob & Bob Fish (Result

An average day on the waterfront.
Al & Winters Gather wood (Result 6x wood)
PM Tasks
Jacob & Bob - Chat
Illyana Research (Result discovered the infirmary)

This will finally allow us to use the drugs and bandages we found so long ago. Of course, no-one is sick, and we are doing pretty good on the injury front. This may be something to think about getting in the future just in case we run into trouble.
Yuri Cook (Result 6x fish become 6x tasty meals)
Winters Harvest fruit (Result 6x fruit)
Al & Julia Gather wood (Result 10x wood)
Alice Explore (Result found a lost backpack)

The ginseng juices are the highlight of this find. This will allow us to heal a total of120% fatigue to our people. The meals we will keep on hand for a rainy day.

I suppose that calling someone "mean but funny" could be considered a complement, but I am not sure if it is worth 20 relationship points. I suppose it could be Al's charismatic trait kicking in and doubling the increase.
Current Status:

Pretty good an all fronts. We have been getting a decent amount of fish, and no-one is seriously impaired, so we should be good for a while.
Current Goals:

We only need one rope for the hunting gear, or we could save our materials and get focus on the infirmary. It is up to you guys to decide.
Current Jobs-
Harvesting fruit (2 people max)
Craft (2 people max)
Research (2 people max)
Rest (3 people max)
Chat (no max)
Explore (3 people max)
Scavenging Wood/Rope/Stone/Herbs (2 people max)
Fishing (2 people max)
Cook (1 person max)
Current Items-
2x Medicinal Herbs (-3% Sickness)
1x Painkillers (-20% Injury)
2x Ancient Knowledge (+1 to all Skills)
1x First Aid Mag. (+5 Medicine)
4x Ginseng Juice (-20% Fatigue)
3x Drugs Cures sickness, but cannot use without the proper tech
Smelly Cheese (-20% Hunger, + 10% Sickness)
3x Bandage - Cures injury, but cannot use without the proper tech
2x Rum (+/-10% Hunger, Sickness, & Depression)
8x Soy Sprouts (decrease hunger from 1-5%)
3x Dried Meals (decrease hunger from 10-15%)
1x Cursed Fiance Ring (-20% Fatigue, + 10% Depression)
1x Decoy (+5 Hunting)
3x Skull (???)
4x Happy mushrooms (-20% depression, +10% sickness)
1x Binoculars (+5 Exploration)
Misc crafting materials