Part 32: Day 30 - A heavy cross to bear
Day 30 A heavy cross to bearAlice has nearly maxed out her exploration, so I put 7 points into her constitution. The standard two wood and two fruit replenish our fire and water supply.
AM Tasks
Yuri Rest
Al & Winters Craft the hunting gear (Result 50% complete)
Illyana Research (Result 28%)
Jacob & Bob Fish (Result

Perfect! One for everyone.
Alice & Julia Explore (Result found two monkeys and a cross)

I was not expecting that. We seem to have a couple of ways to deal with this situation, so I will let you guys choose our course of action.
I want to get the hunting gear done, so I give ginseng juices to Al & Winters to keep their fatigue down and keep them crafting.
PM Tasks
Julia & Alice - Rest
Jacob & Bob Chat
Al & Julia Craft the hunting gear (Result 73% complete)
Illyana Research (Result 36%)
Yuri Cook (Result 8x fish become 8x tasty meals)

Another Illyana event. I am not sure why she is getting so many events, especially since she spends the whole day researching alone.
Current Status:

We have half the island explored, and our stats are all looking good. Now we can start to focus on the prophesy.
Current Goals:

One more day should finish up the hunting gear, and then we can start gathering supplies for the infirmary.
Current Jobs-
Harvesting fruit (2 people max)
Craft (2 people max)
Research (2 people max)
Rest (3 people max)
Chat (no max)
Explore (3 people max)
Scavenging Wood/Rope/Stone/Herbs (2 people max)
Fishing (2 people max)
Cook (1 person max)
Current Items-
2x Medicinal Herbs (-3% Sickness)
1x Painkillers (-20% Injury)
2x Ancient Knowledge (+1 to all Skills)
1x First Aid Mag. (+5 Medicine)
2x Ginseng Juice (-20% Fatigue)
3x Drugs Cures sickness, but cannot use without the proper tech
Smelly Cheese (-20% Hunger, + 10% Sickness)
3x Bandage - Cures injury, but cannot use without the proper tech
2x Rum (+/-10% Hunger, Sickness, & Depression)
8x Soy Sprouts (decrease hunger from 1-5%)
3x Dried Meals (decrease hunger from 10-15%)
1x Cursed Fiance Ring (-20% Fatigue, + 10% Depression)
1x Decoy (+5 Hunting)
3x Skull (???)
4x Happy mushrooms (-20% depression, +10% sickness)
1x Binoculars (+5 Exploration)
Misc crafting materials