Part 39: Day 37 - Day of rest
Day 37 Day of restPeople are starting to get a bit depressed, so this morning will be mostly R&R. First we will need to make their beds. Quite literally in this case.

It took quite a bit of wood, but it looks like we are ready to rest.
AM Tasks
Illyana & Julia Rest
Al, Yuri, Alice, Winters Chat
Jacob & Bob Fish (Result

Sigh. I guess that means that you two are going out on an adventure today.

This looks like a good fishing spot. Nice and sunny, plenty of rocks to sit on, and relatively few monsters.

I did say relatively few monsters, and not monster free.

Thankfully, Bob has a lot of built in padding, so he is not too badly hurt.

He does manage to get a good haul after scaring off the local wildlife, so he has earned an afternoon break.
PM Tasks
Bob & Jacob Chat
Illyana Research (Result 42% completed)
Yuri Cook (Result 6x fish become 6x tasty meals)
Winters Gather fruit (Result 3x fruit)
Al Scavenge wood (Result 5x wood)
Alice & Julia Explore (Result found a hollow tree)

I think the last hollow tree only had a skull in it, so hopefully this one will have something better.

I guess that is better than just the skull, although not by a whole lot.

It looks like Al and Alice both enjoyed that session of meddling. I feel like Winters would not have been so pleased with Alice if she were on the receiving end.
Current Status:

Depression is down, but we still need to keep an eye on our injuries.
Current Goals:

Right now, we will focus on finding that golden apple, and we will possible go back and ransack the different jungle sites for materials for the infirmary.
Current Jobs-
Harvesting fruit (2 people max)
Craft (2 people max)
Research (2 people max)
Rest (3 people max)
Chat (no max)
Explore (3 people max)
Scavenging Wood/Rope/Stone/Herbs (2 people max)
Fishing (2 people max)
Hunting (2 people max)
Cook (1 person max)
Current Items-
1x Coffee (-10% Fatigue & Depression)
1x Medicinal Herbs (-3% Sickness)
1x Painkillers (-20% Injury)
3x Chocolate (-20% Depression)
2x Ancient Knowledge (+1 to all Skills)
1x First Aid Mag. (+5 Medicine)
2x Ginseng Juice (-20% Fatigue)
3x Drugs Cures sickness, but cannot use without the proper tech
Smelly Cheese (-20% Hunger, + 10% Sickness)
3x Bandage - Cures injury, but cannot use without the proper tech
2x Rum (+/-10% Hunger, Sickness, & Depression)
10x Soy Sprouts (decrease hunger from 1-5%)
3x Dried Meals (decrease hunger from 10-15%)
1x Cursed Fiance Ring (-20% Fatigue, + 10% Depression)
3x Fire crystal (-20% to all negative states)
3x Pirate Grog (-20% injury, +10% hunger)
4x Skull (???)
4x Happy mushrooms (-20% depression, +10% sickness)
Misc crafting materials