Part 51: 9:06-10:18: Aftermath

ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN: Brother, you already *were* a ghost. Up there, screamingalong with all of them. Scaring each other. Haunting each other.

LIMBIC SYSTEM: The fight? There is no fight. The fight is overit was lost. A thousand years ago. You have laid here forever. Keep falling. Deeper take the door.
ARIST: [Legendary: Success] No You cant. Thats not how this ends, thats not a story I am the part of you desperate to find meaning, to impose narrative upon the desperate chaos of life I am the part of you that tells the story, and theres yet more to tell
LIMBIC SYSTEM: Hes *not* taking it. His body is not taking it. Oh god, no, hes not disintegratinghes swelling up instead. Over the hours. Hurting. Moaning in his sleep. And rotting. And being disinfected. And smelling of drugs and feeling saliva in his mouth. Drifting in painkillers. Thrashing in his wound sleep.
VOLITION: [Medium: Success] He cant go. Not before the case is solved.
PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Medium: Success] There is a radio in the distance. A radio of the world. Playing sounds: good morning, Elysium. Soon you will return to the world.

Chapter 51: 9:06-10:18: Aftermath

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Kim

KIM KITSURAGI: Its not *ouch* time yet. You just got a *drouamine* pill an hour ago. Wait until it wears off.

KIM KITSURAGI: Sunrise, Parabellum. Sunrise, Prepare-For-War. Its an old revolutionary saying.

KIM KITSURAGI: He looks out the window. The gates of the harbour are boarded up. The streets are a little more empty. Apocalyptic violence is yet to erupt, I am relieved to say.

KIM KITSURAGI: Very. He died in the hospital.

KIM KITSURAGI: You were bleeding out, you said something, I dont know what he thinks. And you warned me. I was able to disarm officer de Paule before she got the jump on me.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Medium: Success] Thank you.

KIM KITSURAGI: Because we *deterred* them? Or Joyce did? Maybe the harbourin full lockdownis too costly a target. Or maybe he breathes in the fumes, thinking.

KIM KITSURAGI: Yes, officer, he says calmly. Six people are dead. Its not a success. But whats done is done. The violence is cordoned off, the hornets did not get into the beeshive. He rubs his swollen chin. The worst scenario has not materializedyet. And he smiles: We are still aliveboth of us.
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] He did not expect you both to survive once you stepped between those two armies.

KIM KITSURAGI: Pretty bad, officer. Youve suffered two wounds. The first is below your shoulder. The bullet passed through your shoulder blade, luckily missing your lungand heart.

KIM KITSURAGI: We will see.

ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Medium: Success] A man and a woman sit in the front seat of an armoured motor carriage. The woman is driving, the man lights a cigarette. Jean Vicquemare is his name, the asphalt vanishes under the wheels of the machine. Ahead, harbour cranes rise to the sky

KIM KITSURAGI: Theres a pause. Im sure theyre worried about you.

KIM KITSURAGI: I dont know.
DRAMA: [Challenging: Success] He may have some ideabut hes not gonna get into it with you.

KIM KITSURAGI: Not very. He rubs his chin. I have a concussion from that woman beating me with the butt of her gun I try not to move too much.

KIM KITSURAGI: I dont know what to think. It might not have been a *bad* idea. There is a *pin* somewhere in the machine. Something is keeping Krenel from sending in a death squad

KIM KITSURAGI: I dont know. I think the theory you presentedits someone else, outside our circle of suspectswas right. Itd better be. Everyone within the circle is either dead or gone.

KIM KITSURAGI: Dont be narcissistic. Half the cops in Revachol West are his *peones*. Even if you are, it is not a decisive factor in this case.

KIM KITSURAGI: Every piece of garbage in the city is not connected to the case. You dont have to keep *everything*.

KIM KITSURAGI: We should go upstairs, rethink the ballistics *in situ*. A light nod, through some pain. I agree with this. What else?

(I dont generally like to point out spelling or grammar mistakes in this game because English is apparently not the authors first language and the writing is really excellent even before you take that into consideration. Most of the mistakes Ive noticed its been relatively clear what the intended meaning was so I havent bothered, but I feel the need to point out here: There are thousands lying, around *we* found one. is I think supposed to read: There are thousands lying around. *We* found one. Again, I only point this out because its a couple compounding mistakes that result in a bit of a confusing sentence at first glance)
KIM KITSURAGI: We could find thousands more if we wanted. All of Revachol is full of them.

KIM KITSURAGI: It can feel that way sometimes, yes.

KIM KITSURAGI: Good. Theres a pause. Where do you want to limp?

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] You enter Kims room. The enigma unravels just a tiny bit more

Were going to put a point into Pain Threshold because we just took two bullets and could probably use the relief. Also because were cool roleplayers like that.

ARIST: [Formidable: Success] You look down into your hand and for some reason, youre holding your gun. Put that away!
While were at it, we also put the Eight-Eyed Teratorn Tie back on because we forgot to do it after losing the

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Despite your talk with the lieutenant, you dont head straight for Klaasjes room. You instead head downstairs. Theres some things youd like to know first.

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER: Youre welcome. I thought it would be nice for you to wake up in a clean place after youlets be fairdefended this establishment and its clientele from gunfire. I give credit where credit is due and that was a crazy movecrazy *effective*. Petroleum bomb, never seen anything like that I was there until it struck him, crawled inside then. Bullets started flying. Anyway He clears his throat.
SUGGESTION: [Medium: Success] He really wants you to realize that he was also on the balcony looking by. In the *danger* zone, so to say.

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER: Yeah, I was, yeah. He nods. Trying to remain aloof. Thats because Im a *bad ass*.

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER: He nods back at youeven more stoically.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT: [Easy: Success] Just two bad ass men nodding, stoically.

See you around, cafeteria manager.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] As you walk up to their usual spot, your immediate thought is almost confusionconfusion that the Hardies are missing half their number. You already knew what happened, but for that instant it hadnt hit you. The empty space between them weighs down the atmosphere, coloring every word they speak to each other. Theyve noticed you walking up by this point. For a second, they fall silent.
EMPATHY: [Challenging: Success] Just as quickly, though, theyre smiling. Theyre happy to see you. Or at least pretending to be.

TITUS HARDIE: Crazy motherfucker He lets out a whistle. Didnt think you had that fury in you, but I guess Ive misjudged a lot of people lately There I was, thinkingwhere are we gonna find a tin opener large enough for those cans? Then coppo loco shows up and just sets a man on fire. Impressive shit, copper. None of us would be breathing right now if it wasnt for He pauses, then extends his hand. I guess what Im trying to say here is, thank you.

TITUS HARDIE: His bruised face stiffens. Theo was old. I think hed be pretty happy with the way he went. Never could imagine him withering away on a sickbed. But Angus He gulps. He was just a stupid kid. Didnt realize the mess hed gotten into trusted me Still, the balls on that kid! Went down fighting for someone elses shit like a fat angry bear.
EMPATHY: [Easy: Success] Here it comes. The last one is the worst one. He only deals with it by drinking copious amounts of 8% beer.

TITUS HARDIE: Well yeah *memento mori*, right?

ALAIN: Absolutely! Today, Im going to get drunk, eat good food, and bed a good-looking gal, cause tomorrow a motor carriage might run me over
EUGENE: Or you might die of a heart failure Or syphilis?

TITUS HARDIE: *First*, were gonna find Dennis
ALAIN: *Im* going to find Dennis, he interjects. Im going to find him and then Im going to kill him.
ARIST: [Medium: Success] Well, uh so much for saving *that* life!

TITUS HARDIE: Mhm, he nods without really listening. Were hunting that rat downlet it be known what happens to cowards. And then He thinks for a moment. I guess Ill take a closer look at our Union members. Theres bound to be some ambitious fellows there whod love nothing more than advancing social democracy by bustin some heads. Might even ask Tibbs if hes tired of replacing windows and maybe wants to have some fun with his brother. He pauses. Anyway, dont you worryas long as Titus Hardies standing, there *will* be Hardie boys.
LOGIC: [Challenging: Success] From the way Titus has talked about Angus and Tibbs here, you gather that Angus was not actually the third Hardie brother like you seemed to think.

TITUS HARDIE: Dont know, dont care. Ill be glad if I never see that fucking woman again.


TITUS HARDIE: Judging by the sight of you He looks at your bandages. Id suggest crawling into bed with a big bottle of whiskey in one hand and a big tit in the other.
ALAIN: Yeah, go pay Monica a visit in Jamrock. Shes got a knack for making men forget about their worries. Biggest pair of milkers in all of Revachol.
EUGENE: Hell, you both look like you could use some feminine company right now.
KIM KITSURAGI: Thank you for your advice, Eugene. And you too, Alain. I do always appreciate a good use of the expression milkers.
RHETORIC: [Formidable: Success] It sincerely amuses himhow hard these guys typecast themselves.

TITUS HARDIE: Take care, coppers, he says with a warm smile. You two look after yourselves now. Death passed on you today, but men dont get that lucky twice.
ALAIN: He nods to you and then to the lieutenant. Coppo loco and the, uh, normal cop, I guess. Good luck in Jamrock. Scars make the best tattoos, they say.
EUGENE: Thanks for getting involved, guys. Not a lot of cops would step in that line of fire, but you did.
TITUS HARDIE: And if you ever feel like the uniform is holding you back Ive got a few vacancies. Youd make one hard Hardie boy, copper.

TITUS HARDIE: I will, coppo. Thats a promise. He puts his can down. Now scoot, cause the Hardie boys got some mourning and drinking to do.
KIM KITSURAGI: Take it easy on the drink. The danger has not passedthis town needs you on your feet.

So, this thought was bugged for a long-ass time after launch and just would not pop for any reason until they eventually patched it, which is why its suddenly popping now despite us not having really done anything to earn it here.

All right, lets head up to Klaasjes room.

KLAASJES NOTE: Im sorry I fucked everyone over. PS. I didnt kill him. PPS. Gift upstairs.

KIM KITSURAGI: I am not drawing my gun yet. But I dont like gifts.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION: [Medium: Success] He says hes not, but his hand moves instinctively toward his holster as he studies the note.

Just a joke, Kim. Were sober now!

KIM KITSURAGI: This is ballistics. Shes left a trajectory for us The lieutenant tests the thread with his finger. Drawn taut, it rebounds instantly.

VISUAL CALCULUS: It suggests the bullet came from the extreme upper quadrant of possible anglesfrom a point beyond the roof: B triple prime.

KIM KITSURAGI: She was there that nightshe would have known precisely where the bullet hole was in the glass
VISUAL CALCULUS: [Medium: Success] She had a long time to think about it after. Standing on that roofstaring at the glass

KIM KITSURAGI: I dont know. At this point He stops mid-sentence.


KIM KITSURAGI: I just havent gotten a lot of sleep these past few days.

KIM KITSURAGI: The wind blows in from the open window. The lieutenant sighs, looking into the cold distance across the water
LOGIC: [Challenging: Success] The lead is flimsy. You might as well go around Martinaise looking under every rock and talking to every personbut *what else is there*?

KIM KITSURAGI: Could be the makings of a snipers nest he nods.

Were going to the island. Its the last and only thing we can do for this case now.