Part 97: Ermor - Turns 13-15
Turn 13-15
So unfortunately Arco force moved into my province. So if I lose my commanders have no retreat path and they die which kind of sucks because commanders are one of the limiting factors for Ermor.

During the battle I route Arcos elephants, that guy with the red hat is Arcos sole commander. If he dies his army should route.


Unfortunately, my army routed right before the elephant trampled Arcos commander. Since my army was already routing, Arcos troops didnt route from having no leader on the field, and they chase down my men. My poor censor and mound king have nowhere to run and die.

Also, at the fort on Ctiss border I catch three scouts with my patrolling!

Since Ctis still hasnt attacked I decide to move off the border and send the men down to reinforce killing Arcoscephale.

Meanwhile, Arco and Atlantis continue picking at my holding. I send my army onto Arcos fort to shut down his recruitment for a turn. I cant really afford to keep a siege force on there so theyll be moving off shortly thereafter.

I get one of my national heroes on the new turn. In worthy/awesome heroes this guy can summon lictors every turn to aid him. However, since this game isnt running either of those mods hes just a decent commander with the potential for thugging. I cant forge any gear though so I just send him out to lead an army.

I did siege Arcos fort, and I found out he had an unprotected temple adjacent to it. The troops in his army to the southwest have map move 1, so I know they cant reinforce it and will likely move to break the siege on his fort. Therefore I go to burn down his $$$ temple.

Meanwhile, Bogarus moved a huge stack of units onto my border, probably in response to me perpetually moving troops into it to funnel them down south.

Ulmath the God of Man has died!

Arco brought out their god this turn (maybe she was sleeping?). Shes another virtue, similar to Rainbow Dash. However, Legoman has chosen to take earth magic on her, this is probably to cover the vulnerability she has with her low base protection.
My thought is that Arco probably took a virtue because they have a Flambeau as part of their starting equipment. Its a weapon that does 3x damage to all undead. So taking her to fight Ermor makes sense, right? Well the biggest problem with that idea is that almost all of my undead have 5 health with the prime exception being my god. If she lands on top of my god she can tear through him. Additionally, she can only clear a single unit a turn with her flambeau, so fighting through mass hordes of undead will be slow for her. Also her primary draw, the base +5 awe she has, is mostly useless against Ermor and Rlyeh.

So the last 4 or so turns, Atlantis had been chasing after my god. I had expected him to continue doing just that. However, he actually moved east into my port province. Meanwhile, Arco was attacking the same province. Arco killed the few units I had stationed there easily, but then Atlantis came up and killed his army. Also, I burnt Arcos temple down, sad day for Arco.