Part 16: Raditz Confronted!! Are Goku And Piccolo Strong Enough!?
Howdy, folks, and welcome back! Last time, we started our trip through the Spinach Wastes to find Raditz and rescue Gohan. Today, we're going to finish that trip, so let's head out.
Before I forget to mention it, some Skills were gained during the downtime; Goku now has access to the Energy Wave Combo, which is a series of blasts against all enemies; Piccolo snagged himself Auto-Heal Up, so he regains more HP at the end of a round.

There's going to be a fair amount of words here in addition to the boss fight, but nobody is surprised by that, are they?

Stepping up here activates the next bit of story, and Goku picks up on something.

And like that, Goku and Piccolo prepare to boost on in and kick the shit out of Radtiz.

Over with Raditz and Gohan, the little guy is crying.

I just want to say that I love that line. You can just hear the exasperation from Raditz.

Raditz, tired of Gohan being a child, decides to take care of him.

By trapping him in his space pod. I'm sure he'll be fine; it's a spacecraft, so there will be air, and maybe Raditz had a stash of pretzel sticks in there, so Gohan won't go hungry.

...Oh, maybe not. At least Gohan can breathe.

However, something catches Radtiz's attention.

His Scouter is giving him a reading. What ever could it be?

Jesus Christ, that's stronger than Goku and Piccolo combined!

And it's coming from Gohan in the pod. How curious.

This is an interesting thing about Scouters; most people who use them seem to think they're broken when they give a reading they don't like.

Even so, enough of that; we've got our heroes coming!

I hope you guys are liking the clean versions of those screens I keep posting. Most of them are pretty cool, and I figure someone might want them.

Raditz is still bitching about his Scouter being broken.

However, after a line of "...." Raditz decides that they are, in fact, here.

Not by using their ability to sense power levels, even though they could have done that, too.

However, Goku's not giving up the secret.

And just like that, Piccolo casts off his cape and turban.

Revealing that they were weighted.

Just as Goku's training gear is.

Later on in the series, weighted clothing won't be the norm for hard training. Increased gravity will become the new thing, starting out at 10x Earth's normal gravity. Eventually, Goku will train with weights on while in heavier gravity, but that's a loooooooooong way off.

And by casting off their weights, they're revealed to be stronger than previously thought.

Goku casts off his heavy shirt and boots, but since my portrait for him is just his face, I don't have to make a new one!

Even with their power levels upped by a fair margin, Goku and Piccolo are still only about 2/3rds as strong as Raditz. If only Gohan could come and help them...

Raditz is right in laughing at them, as he can still beat their asses five ways from Friday.

Raditz is pretty goddamned badass. For starters, he's got 9,000 HP.

Also, we can hit him here. This isn't an unwinnable fight.

Piccolo celebrates by kicking him in the dick.

He won't let us just kick the shit out of him, though.

Be sure to hit your Guard as much as you can in this fight. Raditz can easily murder your ass if you don't.

Oh, goddammit, there's talking in battle now!?

And the fight kicks back in, with Goku kicking Raditz's teeth down his throat.

Piccolo is Evil Assaulting him, as I'm trying to get full Rage Gauges.

Raditz has some big-time attacks that come with a character splash.

This will hit both characters, and as far as I know, you can only activate a Guard for one person.

We get a sweep across the screen with both beams.

And then a fuck-off explosion.

And I missed the Guard for both people, so we take a shitload of damage. Thank goodness that 737 is split between both characters; that would nearly one-shot Piccolo and leave Goku in very rough shape.

We've got to drop a ton of damage on Raditz to get the trigger to end the fight.

Also, since I haven't mentioned it before now, during these physical hits and if you hit a chain attack, the enemy sprite will get a different reaction pose for the ass-kicking.

It's a very small detail, but super-satisfying all the same. It's a nice visual cue that you landed one hell of a hit on them.

Aww, yeah, S-Combos kick ass.

Raditz also has a basic combo attack.

It comes out really goddamned fast, too, so if you're not on the ball, he's going to punch your face in. He literally just teleports in front of someone and throws out the combo.

In this attack, he just explodes with energy, hitting everyone. It's not as strong as his other multi-target attack, but it still hurts.

Much like we do, he has two versions of his combo. In this one, he just kicks the shit out of you.

So, let's skip to the end of the fight. I find it very satisfying that Piccolo kicked him in the crotch to end this part of it.

Holy Christ, that was a lot of dialog. Anywho, Piccolo has learned the Special Beam Cannon.

Not all of these skills are acquired through story events, even though a fair few are. Yamcha learned his, if you'll recall, through leveling the proper skills.

And the Special Beam Cannon requires a bit of charge time. And a full Rage Gauge, which I needed to build up.

However, Raditz was kind to Piccolo in that.

In that he blasted Piccolo hard enough to max out his Rage Gauge.

And that attack isn't just a single hit; multiple hits for good damage. Raditz is teleporting back, which is why he's not on screen at the moment.

Alright, so, we've got to kill a turn before we can launch this. Raditz can still attack Piccolo, and since Piccolo is gathering Ki, he can't use his Advance Guard.

But, whatever, let's blast this honky and be done with it.

It deals a lot of damage, but it costs 60 Ki. You also don't need to use this to end the battle; these events will unfold after you deplete about 4500 HP from Raditz. You can go ahead and kick the shit out of the rest of his HP, and gain some EXP and AP. But, let's follow the story on this one.

The fight ends there, and Piccolo is shocked.

Since Raditz apparently dodged it, even though we saw it peel off a chunk of HP from him. But, hey, it's an RPG; what do you want?

Oh, and you may notice that Goku is nowhere to be seen. How curious.

Ah, there's Goku! He rushes in from behind.

...So, yeah, Goku let go of his tail. Because he's a sap who tends to think stupid things.

Raditz turns around and bashes the shit out of Goku. Not only for being a moron, but because he's Raditz.

Raditz is a man who is on the ball with that statement.

Raditz does...Something to Goku that apparently hurts real bad.

Meanwhile, Raditz is in full-on cartoon villain mode.

Raditz is distracted from beating Goku's ass, but by what?

Oh, it's just Gohan, breaking free of the space pod.

For those of you not in the know, pissing off Gohan is not a good idea. His power level is higher than Radtiz's right now, which understandably scares the shit out of him.

Gohan headbutted Raditz hard enough to break his armor and to severely jack him up.

Pretty badass at the moment.

Here's the big thing about Gohan right now; when you piss him off, he becomes far more powerful than he normally is. It is a very bad idea to make him angry. Ask Cell. Or Raditz there.

Raditz responds in kind and knocks Gohan the fuck out.

Goku takes this opportunity to sneak up on Raditz.

The little sprites don't show it very well, but Goku has Raditz in a Half-Nelson here, not touching his tail, holding him back.

Raditz is fighting and struggling against Goku, and from his previous beating, Goku isn't exactly in tip-top shape. He's using pretty much all the gas left in the tank to hold Raditz here.

Raditz has recognized that Goku is a moron, and tries his hand at fooling him again.

But Goku is on top of things this time. Assume I said something about how he won't get fooled again.

And so, Piccolo fires his Special Beam Cannon.

If you look at Goku here, you can see the hole Piccolo blew through him. It's all meaty and red. Holy Christ.

With that, Piccolo finishes him off.

Remember this lesson, folks; if you talk shit to Piccolo, he'll shoot you with a laser and beat you to death.

And just then, the others arrive!

The neat thing is if you look at that picture, you can see Raditz dead, Goku well on his way there, and Piccolo standing above the both of them.

If I'd remembered these lines of dialog, maybe I wouldn't have pointed out that you can see them.

And with that, they land and start to figure out what happened.

Thankfully, they just believe what Piccolo tells them. I mean, sure, the evidence is all there, but c'mon, it's Piccolo.

And just like that, Goku fades away. Well, shit.

Yeah, Kami can take dead folks without having to bury them.

Is it just me, or does Krillin look far too happy about this?

And so, we fade out of that scene...

And come to these two dudes, who are sitting on some dead alien. The little guy is eating part of it, yes.

These are the two other Saiyans Raditz was talking about. They...Don't particularly give a shit about his death.

And so, they hop in their space pods, rushing off to Earth, to go steal the Dragon Balls!

Shut the fuck up, Nappa. We've got a loooong way to go before we get there. Shit, that's not even in this game! Or this planet!

And with that, we close out what I think of as the First Act of the game. I don't know if it's officially split up that way, but this seems like a pretty good breaking point for the first chunk of the game.
That's also partly why this update is so long. Not only did I not find a good place to cut it off, but we've finished off the first part of the game.

And also this update.
Stay tuned for next time; we'll be starting our training to combat the Saiyan menace coming one year from now!