Part 52: Vegeta's Trick Has Been Defeated!! But Will That Stop The Prince Of The Saiyans!?
Howdy, folks, and welcome back! Last time, on Attack of the Saiyans, we started the final fight against Vegeta. When we last left our heroes, Vegeta had transformed into a Giant Ape and dealt serious damage to Goku. He was preparing to finish off Gohan and Krillin when Yajirobe interfered and sliced off Vegeta's tail. Today, we're going to finish the game, so let's head out one last time.Before we get started, there are some images in this update that could be considered NSFW. Be careful if you're browsing at work.

Yajirobe, you son of a bitch. I knew you were going to be useful.

Well, Vegeta, I suppose this just goes and fucks all of your plans, doesn't it?

You're not lookin' so hot, chief.

It was enough, Yajirobe.

Not like he was doing any better as a giant monkey, but, canon is canon.

Well, at these stats, I think Death is the only thing that would present any kind of a challenge to me.

I know pride can be a right motherfucker when it comes to making good choices, but I would think that an ass-beating of epic proportions would make you rethink a couple of things.

C'mon, Vegeta, don't make me do this. You still have a chance to not have your spine reconfigured to look like a drunk's drawing on an Etch-A-Sketch.

Oh, hey, an attack we haven't seen before.

Yes, yes, very impressive, Vegeta. This is one of his more dangerous attacks, especially if you didn't bother with Gohan or Krillin; if they die here, it's rather unpleasant for whoever is playing.

But if you've reached this point, your Gohan and Krillin should have few problems getting past Vegeta.

That signals the end of the fight.

Lord only knows where Gohan and Vegeta are at right now, but I think it's safe to assume the Prince is getting punked by a five year old.

As for what Krillin expects Goku to do here, I dunno. Goku currently has more broken bones than not and probably only enough energy left to maybe fart.

Oh? What do you have for our little bald friend, Goku?

...Oh. Well, that was a good thing to be working on, Goku.

Now that is some goddamned resolve.

Well, lookee that, Krillin has himself a Spirit Bomb.

Spirit Bomb, Krillin. Try and keep the fuck up.

Alright, Krillin, no pressure. It's either you hit him, or else he'll kill everyone you've ever known and loved. No pressure.

No, seriously, there's no dialog with Gohan or anything. We're just back to fighting Vegeta.

This is essentially second verse, same as the first.

But let's have some fun with it.

As if it wasn't enough to know that we could punk the Prince of the Saiyans, the strongest fighter they've ever met, with Krillin.

We're going to punk his ass with Gohan, just like we did when Vegeta was a Giant Ape.

Anywho, after causing around 12,000 damage or so, Krillin is ready to throw the Spirit Bomb.

C'mon, Vegeta, you just got hit with three times your max health in damage. Just give it up, bud.


Alright, this next little bit is pretty badass.

Instead of simply fading out and showing this on the field, we actually get to see this next bit play out in the battle engine.

It's in the video above, if you want to see it in motion.

Vegeta, appropriately, shits his pants upon seeing the Spirit Bomb flying towards him.

However, that doesn't weigh him down; he still gets the hell out of the way.

...This could end poorly. I've seen what the Spirit Bomb can do.

Gohan was in the party for that, too. He knows what's coming his way.

Goku, too beat up to even move, still has the strength to shout at his child.

Thankfully, Gohan inherited not only his father's strength, but his will and kind, caring heart.

And Vegeta is completely unaware he's about to get an asshole full of Spirit Bomb.

Well, looks like he's dead. Or the next best thing to it.

Goddamned right we did.

I would love some alternate dialog that acknowledged the savage beating we gave Vegeta.

Look who's talking; even Evel Knievel would find your injuries a touch excessive.

And then freeze-frame, everyone laughs, and we're--

Well, that's one way to make an entrance.

I suppose he had to come down some time.

Let's get a stick and poke it!

May as well mark the grave of the most dangerous foe to ever come to Earth. It could be a fun little tourist attraction, we'll open a gift shop, and--

Goddammit, Vegeta! Rasputin would have given up by now!

Wouldn't it have been easier to do just that?

Oh, hey, King Kai. I'm sorry to report that your ultimate technique wasn't really that ultimate.

It was only a half-power Spirit Bomb, though.

Y'know, Vegeta, thinking about it, you could have played dead for a little longer and then blown Krillin's head off when he tried putting you into the grave. Goku is down for the count and Gohan probably wouldn't react fast enough to stop you.

Then again, Vegeta loses his cool when his pride is at stake, so I can understand that he wasn't thinking about that. Plus, he had just been blasted into the air with a pure ball of destruction, and I'm going to guess falling from the clouds isn't exactly conducive to heavy thought.

Well, that's not good.

Though, nobody was annihilated, so maybe it wasn't so bad.

Hell, Krillin's still on his feet. Vegeta, you've lost your touch.

Hey, what's going on with Gohan...?

...Is that what I think it is?

Well, fuck me runnin'.

Oh, what the hell is it now?!


In addition to slicing Vegeta like an Easter ham, he also found time to stick one of his fingers in a light socket.

Hey, some people shit on Yajirobe in the thread. I'm just letting him have his moment.

Which is now over. Uh-oh.

Guess not; nice try, though.

You best commence to killin', Geetz. You don't have much time left.

At the moment, it seems to be going well.

Well, this could end poorly.

Vegeta retained his sense; theoretically, Gohan could, too.

Eh, I'm guessing that he doesn't.

It seems that Gohan has listened to Krillin. Or is going to kill Vegeta first, and then kill Krillin and Goku.

And so, Vegeta makes with the tail slicing.

This is the point where, if you're browsing at work or in public, be careful about who is looking at your screen.

Alright, folks, here we are. The final splash screen, or whatever you want to call it. From here on out, the gameplay is done and we're just finishing off the story.

With the fight done, Bulma, Roshi, and the others have come looking for them.

Man, they are coming pretty much right after Vegeta's defeat.

And now Chi-Chi is strangling Korin. Things have escalated.

And there it is, the final emotion bubble of the LP. But what has Krillin noticed?

Looks like Vegeta is going to get away. Damn.

How very ominous, King Kai.

Y'know, he doesn't look so much scared here as more like a kid who's been caught eating the dog's food.

Goddamn, Krillin is getting medieval on his ass.

I don't know what's worse in this scenario; being killed on the planet you thought you were just going to walk all over, or being killed by Krillin.

Who the hell is interrupting this?

Dammit, Goku.

And that statement holds true, because at basically any point from here on out in the series, Goku is strong enough to be able to chump Vegeta at each and every turn.

Oh, up yours with a twirlin' lawnmower.

Don't taunt me about possible fights in a sequel.

And there he goes, off in his pod, to rest up and then head to Namek.

Hey, what's up, Yajirobe?

Oh, thank goodness. Someone who can render medical attention to these guys.

...Oh, great, it's Chi-Chi.

And she doesn't give a shit about Goku. Seriously. She just jumps over him to Gohan.

Krillin, don't even try it. She doesn't hear what you're saying.

At least someone gives a shit about Goku.

...Let him get away? You told Krillin to let him go!

But, nobody is going to mention that.

...Oh, nobody told her. Well, this could be awkward...

In all fairness to you, Yajirobe, it would be a little more handy if Piccolo was alive right now.

And thus, we're off!

Bulma still isn't doing great.

And if we're not bringing them back, we probably need to bury them. Or leave 'em out here; it's a wasteland, who the hell is coming out here?

Just as long as we don't have to find Chiaotzu. We'll need a bucket for that. Or maybe just a Baggie, since there might not be enough to fill a bucket.

Well, Yamcha is still in one piece, at least. We're not finding Tien's arm.

Hey, look who's up.

And not worried about her husband!

I think this is how most mothers react to a child's injuries. At least the first couple times.

There you go, Roshi. Kid needs some encouragement; he's had one hell of a shitty day. Or a great day, if we saw the story told by my stats, but the canon is that he had a shitty day.

His planet needed him, Gohan.

See? Nobody is going to mention what Goku and Krillin did.

This is very true.

And this is very false.

See, he's fine.

Now, I know this is Gohan happy that his dad is still alive, but it can kind of seem like Gohan is laughing at his father's near-death.

But, it's kind of the freeze-frame moment.

Finally, we can get back to that. What's your plan, Krillin?

Thank God that Gohan is here to back Krillin up.

They also said some were capable of magic and that some were good at kicking ass.

Gohan is the only one here who counts Piccolo as people.

Where could this planet "Namek" be? Could they really find new Dragon Balls? And what could be waiting for them there? Let us save the rest of the story for another time...

To be continued...

And with that, folks, Attack of the Saiyans is done. There's nothing else we'll be doing here, but there are still plenty of other fun things happening in this thread. My contribution is done, but be sure to keep tuning in for the Legacy of Goku videos, the Legend of the Super Saiyan videos, and be sure to check out the Final Bout video, and the videos from the Dragon Ball Evolution game.
This was a hell of a lot of fun to do. I'm glad I chose to do this game; I had a great time with it, and had a better time reading people's replies to the thread and what they thought of Dragon Ball and the various events we encountered. This game covers a lot more than the title implies, but it's all pretty good; this is a solid Dragon Ball RPG and covers plenty of stuff from and relating to the show. If you like the series, I recommend checking this game out. It doesn't have much replay value, true, but it's long enough that you'll probably get what you want out of a Dragon Ball RPG.
Thanks for reading, folks. You've all been great, and I hope to see you all in my next thread. As for what that will be, I don't have a goddamned clue right now. Give me a week or so, and I'll figure it out.