Part 20: Tank Masters: Rank C.
Tank Masters: Rank C.
Hmm. I could upgrade those shields and medicines, but Eh, close enough.

Alright, its time to show off our PASSION and enter into the first rank of Tank Masters!

We have the Prima Battaglia, Seconda Battaglia and Rank C Gran Finale to cover today; these updates will be fairly short, since theres nothing but three tank battles to deal with.

And of course, we need to get to the battlegrounds in style.

Along with assigning me a crew consisting of the Platypunk, Dracky and Mimic, the thread has decided that our first tank for today will be the cute Carrot Top. (As opposed to the scary redhead.

And its just the pair of them, too. Guess theyre really easing us in, huh?

To make this fight a little more unique, Wiseguy and Babbo have the Plob theme playing instead of the regular tank battle music. Its a nice touch.

Leaving aside the mishaps Rockets crew have with the cannons (and that great line from the Platypunk), lets talk about the enemys ammo situation. In short, its all over the place. They have a few mirror shields and bastard swords, but they also have basic boomerangs and pompoms. So, uh Yeah, this isnt too difficult.

We do gain access to the gimmicks of certain tanks when we select them, so Rocket has access to the Death Carrot during this fight. Oh, and while the Dracky is pretty slow, the Mimic is okay as an ammo-fetcher. Hes a bit slower than Bo, but takes less breaks and doesnt stop moving when he throws things at Rocket.

Ah, I do love banter.

...Oh. So the Mirror Shield made the Edged Boomerang switch over and take out my ammo, including the Death Carrot. That was a bit of bad luck, wasnt it?

This pair of punks put up a pretty good fight, lasting about as long as some of the fights on the Flying Clawtress despite being understaffed and outgunned. But eventually

This ones for you, Babbo.

Beating a round of Tank Masters offers no reward, sadly. Well have to finish up with the entire rank to get anything out of this.

Si! Its time for Rank C, Seconda Battaglia

And look at this, a tank we havent seen before unless you watched the credits, which gave you a sneak peek at this one.

Dracken Garth has nothing special to offer us, aside from mixing some Hell Scythes and Spooklear Bombs in with his missiles. So heres a look at the T-Raxs lego-like interior.

It seems easy enough that I end up sending the Mimic over to try out its other tactic.

Turns out that without someone to let the Mimic inside, it just sat by the door all fight long and sometimes snapped at it.


Ah, its our old friend the Purrsecuter! And is it just me, or does Giggles feel like a reference to something? I feel like it might be, but I cant put my finger on it Oh well, lets prep for the barbie.

Paws Button has got a selection of late-game ammo with second tier missiles and iron balls, third-tier arrows, miracle and metal king swords and a few Toy Slimes as dud items. But with their Jailcat crew having a tendency to invade, the Purrsecuter doesnt fire as fast as it could.

If you actually bring a crew member who can be put on guard duty, this is the perfect time to make use of them.

Still, our crew of misfit minions manage to take the poorly protected Purrsecuter apart with ease.

We suffer a tiny bit of systems damage, but earn another S(ub)lime victory.

And with that, were ready to take on Rank B Just as soon as you vote on whos coming, and what tanks were using!

The Trailblazer is available now if you want to vote for it. And the tanks/crew members weve just used are no longer valid votes.
Short Shooter
Chrono Twigger
Fort Knight
War Chest
Daemolition Man
S. Cargo
Mother Glooperior
Baron Blubba
Curate Rollo
Tokyo Tom
Flabbot Flancisco
Big Daddy
Mama Mia
Mischievous Mole
Living Statue
Walking Corpse
Dancing Flame
Restless Armour
Killing Machine