Part 29: Post 26: In which we experience Deja Vu, the feeling we've done this before, and poke out an eye with a sharp stick.
Post 26: In which we experience Deja Vu, the feeling we've done this before, and poke out an eye with a sharp stick.

I wonder where we are now?

clock tower!

Dad said the bridge up north is finally done! We're going to the opening ceremony tomorrow! I can't wait!

This temple's falling apart. I wish we could rebuild it someday. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could get Baloch to build one for us? Then we'd get thousands of people coming in. Ha ha! Oh! Ahem! Well, this building has its charm, too!

I'm trying to get Baloch to design a house for me. But you know him. He only works when he feels like it.

clock tower. Fantastic, isn't it?

It's... nice? Definitely gaudy.

What a splendid clock tower! Baloch has outdone himself once again. I can feel the flow of time itself in its design!

The Mayor of Litorud lives over in that bizarre mansion. Who knows how he manages to live in that thing. I wish Baloch would build something normal for a change!

Waahh! I lost my money! Mom's going to spank me!

My husband is very excited for the ceremony.

You never know when a monster might cross your path. That's why I keep my armor equipped all day. I bring plenty of herbs, too. You can't forget those.

Baloch and Dr. Creyney are the smartest men in all of Litorud! They've been good friends, too, ever since childhood.

Dr. Creyney is such an honorable man. Even though we are poor, he treats us like people. Baloch, on the other hand, has an ego the size of his bridge, and wouldn't even look at me. How do those two get along so well?

to always fall down the stairs?

(Aimy) I'm sorry you had to take me here, ma'am.

All right, all right! Well, Doctor?

(Creyney) Well, the bone isn't broken, but it looks like quite a sprain. You need to keep off of it for a while. You should stay here.

(Aimy) But, Doctor! I wouldn't dream of bothering you.

(Creyney) Why would it be a bother? I'm a doctor, and you're my patient. Besides, you'd injure yourself if you worked with that ankle. So, anyway, madam, I'll have to keep Aimy here for observation.

Sigh... That girl picked a fine time to hurt herself! All right, Aimy. You better get well soon.

(Aimy) Are you one of the doctor's patients? My name's Aimy. Dr. Creyney's been looking after me ever since I came to town.

(Creyney) Well, well, some travelers, I see. Are you here for the bridge opening? The opening ceremony is tomorrow, so why don't you spend this night at the inn? That woman who just left is the owner of the inn.

Hrm, let's check the basement.

master. He normally lives in his studio in the mountains, but he uses this room when he has business in town. That picture over here is of the clock tower, his most famous work. But recently, I've had a weird feeling about it. I've never felt this way before. I wonder what the problem is.

Let's examine that picture, shall we?
The picture of the clocktower posted:
There is a picture of the clock tower hanging here. Link senses something strange about it.

We'll actually leave that treasure alone for now.

The opening ceremony for the bridge takes place tomorrow. I can't wait to see what lies beyond the river!

'Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to welcome you on this glorious day! Hmm. What do you think of that introduction? Too contrived?

Compared to what, pray tell? The rest of the game so far? It's good.

(Mayor) Oh, no? All right then, this is how I'll start!

My husband's looking forward to tomorrow more than anyone else!

No one can deny that Baloch was a genius, but it's a little difficult to actually live here.

The floors in this manion hide the dirt, so I never have to clean! Agh! Just keep that between the two of us, all right?

Now, let's visit the inn, then go to sleep. Tomorrow's a big day, after all.

You guys just came in, right? You should stay for the ceremony, too! I'm definitely going, myself!

I thought people made a big deal over the clock tower. But the commotion over this bridge is absurd!

Baloch's responsible for nearly all the great buildings of Litorud, including the clock tower, the Mayor's mansion, and the fountain. Litorud is basically Baloch's town! The funny thing is, Baloch doesn't even live here!

We're closed tomorrow for the ceremony, so drink up today! Oh wait, you're a bunch of kids! Never mind, never mind! Come on, out of my bar! This is no place for kids like you!

Then what kind of kid can stay in your bar?

I used to captain the river ferry when I was a young man! It'll be a breeze to get across with that new bridge, but I'll miss that old ferry of mine!

Bridge this, bridge that, I can't take it anymore! It's just a bunch of wood nailed together! I mean, come on!

You can't help but like the maid who works here, She's such a scatterbrain! She's fun to watch as long as no one gets hurt. But I felt sorry for her when she fell down the stairs.

What a filthy place this is! It's not up to my standards at all! The owner's servant even spilled milk on my best dress! Oh, why did I have to come to this godforsaken place?

Aimy may be a klutz, but the old lady has a soft spot for her.

Hmm? You folks were just over at Dr. Creyney's, weren't you? I bet you're here to see tomorrow's bridge ceremony, right? We're a bit shorthanded, but I think I can squeeze you in.

Alright everyone, take five.

(Aimy) Oh, there's so much to do this morning!

(Aimy) Ahh! I'm sorry!

Aimy! You klutz! Oh, I'm so sorry, travelers! Aimy, you should thank our guests for helping you. You could've been hurt!

(Aimy) Thank you very much! I'm so sorry! (She runs off at top speed) I'm going to go do the dishes!

Sigh. What a troublesome girl. I'm sorry about all this. Thanks for catching her when you did!

Aimy's better already? I thought she sprained her ankle!

That's kinda odd, I'll agree. But screw that! There's a bridge opening going on. Let's go!

tomorrow. What? The ceremony's supposed to be today? I don't know where you heard that, but you're very mistaken, bub! Why don't you go back to Litorud and rest up at the inn? By the time you get back here, it will be time for the ceremony!

Why is Wolverine keeping me from the new bridge? Let's ask around a little...

all! I'm going to miss this old shack, though, let me tell you.

I tell you, this job's been a real learning experience. It's not every day I get the chance to work with the great Baloch!

I doubt Master Baloch will attend the opening ceremony tomorrow. He loves architecture, but hates public appearances.

If it's Baloch you're looking for, he isn't here. He left when the bridge was just about done. I guess he went back to his studio, in the eastern mountains.

Snore! The ceremony... won't come... The... clock tower... Huh? Did I say something just now? Ooh... Must have been dreaming.

This is all the leftover material from the bridge project. They sure went through a lot of stuff.

Let's get back to town... I want to talk with the mayor about this!

'Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to welcome you on this glorious day! Hmm. What do you think of that introduction? Too contrived?

Like I told you yesterday, it stands as it is.

Oh, no? All right then, this is how I'll start!

My husband's looking forward to tomorrow more than anyone else!

Everyone's saying the same things as yesterday... let's check with the Doctor and see if Aimy.

(Creyney) I haven't heard anything about Aimy being injured. There must be some kind of misunderstanding. Say, who are you, anyway? I don't believe we've ever met.

Okay... Let's see if we can find Baloch and have him shed some light on the situation.

(Baloch) Huh? What do you want? I'm busy! Quit bothering me!

Baloch just finished the bridge, and already he's on something else. You can try talking to him, but I bet he'll just snap at you.

You know what? Fuck this. I'm going back to sleep in town.

(Aimy) Ahh! I'm sorry!

Aimy! You klutz! Oh, I'm so sorry, travelers! Aimy, you should thank our guests for helping you. You could've been hurt!

(Aimy) Thank you very much! I'm so sorry! (She runs off at top speed) I'm going to go do the dishes!

Sigh. What a troublesome girl. I'm sorry about all this. Thanks for catching her when you did!

I can't believe that Aimy falls down the stairs every day. Her clumsiness is really something. She fell down the exact same way she did yesterday?

You know what? Screw all this - the bridge should open today. The guard said so. Let's go the bridge.

tomorrow. What? The ceremony's supposed to be today? I don't know where you heard that, but you're very mistaken, bub! What? I said the same thing yesterday? Don't be silly! What do you think, we're all stuck in the same day or something?

Well I didn't until you mentioned it, but now I'm pretty certain of it. It does wrap up everything quite neatly.

... You aren't serious, are you? You sound just like Baloch. Huh? What do I mean by that? Well, Baloch's got some strange ideas... He keeps going on about the flow of time whenever I talk to him. Anyway, if you want to see him, his studio is in the mountains to the east. Maybe you should check it out.

That's good advice. Thank you, Wolverine! Now, back to Baloch's!

What a blue cactus! The Needlon is the newly recolored enemy in this area. Just like the previous cactus monsters, but now in a pleasing blue and with slightly better stats.

(Baloch) Huh? What do you want? I'm busy! Quit bothering me!

But we're just fussing about the same day! Time isn't moving forward properly!

(Baloch) What? Did you just ask something about time?

Yes, yes I did. Now spill!

(Baloch) You think the same day's repeeating over and over again?


(Baloch) So it wasn't just me. I had this feeling that I was just repeating the same things over and over again. At first I attributed it to the stresses of being a genius, and being burned out, but since you're feeling it too, something much be wrong. Here, take this key and explore the clock tower. It was built to symbolize the flow of time, but if something went wrong, then it might be altering time itself. There's no way you can refuse a request from the genius Baloch, is there?

Oh, there are ways. But I'm going to help out anyway.

All right! Here is the ClockKey. Good luck!

Back to the clocktower so that we can fix this!

Well, it's a lever that exists... I can't *not* pull it!
Dragon Warrior 7 posted:
The clock has stopped!

Let's see if that did anything, shall we?

Green Hero has stopped time! I wonder if there's anything to check out anywhere in town...

I don't seem to recall a purple vortex being in that painting previously... Let's see where this takes us. But let's check Dr. Creyney first... Hey! He's holding a letter!
The Letter posted:
To Creyney. By the time you read this, I will be gone forever. I am prepared to die now. My only regret is my poor daughter. I could never bring myself to tell her the truth about her father. My dear friend, you are the only one I can turn to now. Please, I want you to take over as my daughter's guardian. Your friend forever, Emily

Now that we're done invading people's private lives, on to business!
Dragon Warrior 7 posted:
Instead of the clock tower, the canvas shows some kind of strange, moving vortex.

the monsters did this. Which means that if we solve the riddle, we should be freed from this abnormal condition. Right? Link. Quit standing like and idiot, and let's move on.

What a strange world we've found ourselves in! I feel like I'm inside a building designed by Baloch.

Well, this isn't going to be easy, now is it?

They just sit there... grinning. And look at that house in the background! This place is creepy... Not dangerous. Just creepy.

... son of a bitch. MORE TELEPORTERS? RAAAARGH! At least there's a convenient point to heal at - green swirly things are surprisingly healthy.

Well, this one's easy. I'll walk counterclockwise.

tower and this hourglass! And now look! No one can escape the conundrum of time which has been created. Bitter irony has been brought to the pathetic, circular lives that humans lead! Baah ha ha hah! Humans! Human children? How did you brats manage to sneak into my time vortex? No matter, my minions will deal with you. Do you think you can defeat me with those puny weapons?

Why not? They seem to be doing fairly well on everything else.

Hmph! I see you have no intention of leaving. Your pointed sticks are no threat to me! But if you persist in running around with sharp objects, I guarantee someone's going to get their eye poked out! And it's not going to be me! Gyarharhar!
MaskedHuzzah posted:
And that kind of writing is why I love this game.

I'll start out by taking out this thing in front of me.

Grrr. This one looks like it's a spellcaster or something. Be careful, Link.

This fight is a pain for one reason. It's not the boss's power, or the fact that he has minions, it's just one thing:

Everytime somebody does that, the fight *resets* and then it's once more... with feeling! But soon...

Beware, humans! I may die, but the anomaly in the time continuum remains. As long as this hourglass still exists... Bah ha ha ha hah! Oh no! Why did I have to say that? Garrrrrghhhhh!

Wow! Not only was the boss stupid enough to tell us the secret of the time problem. he was just smart enough to realize that it was a bad idea to tell us.
Dragon Warrior 7 posted:
A large hourglass sits here. Could it be behind the time disruption? Destroy the hourglass?

Sweet! Something to break!

(Creyney) You startled me! When in the world did you sneak in here? I hadn't noticed you at all.

Let's see if time can progress normally now.


(Aimy) I'm going to the ceremony once I do all the dishes, all right?

Whew! Aimy simply must be more careful.

VICTOLY! To the bridge!

(Mayor) this fine...

Mayor! I'm sorry, but we're running behind schedule!

(Mayor) Yes? Oh, I see. Well then... In any case, I sincerely hope all of you enjoy the new bridge.

Thank you, Mayor! And now, some words from the great Baloch... Huh? Where'd he go? He was just here a minute ago!

(Creyney) about her father?

(Baloch) That's none of your busioness. Looks like her mother didn't want to tell her the truth, either. Stay out of it. Besides, I deserted her years ago. Why tell her now?

(Creyney) You owe it to Aimy to tell her the truth.

(Baloch) It's not goint to change anything. Besides, I'm afraid. That's why I left town.

(Creyney) Aimy told me she has always looked up to you, Baloch, as an architect.

(Baloch) Yeah, well, as an architect, I still have zero desire to tell anyone anything. All right?

This reminds me of good old Verdham. I'm certainly glad I'll never have to their soap opera nonsense town.
Next time on Let's Play Dragon Warrior 7: We go back to Verdham and deal with new soap opera nonsense!

New items: TinyMedal x 2, AGLseed, INTSeed, SpeedRing

New Skills: FairWind
Class Titles: ArchMage, Master, Admiral, BigBoss, General, TruTalent, Barnacle
New Skills: ChargeUp
Class Titles: KingSlime, WyvernNite, HellShell, SheepLord, Novice, Marcolara, Phoenix, Bombadier

New Skills: Repel
Class Titles: Master, TruTalent, HiPriest, Novice (Thief) Martyr, Warbler