Part 36: Post 31.5.1: In which there is another status update - Feel free to ignore, no plot or anything.
Post 31.5.1: In which there is another status update - Feel free to ignore, no plot or anything.

This is just to show what the party looks like before the grindfest.
Current class progression is:
Link: Link's going to finish Pirate, then pick up Tamer and Ranger to go for Hero, then go for GodHand after that.
So: Pirate, Shepherd, Tamer, Ranger, Hero, Cleric, Paladin, Dragoon, Godhand
Gabo: Gabo will finish as many tier 1 monster classes as he can, then start working on the tier 2s. During this grind session, I'm going to try and pick up a Dumbira Heart and a BoltRat heart, so that's all but the JewelBag and LizardMan, which won't be available until much later.
So: Hork, Lipsy, Mimic, Dumbira, BoltRat Golem, DrakSlime(Since we have the heart for it), CurseLamp, EvilWell, SkyDevil, Varanus, CosmoBog, ProtoMech, Rosevine, Rainhawk, EvilMech.
Melvin: All of the requests have been Sage, TeenIdol, and Summoner. Happily, they all mesh together pretty well. If there are any more requests, I'll add those on to the end.
So: Bard, Dancer, Jester, TeenIdol, Mage, Cleric, Sage, Summoner.
Maribel: The requests for Maribel have been all over the place, but since I'm watching Bellmaker's LP right now, he gets slightly higher priority.
So: Jester, TeenIdol, Mage, Sage, Summoner, Warrior, Dragoon, GodHand.