Part 7
Okay, think. We need to get the Watilla that just got zapped to get the notebook for us, but it's completely fried. And to make matters worse, we can't get around the roomThe sneak button pisses me off because my 360 controller's R and L triggers don't register as buttons so I can't map them, meaning I had to map sneak to my keyboard. Holding ctrl with your pinky is not only awkward, it makes it very difficult to take screenshots while you're doing it. After this I resolved to do any latter sneak segments in video.
Anyway, let's take a look around the room.

Pushing the large buttons turns the music on in the shower.
Spider Sentry Robot is not pleased.

It's worth noting that we also could have gone to Liv and gotten some software to hack into the spider. Showers are more fun though.
With that out of the way, let's go see if we can't salvage anything from Lucia.

Liv: I'll take a look. Gimme.

Liv: I have a power source here somewhere. Hold on.

Liv: The data's continuously backed up to a separate crystal. You can use any Watilla brain you want.

Alright, so where are we going to find a working Watilla? Yeah.

I just can't help but feel bad about this. /Backup
Okay, let's head back to Reza's apartment.
Let's repair Lucia, get the notebook and-- /Backup
Okay, that was weird, but we've still got the notebook. We better get this to Liv. Before that, let's take the power source back so we can repair Wonkers.
As we leave the apartment Zoe notices something odd. /Backup
Okay, let's get this notebook to Liv.
On the way there we get a text

Liv: What? Sweetie! Are you okay?

Liv: Was it the EYE?

Liv: What were they looking for? Did they take anything?

Liv: And the notepad, do you still have it? Give it to me, sweetie, and I'll see what I can do.

Liv: Okay. Just a sec, and I'll let you know what we're dealing with.

Liv: You're right. I mean, he's my friend, too, and I want to help him. I just don't know if going to Newport is the way to do that.

Liv: I'll work on decrypting the rest of Reza's notes. We need to figure out what he was working on. It could take a while, so I'll just close up the store.

Liv: My regulars know how to get in touch. I'll call you as soon as I got something.

Let's repair Wonkers and Travel to Venice. /Backup

Let's meet the Marcurian Rebels! /Backup
The Azadi
April Ryan
April is the Squad Leader, as well as the main character of TLJ. The last time we saw her she was in the Guardian Dimension in between Stark and Arcadia, but it appears she has taken up residence in Arcadia, and is attempting to free Marcuria from from the Azadi. April is gifted with the very rare ability of being able to move between the two worlds at will.
Unfortunately we won't be seeing any of these fine folks again until Chapter 4. Next time we arrive in Venice, get the lay of the land, and meet Charlie.
I'm going to be taking a little break here. I'll keep working on the LP mind you, but I have some stuff to take care since my first year of college is next year. Next update will probably be in a few days, and continuing updates will be every other day at the earliest.
Bonus Content
Let's look at some Dreamfall concept art! Zoe went through a whole bunch of designs that look nothing like she does now. Here's some Concept Art of Zoe's Jacket that she'll be wearing in Chapter 4. Here's the original design for Zoe's ordinary clothes. It's the mysterious Vagabond! Liv is very colorful. It's a Marcurian pimp! We'll see him ingame in Chapter 4. This is a beautiful picture of Emma, and they really dropped the ball with the ingame model. Chinese dude looks badass here. It's too bad he's nothing but an awful stereotype ingame. I think Wonkers is actually even more creepy in the concept art. This painting is genuinely beautiful, at least in my opinion.
Okay, that's enough of that. Next update coming tomorrow.