Part 36: - Granite

1st Granite 1054
I advised our glorious and just leader against the action of flooding living rooms of former clods with water while former clods snooze in beds. The action noted might be misconstrued as oppressive.
2nd Granite 1054
Record of announcement. There have been ten whole sunrises without a brave dreg injured in defense of the powerful fortress Bravemule against our despicable foes. The war elves and the grey elves both cower in our shadows.

5th Granite 1054
Received petition the eleventh from Dett a chief medical dwarf and Mendo a bone setter: the medical room needs cloth to dress wounds. I presented the petition noted. The petition noted pends.
6th Granite 1054
Two seasons have passed since the wellborn migrants arrived from Dreadlion. Our supreme and handsome leader allocated a barrel of rum and fish stew for a celebration of their dutiful service to Matul Remrit.
7th Granite 1054
As decreed Frote replaced the pup alarm.

9th Granite 1054
Received petition the fourth from Giben a dyer: former clods need privileges in the areas of tombs and food hall access and chests and clothes and cabinets. I presented the petition noted. The petition noted was denied.
11th Granite 1054
The war elves skulk around a camp fire. I do not think there is intent held to leave.

15th Granite 1054
Our great and good leader desires to order warfare on the war elves in reprisal for the murder of Alk a milker in Galena of 1053. Half the militia recovers in the medical room from grey elf ambushes. I advised for passive warfare.

16th Granite 1054
Announcement. Our magnificent and kind leader has ordered passive warfare on the war elves to begin with this sunrise on the sixteenth of Granite. Each dreg is ordered to make scornful gestures in clear view of the war elves.
19th Granite 1054
There are several injured in the medical room who can not recover without cloth to dress wounds. I explained to Dett a chief medical dwarf the war elves prevent Dreadlion caravans to negotiate cloth from.

20th Granite 1054
I advised our grand and fair leader against the action of having murder done upon the crippled dwarves in the medical room. The action noted might be misconstrued as cruel.
22nd Granite 1054
Received petition the first from Namuc a miller: wellborn migrants need privileges in the area of gold chalices encrusted with opals. I presented the petition noted. The petition noted was approved.
23rd Granite 1054
Counted stock for the month of Granite. Estimated value at ten hundreds of thousands. It was difficult to estimate value of stone flutes without recent caravans.
24th Granite 1054
The pup alarm alerted of an ambush from a squad of grey elves. The militia defeated the grey elves. Vill a warrior of the shield birthed Oven an infant amidst combat. Vill a warrior of the shield was crippled from a grey elf axe.

25th Granite 1054
Announcement. There has been one whole sunrise without a brave dreg injured in defense of the indomitable fortress Bravemule against our shameful foes. The war elves and the grey elves both desire our beards.
27th Granite 1054
As decreed Frote replaced the pup alarm.
28th Granite 1054
Announcement. Each dreg is ordered to not despair over alleged constant hardship or alleged intolerable suffering. Each dreg is ordered to be content with life in Bravemule.