Part 73: Monster Time Part 3
Fuck yeah, Mad Duck.But I digress. It's finally time for
Monsters of

They come in swarms! But they're not very dangerous otherwise.
Strategy: Weaken them with Fire or Bacon, then clean up.
HP 100, Offense 23, Defense 13, Speed 10.
Special abilities: "Say something nasty."
Weak against Fire, Freeze and Paralysis. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 415 XP and $26, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Boiled egg.

Completely uninteresting.
Strategy: Freeze Alpha and physical attacks will more than suffice.
HP 142, Offense 30, Defense 37, Speed 7.
Weak against Fire, Freeze, Flash and Hypnosis.
Worth 570 XP and $47, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Bomb.

One of the two marionette brothers, Handsome Tom specializes in disabling attacks. Brainshock won't work any better than it did for the Territorial Oak, but Hypnosis can be an ass, especially if it's Nass that gets hit.
Strategy: Just hit him until he stops moving.
HP 133, PP 16, Offense 27, Defense 25, Speed 11.
Special abilities: Hypnosis A, Brainshock A.
Weak against Fire and Flash. Resistant to Freeze. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 520 XP and $45, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Tin of cocoa.

The other puppet guy, specialized in assistance techniques. Attack him first, since he knows Lifeup.
Strategy: Regular attacks again.
HP 161, PP 55, Offense 34, Defense 44, Speed 17.
Special abilities: Defense Down A, Lifeup A.
Weak against Fire and Flash. Resistant to Freeze.
Worth 712 XP and $48, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Refreshing herb.

Possessions sucks; losing actions at random really screws up your ability to plan ahead.
Strategy: Hit them with Freeze Beta right away, before they can cause problems.
HP 176, Offense 28, Defense 19, Speed 30.
Special abilities: "Reach out with an icy hand," "Possess you in a frightening manner," "Call for help."
Weak against Freeze and Flash. Immune to Fire.
Worth 950 XP and $81, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Secret Herb.

A fairly tough enemy. His mold spores will make you cry, which is a major problem for Nass (less so for Kim). Fortunately it wears off after the battle's over.
Strategy: Freeze Beta, or Freeze Alpha + physical attacks if you're conserving PP.
HP 203, Offense 36, Defense 41, Speed 9.
Special abilities: "Scatter some mold spores."
Weak against Freeze and Hypnosis. Resistant to Paralysis. Immune to Fire.
Worth 830 XP and $53, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Croissant.

Ugh, high-Defense enemies are the worst. Leave the Ghost for last, even though he knows Lifeup - you don't want other enemies hitting you while you wear it down.
Strategy: It resists Freeze, unfortunately; the best approach is to have Nass attack and Kim spam Fire.
HP 194, Offense 34, Defense 89, Speed 10.
Special abilities: Lifeup A, "Vent a terrible odor."
Weak against Fire, Flash, Paralysis and Hypnosis. Resistant to Freeze.
Worth 606 XP and $71, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Broken iron.

Ze tent is alive! Run! ...The tent's not that powerful, it just seems that way because Kim and Susan are still low in HP.
Strategy: Spam your best attacks - Bacon, Fire and bottle rockets. You're right next to town, no need to conserve. Wrap the fight up quick before Nass's friends get killed.
HP 579, PP 56, Offense 43, Defense 69, Speed 10.
Special abilities: Flash A, Defense spray, "Spew Fly Honey out of its mouth," "Emit a pale green light."
Weak against Fire. Resistant to Hypnosis. Immune to Freeze and Paralysis.
Worth 5500 XP and $407.
Monsters of Threed Tunnels

Same as before: pure nuisance, nothing more. Soften up with Fire and finish with physical attacks.

Fuck these guys forever, getting possessed makes the Mini Barf much more of a pain.

Everybody Zombie Night! They can give you a cold, but that's no problem by now.
Strategy: Beat them to death. Again. If there's a lot of them, use Fire.
HP 171, Offense 31, Defense 24, Speed 10.
Special abilities: "Exhale its arctic-cold breath," "Do something mysterious."
Weak against Fire and Flash. Immune to Freeze.
Worth 700 XP and $58, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Hamburger.

These guys are trouble. Strong, tough, fast, and they can poison you, which is a death sentence if you don't know Healing Beta yet.
Strategy: Fortunately they're vulnerable to everything. Have Kim use Freeze Beta right away to get rid of them.
HP 210, Offense 39, Defense 51, Speed 30.
Special abilities: "Bite you with its poisonous fangs."
Weak against Fire, Freeze, Flash and Hypnosis.
Worth 1354 XP and $54, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Bottle rocket.

Really high Defense and immunity to Freeze makes for a serious endurance match, especially if Nass starts crying.
Strategy: Spam Fire and have Susan throw a bottle rocket or two. Play conservative with their HP; Nass will have a very hard time winning alone.
HP 616, Offense 45, Defense 71, Speed 10.
Special abilities: "Exhale a blast of stinky breath," "Spit out a sticky mucus," "Vent a terrible odor"
Weak against Fire. Resistant to Hypnosis. Immune to Freeze and Paralysis.
Worth 7521 XP and $460.
Monsters of Grapefruit Falls

Completely identical to the Urban Zombie except for its drop.
HP 171, Offense 31, Defense 24, Speed 10.
Special abilities: "Exhale its arctic-cold breath," "Do something mysterious."
Weak against Fire and Flash. Immune to Freeze.
Worth 700 XP and $58, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Skip sandwich.

Like Black Antoids, only stronger! Except they can't use Lifeup any more. If Kim's running low on PP, these are good targets for PSI Magnet.
Strategy: Hit them with blunt objects and bullets until they don't move any more. If they start multiplying, use Bacon and Fire to wipe them out.
HP 112, PP 30, Offense 29, Defense 27, Speed 10.
Special abilities: Strong attack, Defense Down A, Call for help.
Weak against Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Hypnosis.
Worth 1175 XP and $35, with a 1/8 chance to drop a Sugar packet.

Red Antoids are sometimes accompanied by these guys. Like Titanic Ant's helpers, they only ever use Lifeup.
Strategy: Fire Alpha will kill them all at once, if you want. Or just kill everything else and then PSI Magnet them dry.
HP 34, PP 25, Offense 14, Defense 13, Speed 4.
Special abilities: Lifeup A.
Weak against Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Hypnosis.
Worth 37 XP and $7.

High Defense again. At least this time you can freeze them.
Strategy: Freeze Beta, if you can afford it; otherwise kill everything else and then hope for a SMAAAAASH!
HP 202, Offense 37, Defense 108, Speed 7.
Special abilities: "Make something spin around."
Weak against Fire and Freeze.
Worth 1566 XP and $77, with a 1/8 chance to drop a Broken spray can.

Offensive powerhouses with lots of HP. No tricks up their sleeves, though.
Strategy: Freeze and physical attacks. Plain Crocodiles should be your top priority.
HP 234, Offense 40, Defense 55, Speed 10.
Special abilities: Strong attack.
Weak against Freeze. Resistant to Fire.
Worth 1928 XP and $62, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Meteornium.

Minor nuisance; they're only in the tunnels, so you don't need to conserve PP any more once you reach them.
Strategy: Freeze and physical attacks.
HP 209, Offense 30, Defense 26, Speed 35.
Special abilities: "Vent a terrible odor," "Leap forward and spread its wings."
Weak against Fire, Freeze and Paralysis. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 1757 XP and $80, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Secret herb.
Monsters of Belch's Factory

Not remotely a threat unless you dick around long enough for them to get PSI Magnet going. Pretty much the ultimate grinding tool, if you're into that sort of thing.

HP 120, PP 10, Offense 29, Defense 9, Speed 1.
Special abilities: Brainshock A, PSI Magnet A.
Weak against Fire, Freeze and Paralysis. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 1311 XP and $93, with a 1/64 chance to drop a PSI caramel.

Same as before, only in larger numbers. Fire Alpha is a must, maybe even Fire Beta if you've got it.

Upgraded No Good Flies. Nothing's changed but their stats, and they're still not very impressive.
HP 141, Offense 32, Defense 16, Speed 15.
Special abilities: "Say something nasty."
Weak against Fire, Freeze and Paralysis. Resistant to Hypnosis.
Worth 1116 XP and $84, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Pizza.

A high-Defense enemy that can blind you and summon more of itself.

Strategy: If Nass has the PP to burn, use Paralysis right off the bat. Otherwise attack and Freeze, and hope for the best.
HP 224, Offense 42, Defense 61, Speed 15.
Special abilities: Call for help, "Exhale a blast of stinky breath", "Spit out a sticky mucus."
Weak against Paralysis.
Worth 1978 XP and $124, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Bomb.

He's invincible until you use Fly Honey, after which he wastes every other turn. He's pretty easy as long as you go all out, but he's got some really nasty attacks - he can inflict nausea and summon more Slimy Little Piles, and if you're unlucky he'll use his "continuous attack" which will pretty much instakill anyone but Nass.
Strategy: Freeze Beta and bottle rockets for damage. Nass should heal damage and nausea, and try for Hypnosis if he has a free turn.
HP 650, Offense 50, Defense 88, Speed 16.
Special abilities: Continuous attack, Call for help, "Burp and blow his nauseating breath at you."
Weak against Hypnosis. Resistant to Paralysis.
Worth 12509 XP and $664.

Monsters of Milky Well

Unlike the ones Susan met in Winters, these guys are fully equipped with mushroom spores, and they're fast enough to get them off before you can kill them.
Strategy: Freeze or Fire and physical attacks.
HP 157, Offense 29, Defense 22, Speed 28.
Special abilities: "Scatter some spores."
Weak against Fire and Freeze. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 1492 XP and $95, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Rust promoter.

Oh, not this shit again.
Exactly like the ones from Twoson, only stronger and tougher. Even in the presence of Struttin' Evil Mushrooms, I try to kill these guys first.
Strategy: Freeze or Fire and physical attacks. If they multiply out of control, use Fire Beta to weaken them so that the others can take them out.
HP 179, PP 13, Offense 33, Defense 27, Speed 18.
Special abilities: Call for help, PSI Magnet A, Lifeup A.
Weak against Fire, Freeze and Paralysis. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 1865 XP and $119, with a 1/16 chacne to drop a Sprig of parsely.

I have no idea what that name is supposed to mean. Ranboob is a high-HP/Defense enemy who can use Shield for extra fuck-this-shit points. That said, they can't drain your PP or put mushrooms on your head, so they're the least dangerous thing here.
Strategy: Leave them for last and use physical attacks. (Remember, Susan's guns are shooting weapons and penetrate Shield.)
HP 232, PP 42, Offense 41, Defense 63, Speed 20.
Special abilities: Shield A, "Sprinkle a wonderful-smelling powder."
Weak against Fire. Resistant to Freeze.
Worth 2486 XP and $158, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Picnic lunch.

Once a Tough Mobile Sprout, Trillionage has dug its roots into the soil of the Milky Well and grown far more dangerous and obnoxious than its lesser brethren could ever dream of. The King of Sprouts is accompanied by two normal Tough Mobile Sprouts, and can inflict crying, paralysis, and even the dreaded diamondization. If you do get diamondized, use a Cup of lifenoodles or Horn of life to fix it. (You... didn't give all of them to the same person, did you?)
Strategy: I like to save my Big Bottle Rocket for this fight - saps more than half his HP right away and makes the rest of the fight much easier. That aside, use Bacon Beta, Fire Beta and bottle rockets. Anyone who's been mushroomized should attack physically (to avoid a self-inflicted TPK).
HP 1048, PP 240, Offense 54, Defense 88, Speed 16.
Special abilities: Flash A, Paralysis A, PSI Shield A, "Glare with its eerie eyes."
Weak against Fire. Resistant to Freeze and Hypnosis. Immune to Paralysis.
Worth 30303 XP and $1358.