Howdy, folks. Leavemywife here with another LP of another classic SNES RPG. Maybe you've heard of it, maybe not. Either way, that's what I'm here for!
We're going to be doing Earthbound this thread, and it's a bit more of a cult classic, as compared to the other RPG's released around that era. It never had the success that Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Trigger did, financially speaking, but in the hearts of fans everywhere, it's a Goddamn masterpiece.
It's simplistic, yet very nice graphics lend a lot of credence to the characters. The enemies are all varied, bizarre, and most are confusing as shit to fight. The game itself has a nice difficulty to it, making it a fair challenge to work your way through, even with grinding.
The combat system is the classic Dragon Warrior style, where you don't actually see your characters in combat. There's plenty of animations and things to see in combat, though, and I'll be doing my best to show all of that off.
However, the humor of this game is what makes it so great. It's like a Japanese love letter to American culture, but the writer of said letter had never been to America, spoke to an American, and had only read about it in a magazine and seen a few American TV shows.
I'll be doing my best to guide you all through this experience, for better or for worse. There'll be only a few chances for audience participation here, but I assure you, any important decisions that are to be made, will be made by you guys.
Spoiler Policy
No fucking spoilers, unless they're behind spoiler tags. Even with that in mind, do not turn every, or any, page into a Goddamned CIA document. Mostly, it's concerning the things that make this game, well...Earthbound. Anyone who's played it before knows exactly what that means. This also covers Youtube videos with spoilers in the related videos.

- Update One: Audience Participation A-Go!
- Update Two: Change Out Of Your Jammies
- Update Three: That's One Hell Of An Opinion
- Update Four: I'm Thinking In Here!
- Update Five: Have You Been Wetting Your Bed?
- Update Six: For A Small Town, Onett Has A Lot Of Shit
- Update Seven: Shark Attack!
- Update Eight: One Small Leap
- Update Nine: And One Giant Step
- Update Ten: Primeval Is An Awful Show
- Update Eleven: Mushroomization Actually Sucks In This Game
- Update Twelve: Warehouse 13 Is Cool
- Update Thirteen: Yodeling In The Valley
- Update Fourteen: Trees Aren't Supposed To Do That!
- Update Fifteen: If I Were Green I Would Die
- Update Sixteen: Crash Boom Bang
- Update Seventeen: Lilliput Steppin' To Sanctuary Two
- Update Eighteen: Money, It's What I Got
- Update Nineteen: Mid-Afternoon Of The Living Dead
- Update Twenty: Susan And Tony's Excellent Adventure
- Update Twenty One: Burn It To The Ground
- Update Twenty Two: Apple Kid Is The Fucking Bomb
- Update Twenty Three: Boing Ding Zoom!
- Bonus: Insignificant Item
- Update Twenty Four: The Barf Factory
- Update Twenty Five: Let's Wash The Puke Off, Ding!
- Update Twenty Six: Weeding The Sanctuary
- Update Twenty Seven: League Of Legends Seems Pretty Cool
- Update Twenty Eight: What're You Smilin' About, Asshole?
- Update Twenty Nine: Downtown, No Finer Place For Sure
- Update Thirty: Let's Go Earn Ourselves Some Gold
- Update Thirty One: I Should Have Saved The Third Strongest For Last
- Update Thirty Two: Damn The Sales! Or: In Which I Get My Ass Kicked
- Update Thirty Three: Bone Bone Bone
- Update Thirty Four: Bit On The Short Side, Eh?
- Update Thirty Five: Motherfuckin' Monkeys!
- Update Thirty Six: I Think It's The ED-209 Prototype
- Update Thirty Seven: Kim, To Honor Your Return, We're Buying A House
- Update Thirty Eight: On A Silver Platter
- Update Thirty Nine: I Hate Typing This Fucker's Name
- Update Forty: Quick View Of The City
- Update Forty One: I Feel Stupid
- Update Forty Two: Get The Fuck Outta My Face, Miyagi
- Update Forty Three: Hey, Poo, Save Some Levels For The Others
- Update Forty Four: And The Thunder Rolls...
- Update Forty Five: ExplosionFace Made A Wonderful Thing
- Update Forty Six: It's Dancing Time!
- Update Forty Seven: Yellow Brick Road
- Update Forty Eight: *Insert Beatles Joke*
- Update Forty Nine: It's In My Raccoon Wounds!
- Update Fifty: Hey, Bubby!
- Update Fifty One: What The Fuck Is A Henge Anyway?
- Update Fifty Two: All Their Base Belong To Me
- Update Fifty Three: Where's The Movie Version?
- Update Fifty Four: Rock Down To Electric Avenue
- Update Fifty Five: I Think I'd Rather Go To Jurassic Park
- Update Fifty Six: Come On Baby, Light My Fire
- Update Fifty Seven: We Magicant Stop Now
- Update Fifty Eight: Night Of The Comet
- Update Fifty Nine: Shit Just Got Heavy
- Update Sixty: To Infinity And Beyond
- Update Sixty One: The Finale
- Update Sixty Two: Thanks, Everybody

Ness' Character Page
Paula's Character Page
Jeff's Character Page
Poo's Character Page
Onett Travel Guide
Onett Shops
Onett Times
Twoson Travel Guide
Twoson Shops
Twoson Tribune
Happy Happy Village
Runaway Five
Winters Travel Guide
Winters Shops
Winters News
Fly Honey
Threed Travel Guide
Threed Shops
Threed Journal
Dusty Dunes Travel Guide
Dusty Dunes Stores
Dusty Dunes News
Fourside Travel Guide
Fourside Shops
Fourside Mall
Moonside Intro
Fourside Post
Dalaam Shopping Guide
Dalaam Stores
Dalaam Today
Dalaam Today Items
Summers Shopping Guide
Summers Stores
Daily Summers
Scaraba Travel Guide
Scaraba Shops
Scaraba Papyrus
Deep Darkness Guide
Deep Darkness Shops
Deep Darkness News
Lost Underworld Guide
Lost Underworld Shops
Lost Underworld News
Magicant Stores
Saturn Valley Guide
Saturn Valley News
Final Clipping

Part The First
No Societal Commentary Here!


Diagerus made another wonderful drawing; he's really fucking awesome.
Paul Power

Paul Power helped contribute to the

Sudden Guts Pill
Holmes and Watson:

Your Favorite Cats:

Art contest entry:

Sudden Guts Pill proved herself as one of my favorite posters in the thread early on, but her contributions helped cement her status as awesome.
Curious Terminal

Curious Terminal created a couple of badass avatars, a smiley-esque dude perfect for Happy Happy Village, and the prototype of what became

While not drawn art, art comes in many forms, as Byzantine is willing to show us.
Hello Ness, this is your dad
Hello Ness, this is your dad
Take your Sudd'n Guts Pill
And put on your red cap
ness Hello Ness ness, this is your dad ness
ness, ness Call your mom if you're ness feeling sad ness
ness, ness Take breaks often ness
And may good luck be with you....
it h-urts...
This is Andonuts to Jeff and friends
You've really made the grade
And the Phase Distorter's locked on to his time
Now you'll go to fight that Giygas
With your minds
This is Ness and friends to Andonuts
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm moving
in a most peculiar way
And the world looks very different today
For here
Am I fighting in a tin can
Far before my birth
Planet Earth is bound
To the Sanctuary sound
Though I've gained
The powers of the Earth
I'm feeling very weak
And I think my PSI Rock knows which way to go
Tell my mom I love her very much
she knows!
Paula here to anyone
We're overwhelmed,
We can't hang on
Can you hear me, anyone?
Can you hear me, anyone?
Can you hear me, anyone?
Can you he..... we are dying in our tin cans
Far before our time
Planet Earth is doomed
And there's nothing we can do....
And Dias decided that these lyrics needed to be performed.
Silver Falcon

Silver Falcon drew a couple of silly things and they're just so

Explosionface's .gif/avatar Extravaganza

Fun with HellowWinter's drawing


Tomas Jefferson and his not-quite-as-awesome brothers

Teleporting around

Some emoticons, some of which actually exist as emotes now.

Sudden Guts Pill and a fun idea

Jesus Christ, man, you're too awesome.
Hello Winter

In addition to drawing out what the thread title actually would be like for lil' old Nass, Hello Winter also drew out what it'd be like if there was an Earthbound/Harvest Moon crossover.
This Is A Cool Guy
Mad Duck Bounce:

PK Foppie storm (and Fobby)

Dear God, those things are too badass.
Bright Wing

Sectum Sempra

The Spiteful Crows can rob you, as well as the various types of Octobots; the only conclusion to make is that these assholes are one in the same!

Monster Time with Alien Arcana
Alien Arcana is awesome and knows a shitload about this game. Thankfully, he's willing to share his knowledge with us!
Part 1

- Prologue / Onett Outskirts
- Streets of Onett
- Your Sanctuary: Giant Step
- Showdown at the Police Station
Part 2

- Streets of Twoson
- Peaceful Rest Valley
- The Cult of Happy Happy
- Your Sanctuary: Lilliput Step
Part 3

- Zombie Night in Threed
- Spooky Tunnels under Threed
- Grapefruit Falls
- The Fly Honey Factory
- Your Sanctuary: Milky Well
Part 4

- Dusty Dunes Desert
- Fourside, the Big Banana
- Maze of the Five Guardians
Part 5

- Department Store in the Dark
- edisnooM ot emocleW
- The Monotoli Building
Part 6

- Winters Wonderland
- ...Brick Road
- Your Sanctuary: Rainy Circle
Part 7

- Summers Resort
- Your Sanctuary: Magnet Hill
- Your Sanctuary: Pink Cloud
- Adventure on the High Seas
Part 8

- Sands of Scaraba
- Secrets of the Pyramid
- The Dungeon Man
Part 9

- The Deep Darkness
- Winters, Invaded
- Alien Stonehenge Base
Part 10

- Your Sanctuary: Lumine Hall
- The Lost Underworld
- Your Sanctuary: Fire Spring
Part 11

- Magicant
- Onett Under Siege
Part 12

- Cave of the Past