Part 78: Monster Time Part 8
Sudden Guts Pill posted:
Dammit, I wish I wasn't allergic to peanuts because I would make the shit out of that.
Allergy buddies

EDIT oh yeah I should post this.
Monsters of Scaraba
Two deserts in one game? Huh. Fun fact: there are no cacti in Scaraba, because the game designers know the difference between American and African deserts.
Most of the guys here are upgrades from the Dusty Dunes rogues' gallery. Try to conserve your PSI as you go through this area: you'll be needing it in the pyramid.

Dread Skelpion
Basically the same as the original Skelpion. Its Defense is low, so you can easily kill it with regular attacks.
HP 214, PP 125, Offense 82, Defense 57, Speed 40, Guts 88, Luck 8.
Weak vs Fire, Freeze, and Hypnosis. Immune to Brainshock.
Worth 9,908 XP and $609, with a 1/8 chance to drop a Ketchup packet.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Sting with its poisonous stinger: Poison one target.
(1/4) Bash for (164 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Use Thunder α.
(1/8) Use Thunder β.

Great Crested Booka
Physically powerful, the Booka can deal a lot of damage if you don't stop it fast - try using Freeze. In groups, it might be worth Hypnotizing it so you can focus on the other enemies.
HP 452, Offense 100, Defense 110, Speed 20, Guts 28, Luck 40.
Weak vs Hypnosis. Strong vs Paralysis. Immune to Fire and Brainshock.
Worth 16,365 XP and $604, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Beef jerky.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (220 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Have a big grin on its face (no action).
(1/8) Shriek a war cry: Lower one target's Offense and Defense.
(1/8) Charge forward for (330 - Defense) damage.

Beautiful UFO
Kirei~... Nothing new here; it's just an improved Cute Li'l UFO. High Speed and elemental resistance makes it a bit tricky to pin down, but it doesn't have much offensive power. You could Brainshock it, I guess.
Like its forebear, the Beautiful UFO drops random items. Possibilities include: a Can of fruit juice, Royal iced tea, a Protein drink, Kraken soup (!), a Bottle of water, a Cold remedy, or a Vial of serum.
HP 339, PP 15, Offense 86, Defense 87, Speed 59, Guts 1, Luck 71.
Weak vs Brainshock. Strong vs Fire, Freeze and Flash. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 8,257 XP and $426, with a special drop pattern.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Fire a beam for (172 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use Lifeup α.

High-class UFO
Two, two, TWO KINDS OF UFO! Other than the automatic Shield α, it's pretty much the same as the Beautiful variant, only with slightly different powers and none of the rando-drop nonsense. Despite the shield, just use physical attacks. It's not really worth it to waste PSI.
HP 433, PP 72, Offense 93, Defense 103, Speed 60, Guts 15, Luck 24.
Weak vs Fire and Brainshock. Strong vs Flash. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 12,385 XP and $456, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Skip sandwich DX.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Fire a beam for (186 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Disrupt your senses: Render one target unable to concentrate.
(1/8) Use PSI Shield α.

Marauder Octobot
Only found in southern Scaraba (beyond the Pyramid), this guy kicks off the Octobot series of enemies. He's more annoying than anything else, especially when he starts stealing your food. Pound him to death. If you have any rust promoter, feel free to use it.
HP 482, Offense 99, Defense 121, Speed 23, Guts 8, Luck 24.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Freeze and Hypnosis. Immune to Flash.
Worth 14,475 XP and $499.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Fire a beam for (198 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Steal an item

(1/8) Coil around and attack: Immobilize one target.

Master Criminal Worm
The Criminal Caterpillar's big brother. Chasing him across Scaraba is risky, but if you can pin him down he'll die to a single Freeze γ. The rewards are well worth it.
HP 377, PP 300, Offense 73, Defense 40, Speed 136, Guts 0, Luck 0.
Weak vs Fire, Freeze, Flash, Paralysis and Hypnosis. Immune to Brainshock.
Worth 82,570 XP. (!!!!!)
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Fire α.
(1/4) Fire β.
Monsters of the Pyramid
The Pyramid is another slog of a dungeon, though not as bad as Magnet Hill. It's hard to avoid encounters, and there's lots of status effects being thrown around, along with monsters that resist physical attacks... so you tend to burn through your PSI quickly. Learn to use PSI Magnet effectively, it'll help a lot.
I suggest you leave all the healing to Poo (who can more easily recover lost PP using water and Magnet). Nass should focus on Paralyzing the more threatening enemies.

Guardian Hieroglyph
Thunder isn't the most dangerous PSI power, and Flash α lacks the sting of the later variants, while colds are fairly cheap to cure. Have Nass and Susan pound on these guys while Kim and Poo take the chance to recharge their batteries with PSI Magnet.
HP 470, PP 126, Offense 94, Defense 106, Speed 20, Guts 20, Luck 38.
Weak vs Fire and Hypnosis. Strong vs Freeze. Immune to Brainshock.
Worth 13,064 XP and $470, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Pharaoh's curse.
AI Routine: Do one of the first two actions at random, then one of the last two, then repeat.
1. (1/2) Let loose with a hacking cough: Give one target a Cold.
1. (1/2) Use Thunder α.
2. (1/2) Use Flash α.
2. (1/2) Use Thunder β.

Lethal Asp Hieroglyph
Also not tremendously dangerous, though its stronger bite attack can be painful for Poo. Physical attacks and Freeze α should be enough to finish it off in one round, before it can do much damage.
HP 458, Offense 89, Defense 94, Speed 21, Guts 5, Luck 36.
Weak vs Freeze, Paralysis and Hypnosis. Strong vs Fire. Immune to Brainshock.
Worth 11,321 XP and $625, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Pharoah's curse.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bite for (178 - Defense) damage.
(3/8) Bite for (267 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Coil around and attack: Immobilize one target.

An upgrade to a monster you probably never even fought (it was back in Rainy Circle). Easily the least dangerous enemy in the pyramid. Kill it with physical attacks; Susan can lock it down with the Slime generator if necessary.
HP 344, Offense 87, Defense 86, Speed 20, Guts 4, Luck 0.
Weak vs Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 10,449 XP and $412, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Beef jerky.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Sting with its poison stinger: Poison one target.
(3/8) Bash for (172 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Shoot spider silk: Immobilize one target.

Fierce Shattered Man
Big guy, with tons of HP; a pain to take down. You can lock down individuals with the Slime generator, but if he brought a friend just save yourself some trouble and Paralyze him in the first round.
HP 516, Offense 101, Defense 116, Speed 12, Guts 5, Luck 4.
Weak vs Paralysis. Strong vs Fire and Brainshock.
Worth 17,423 XP and $577, with a 1/2 chance to drop a Mummy wrap.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (202 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Start a continuous attack, with each attack dealing (202 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Give you a great big hug: Solidify one target.
(1/8) Reach out with its icy hand: Solidify one target.

Petrified Royal Guard
Ack, screw these guys. They hit like trucks, have stupidly high Defense, and resist Freeze. These guys you should definitely Paralyze.
HP 573, Offense 106, Defense 173, Speed 12, Guts 5, Luck 5.
Weak against Paralysis. Strong against Freeze and Brainshock.
Worth 19,163 XP and $628, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Sudden guts pill.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Come out swinging for (212 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Charge forward for (318 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Shriek a war cry: Lower one target's Offense and Defense.

Guardian General
The only "boss" in Scaraba, the Guardian General is very similar to the Royal Guards, only without that paralysis weakness. His Defense is utterly ridiculous, but he's vulnerable to bottle rockets. Have Poo throw up a Shield Σ for added safety.
HP 831, PP 6, Offense 109, Defense 214, Speed 21, Guts 1, Luck 7.
Strong vs Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock.
Worth 95,390 XP and $3,235.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Come out swinging for (218 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Make something spin around, sapping one target's PP.
(1/4) Bash for (218 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Bash for (218 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Charge forward for (327 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Shriek a war cry: Lower one target's Offense and Defense.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.
Monsters of Dungeon Man
Brick Road still hasn't quite got the knack of picking threatening monsters.

I'm not sure what-all enemies are actually in here, to be honest. These are the ones I encountered, but I'm pretty sure there are Moonside baddies in here somewhere, too.

Worthless Protoplasm

HP 38, Offense 11, Defense 21, Speed 27, Guts 0, Luck 1.
Weak against Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 17 XP and $11, with a 1/4 chance to drop a Cookie.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (22 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Size up the situation: Start to feel a little strange.
(1/4) Call for help: Worthless Protoplasm.

Mystical Record
These guys are a lot less scary now that you've got Kim back (and have gained a dozen levels or so). Bash them to death, or use Fire γ for the comedy option.
HP 263, PP 35, Offense 63, Defense 78, Speed 20, Guts 12, Luck 7.
Weak against Fire and Brainshock. Immune to Flash and Hypnosis.
Worth 2,736 XP and $310, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Pizza.
AI Routine: Do one of the first two actions at random, then one of the last two, then repeat.
1. (1/2) Charge forward for (189 - Defense) damage.
1. (1/2) Bash for (126 - Defense) damage.
2. (1/2) Use Lifeup α.
2. (1/2) Charge forward for (189 - Defense) damage.

Scalding Coffee Cup
Unfortunately you can't PSI Shield away the coffee. Not that it matters; they should go down almost instantly anyway.
HP 190, Offense 55, Defense 20, Speed 23, Guts 5, Luck 1.
Weak vs Freeze. Strong vs Fire, Flash and Hypnosis.
Worth 2,462 XP and $280, with a 1/2 chance to drop a Cup of coffee.
AI Routine:
Spill some scalding hot espresso (as Fire α).

Lesser Mook
Hey, these guys are new. (Unless you teleported to Winters North at the wrong time like Leavemywife did.) Like the Spook from the department store, the Lesser Mooks don't attack physically. Their Freeze β hurts like a bitch, but that's all they've got, and they go down pretty easily to physical attacks. You can fix diamondization with Healing γ or a Secret herb.
HP 401, PP 190, Offense 76, Defense 102, Speed 17, Guts 7, Luck 16.
Weak vs Fire and Hypnosis. Strong vs Paralysis. Immune to Freeze and Brainshock.
Worth 7,640 XP and $467, with a 1/64 chance to drop a PSI caramel.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Use Freeze α.
(1/4) Use Freeze β.
(1/8) Use Hypnosis α.
(1/8) Glare with its eerie eyes: Diamondize one target.