Part 79: Monster Time Part 9
my l41 m4ss4cr3 posted:
Please forgive me for asking this after only just starting to read the thread but why does everyone keep misspelling Ness? It's weirding me out.
For whatever reason "Nass" is what Leavemywife named Ness in this game. Just like Paula is "Kim", Jeff is "Susan", and Poo is... still Poo.
I've been using Leave's names in my monster posts for consistency's sake. (When talking about the game I'm playing in parallel, though, I use my names: Will, Marie, Sean and Kai.)
Speaking of monster posts...
Monsters of the Deep Darkness
The enemies here aren't too bad, but remember you're down to three. If you brought a Piggy nose you can replenish your PP on the way - of course, any truffles you eat now won't be available for the endgame.

Manly Fish
A standard enemy with no tricks. Freeze and physical attacks will put him down.
HP 500. Offense 83, Defense 114, Speed 22, Guts 9, Luck 20.
Strong vs Hypnosis. Immune to Fire.
Worth 15826 XP and $624, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Beef jerky.
AI Routine:
Stab with its spear for (228 - Defense) damage.

Manly Fish's Brother
He can revive fallen allies and has some pretty nasty attacks, so take out the Bro-fish first even though he's tougher. Fire is Kim's choice of weapon here.
HP 526 and PP 210. Offense 114, Defense 123, Speed 24, Guts 11, Luck 24.
Strong vs Flash, Paralysis and Hypnosis. Immune to Freeze.
Worth 15,970 XP and $686, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Horn of life.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Use Hypnosis α.
(1/4) Use Paralysis α.
(1/4) Use Freeze β.
(1/4) Use Healing Ω.

Zap Eel
A shocking enemy with a regrettable lack of Freeze resistance. You did remember to take the Franklin badge off Poo, right?
HP 370. Offense 97, Defense 93, Speed 29, Guts 5, Luck 8.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Hypnosis.
Worth 12,170 XP and $611, with a 1/64 chance to drop a PSI caramel.
AI Routine:
Use an electric shock attack (as Thunder β).

Pit Bull Slug
Oh noes! Just as harmless as their Giant Step cousins; you can clear them out with weak multi-target attacks, or just squash them one by one.
HP 217 and PP 11. Offense 79, Defense 77, Speed 2, Guts 5, Luck 7.
Weak vs Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 9,994 XP and $543, with a 1/4 chance to drop a Salt packet.

AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Bash for (158 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Use a vacuum attack: Lower one target's Offense and Defense.
(1/8) Use Hypnosis α.

Demonic Petunia
These guys are NASTY. They tend to waste their time not attacking, but when they do strike their power equals that of the Kraken's fire breath. Kill them quickly with fire and physicals.
HP 478. Offense 102, Defense 111, Speed 26, Guts 5, Luck 9.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Hypnosis. Immune to Freeze, Paralysis and Mirror.
Worth 15,171 XP and $724, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Spicy jerky.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(5/8) Edge closer (no action).
(1/4) Disperse an extinguishing blast (as Fire γ).
(1/8) Scatter pollen: Paralyze one target.

Hard Crocodile
Another dangerous foe, the Crocodile's attacks hit hard. Fortunately, their low luck renders them vulnerable to the Slime generator. Or you could just hit them with Freeze γ or Ω and be done with it.
HP 522. Offense 110, Defense 128, Speed 23, Guts 10, Luck 4.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Brainshock.
Worth 19,484 XP and $692, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Super plush bear.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (220 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use a biting attack for (330 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Swing its tail hard for (330 - Defense) damage.

Hostile Elder Oak
Oh, goodie, these assholes again. Try to avoid them if possible. If you can't, leave them for last (as they explode when killed) and wipe them out with Bash, Freeze, and the Slime generator.
HP 609. PP 76, Offense 134, Defense 146, Speed 14, Guts 11, Luck 5.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Freeze and Brainshock.
Worth 17,567 XP and $690, with a 1/8 chance to drop a Viper.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (268 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use Brainshock α.
(1/4) Use PSI Magnet α.

Even Slimier Little Pile
Ugh. Crying and summoning, just the combination I wanted to see again. Save yourself a lot of trouble and paralyze this jerk right away.
HP 326. Offense 103, Defense 101, Speed 22, Guts 9, Luck 39.
Weak vs Paralysis. Strong vs Brainshock.
Worth 15,075 XP and $579, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Multi bottle rocket.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (202 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Call for help (Even Slimier Little Pile).
(1/8) Spit out a sticky mucus: Immobilize one target.
(1/8) Exhale a blast of stinky breath: Make all targets cry.

Big Pile of Puke

HP 631. Offense 120, Defense 158, Speed 16, Guts 26, Luck 32.
Strong vs Freeze and Hypnosis.
Worth 19,659 XP and $728, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Meteotite.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (240 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Exhale a blast of stinky breath: Make all targets cry.
(1/8) Spit out a sticky mucus: Immobilize one target.
(1/8) Burp and blow nauseating breath: Nauseate one target.

Master Barf
go awaaaaaay
*sigh* He's back, and grosser than ever, and this time you don't have any fly honey to distract him with. Focus on PSI attacks and unload Susan's store of multi-bottle rockets. You may want to have Nass put up reflective shields to protect against Barf's powerful continuous attacks, and don't forget to paralyze any Piles that get summoned. As with the Clumsy Robot, you have to deplete all his HP before help arrives to save the day.
HP 1,319. Offense 136, Defense 177, Speed 24, Guts 39, Luck 64.
Strong vs Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock. Immune to Mirror.
Worth 125,056 XP and $3,536, and always drops a Casey bat.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Burp and blow its nauseating breath: Nauseate one target.
(1/4) Start a continuous attack (272 - Defense damage per attack).
(1/4) Blow its stinky breath at you: Make all targets cry.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Call for help (Even Slimier Little Pile).
(1/4) Start a continuous attack (272 - Defense damage per attack).
(1/4) Burp and blow its nauseating breath: Nauseate one target.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.
Monsters of Winters (redux)
We caught a glimpse of this earlier when Leavemywife mistakenly teleported into nastyland. There's been a minor alien invasion, and those weird gray polyhedra are everywhere. Nothing too dangerous, though, especially since there's no boss. Don't forget to bring the Pencil eraser!

Lesser Mook
You may have run into one of these guys in Dungeon Man. PSI Shield Σ defeats them utterly, or you can just alpha-strike with physicals and kill them pretty quickly.
HP 401 and PP 190. Offense 76, Defense 102, Speed 17, Guts 7, Luck 16.
Weak vs Fire and Hypnosis. Strong vs Paralysis. Immune to Freeze and Brainshock.
Worth 7,640 XP and $467, with a 1/64 chance to drop a PSI caramel.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Use Freeze α.
(1/4) Use Freeze β.
(1/8) Use Hypnosis α.
(1/8) Glare with its eerie eyes: Diamondize one target.

Whirling Robo
An upgraded Spinning Robo! ...They're weaklings and should give you no trouble at all.
HP 374. PP 36, Offense 78, Defense 90, Speed 18, Guts 5, Luck 12.
Weak vs Freeze. Strong vs Brainshock. Immune to Fire.
Worth 5,782 XP and $256, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Meteotite.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Fire a beam for (156 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Shoot a beam that causes night-time stuffiness: Give a cold to one target.
(1/8) Use the Neutralizer.
(1/8) Use Shield α.

Wooly Shambler it trying to pass itself off as a sheep? No matter, it's not very tough; Nass could mow these guys down all by himself.
HP 391. PP 140, Offense 81, Defense 91, Speed 18, Guts 5, Luck 63.
Strong vs Fire and Brainshock.
Worth 5,397 XP and $458, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Multi bottle rocket.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Fire a beam for (162 - Defense) damage.
(1/8) Use PSI Shield α.
(1/8) Use Flash α.
Monsters of Stonehenge Base
Now we see where all the -tough- enemies were hiding. I recommend you make frequent use of the Atomic Power Robo trick to extend your lifespan. If you want that weapon make sure you get it before you beat the boss, as the enemies vanish after that!

Mook Senior
Mooks can hurt a lot if you let them get their attacks off. If it has friends, I recommend you hypnotize it so you don't have to deal with its bullshit. Otherwise, just use physicals to kill it.
HP 501 and PP 700. Offense 108, Defense 122, Speed 25, Guts 7, Luck 16.
Weak vs Fire and Hypnosis. Strong vs Paralysis. Immune to Freeze and Brainshock.
Worth 21,056 XP and $715, with a 1/32 chance to drop a PSI caramel.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Use Freeze β.
(1/4) Use Fire α.
(1/8) Use Lifeup α.
(1/8) Glare with its eerie eyes: Diamondize one target.

Military Octobot
The few, the proud, the tentacled. Item theft sucks when you're in mid-dungeon, and these guys are a pain to kill because of all their HP. You might want to try a Slime generator lockdown, though it's success rate is only 75% against these guys.
HP 604. Offense 138, Defense 147, Speed 26, Guts 8, Luck 18.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Freeze and Hypnosis. Immune to Flash.
Worth 25,607 XP and $637, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Meteotite.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Fire a beam for (276 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Steal an item

(1/4) Coil around you: Immobilize one target.

Atomic Power Robot
Ah! These guys are important. That "replenish" ability is a full heal to one enemy - at no PP cost. So... have Poo mirror it, and then just defend until he's healed you back up. The Robot's own attacks aren't strong enough to be a problem. Of course, when you do kill it, the bot blows up, so make sure to leave it for last.
HP 594. Offense 119, Defense 133, Speed 25, Guts 8, Luck 12.
Weak vs Freeze. Strong vs Flash and Hypnosis. Immune to Fire and Paralysis.
Worth 26,937 XP and $730, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Super bomb.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Replenish a fuel supply (as Lifeup γ).
(1/4) Fire a beam for (266 - Defense) damage.

Starman's not all that dangerous, really, though PSI Magnet is always obnoxious. He goes down fairly easily to Freeze and physicals.
HP 545 and PP 155. Offense 103, Defense 126, Speed 24, Guts 25, Luck 16.
Strong vs Flash, Paralysis and Brainshock.
Worth 23,396 XP and $720, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Brain food lunch.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Fire a beam for (206 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use Shield α.
(1/4) Use the Sudden Guts pill.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Fire a beam for (206 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use PSI Magnet α.
(1/4) Stand on guard (no action).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.

Starman Super
The Starman Super can call for help and revive fallen enemies, so always kill it first. He starts with a reflective shield up, so don't use any PSI until you get it down - and even then, avoid the stronger stuff in case he puts it back up unexpectedly.
If you want to get its drop without gaining a ton of levels, try this: Find a Starman Super and engage it. Have Susan Spy on it. If you don't find the sword, run away. Then find another Starman Super. Presto: no unnecessary XP gain. It's still going to be a long, painful slog, though, and you'll need the Atomic Power Robot trick to keep your HP high.
HP 568 and PP 310. Offense 112, Defense 129, Speed 24, Guts 25, Luck 16.
Strong vs Flash, Paralysis and Brainshock.
Worth 30,145 XP and $735, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Sword of kings (unique drop).
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Fire a beam for (224 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use PSI Shield β.
(1/4) Use Healing Ω.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Fire a beam for (224 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Call for help (Starman).
(1/4) Stand on guard (no action).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.

Starman Deluxe
Give us back our friends! Have Marie put up a PSI Shield Σ right away to guard against Starstorm. You can win the battle quickly with a multi bottle rocket. If not, use the Shield-killer to take down Starman Deluxe's reflective PSI Shield, then go in for the attack. Keep in mind that he can put it back up, so don't use anything you can't survive reflected. You could try Brainshocking him; a self-inflicted Starstorm would take off a healthy chunk of his HP. You can ignore the Starmen he summons - they die when he does.
HP 1,400 and PP 418. Offense 143, Defense 186, Speed 27, Guts 43, Luck 21.
Strong vs Freeze, Hypnosis and Paralysis. Immune to Flash and Mirror.
Worth 160,524 XP and $3,827.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Fire a beam for (286 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use Starstorm α.
(1/4) Call for help (Starman Super).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Fire a beam for (286 - Defense) damage.
(1/4) Use PSI Shield β.
(1/4) Call for help (Starman).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.