Part 80: Monster Time Part 10
Leavemywife posted:
Thank God I didn't fire off the Multi-Bottle Rocket.
Funny you should mention that

In my defense, I knew Diamond Dog would gain a power shield, I just didn't realize it would apply retroactively to the attack that killed Carbon Dog.
Seeing Sean take four-digit damage was quite a moment.

Anyway. Monster time.
Monsters of Lumine Hall
The seventh Sanctuary location is broken up into two levels. The top level contains only Fobbies, while the lower level has all the other enemies. It's a bit of a maze, with one-way holes and at least one loop.

The Fobbies are if anything less threatening than the Foppies were, as you have so many more options for killing them. A simple combo of Fire β and Bacon α will clear most of them out right away, and you can just use the heavy bazooka and bash attacks to quickly eliminate the rest. Using PSI Magnet Ω on a big group of these guys is a great way to recharge Kim and Poo's batteries - a herd of six will yield an average of 30 PP per application. (Susan can also use his Hungry HP-Sucker to heal up this way.)
HP 240 and PP 19. Offense 98, Defense 84, Speed 5, Guts 5, Luck 3.
Weak vs Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 18,348 XP and $620, with a 1/32 chance to drop a PSI caramel.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Bash for (196 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Use the HP-Sucker.
(1/4) Use Brainshock α.
(1/4) Use PSI Magnet α.

Conducting Spirit
It's like we're back in Pink Cloud again! His attacks can be obnoxious - a lucky KO with Flash β or a double-tap with Thunder γ can cause you a lot of grief. Fortunately they go down pretty easily to the standard tactic of bash, Freeze and bazooka. I would recommend tackling these guys first in any battle.
HP 587 and PP 329. Offense 130, Defense 139, Speed 26, Guts 5, Luck 8.
Strong vs Hypnosis. Immune to Flash.
Worth 30,390 XP and $804, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Brain food lunch.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Use Flash α.
(1/4) Use Flash β.
(1/4) Use Thunder β.
(1/4) Use Thunder γ.

Hyper Spinning Robo
Nothing special. Have Kim and Poo use Freeze β to take the Robo out quickly.
HP 553 and PP 83. Offense 122, Defense 130, Speed 28, Guts 5, Luck 12.
Weak vs Freeze. Strong vs Brainshock. Immune to Fire.
Worth 28,866 XP and $756, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Meteotite.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Fire a beam for (244 - Def) damage.
(1/8) Disrupt your senses: One target can't concentrate.
(1/8) Use Shield β.

Uncontrollable Sphere
These guys are annoying. You have to kill them last, because they explode, and you need to use physical attacks because they have a natural PSI shield (I guess you could use the Neutralizer or Shield-killer though). It can use Fire β, so if you're not in top shape have Kim throw up her own PSI shield over the group first thing.
This is another enemy with a rare drop - the Broken antenna can be fixed to make Susan's best weapon. Not that you need it with the bazooka and all!
HP 577 and PP 180. Offense 116, Defense 134, Speed 27, Guts 5, Luck 15.
Weak vs Fire and Hypnosis. Immune to Freeze, Flash and Brainshock.
Worth 20,389 XP and $769, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Broken antenna. (unique drop)
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (232 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Use Fire α.
(1/8) Use Fire β.
(1/8) Laugh maniacally (no action).

Electro Specter
Electro Specter is quite tough (200+ Defense, 3000+ HP) but his offense is really shitty - Thunder β is basically it. That's right, the Electro Specter has attack capabilities on par with Carpainter. Neutralize his reflective PSI Shield (or wait for him to do it for you), then unload your strongest PSI attacks. Or just use multi bottle rockets - two should do the job.
He's not a hard boss at all, assuming you don't, I dunno, unload your strongest PSI attacks into his shield right off the bat

(protected by PSI Shield β)
HP 3,092 and PP 80. Offense 148, Defense 203, Speed 29, Guts 47, Luck 56.
Strong vs Hypnosis. Immune to Flash, Paralysis and Mirror.
Worth 261,637 XP and $6,564.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(5/8) Use an electrical shock attack (as Thunder β).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
(1/8) Use the Hungry HP-Sucker.
AI Routine 2: Do one of the first two actions at random, then one of the last two, then repeat.
1. (1/2) Use the Neutralizer.
1. (1/2) Use the Shield killer.
2. (1/2) Use an electrical shock attack (as Thunder β).
2. (1/2) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.
Monsters of the Lost Underworld
Welcome to the final non-dungeon area of the game. (Sort of.) It's full of big enemies, but you only fight them one at a time and there's HP-restoring springs everywhere... so it's not so bad, really.

The more "punch-face" of the two dinosaurs. The Wetnosaur can deal some pretty hefty damage, but by now you should have the Defense to survive. Use standard tactics to kill it.
HP 1,030. Offense 126, Defense 172, Speed 17, Guts 2, Luck 16.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Paralysis and Brainshock. Immune to Mirror.
Worth 33,098 XP and $745, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Luxury jerky.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Stomp with its huge foot for (252 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Swing its tail really hard for (378 - Def) damage.
(1/8) Use a biting attack for (378 - Def) damage.
(1/8) Make a loud rumble: Solidify one target.

Chomposaur is protected by a reflective shield of light, so avoid using physical attacks (unless you feel like breaking out the Neutralizer). Use high-level Freeze attacks to kill it instead.
HP 1,288 and PP 320. Offense 139, Defense 183, Speed 17, Guts 3, Luck 16.
Strong vs Paralysis and Brainshock. Immune to Fire and Mirror.
Worth 44,378 XP and $896, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Magic fry pan. (unique drop)
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Swing its tail really hard for (417 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Use Fire α.
(1/4) Use Fire β.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Stomp with its huge foot for (278 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Use Fire β.
(1/4) Use Fire γ.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.

Ego Orb
Weird enemy. Nothing special; strictly inferior, as an enemy, to the Wetnosaur. A single Freeze Ω should kill it, or you can just use standard tactics.
HP 592. Offense 125, Defense 140, Speed 17, Guts 1, Luck 8.
Weak vs Freeze. Strong vs Fire, Flash and Hypnosis. Immune to Paralysis and Mirror.
Worth 24,180 XP and $836, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Skip sandwich DX.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Bash for (250 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Growl and lunge forward for (375 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Tear into you for (375 - Def) damage.
Monsters of Fire Spring
As might be expected, most of the monsters here rely upon fire-based attacks. The Flame and Sea pendants reduce fire damage to almost nothing, and Poo's new Cloak of Kings cuts it down by about a third. Put the pendants on Kim and Susan, and keep Nass and Poo at full health, and no single attack will be able to bring anyone down. Alternately, stock up on Magic tarts before coming in, and just have Kim use PSI Shield Σ whenever facing anything dangerous.
Note: the "fireball" attacks some enemies use appear to be physical attacks that ignore Defense and are affected by fire resistance. It's hard to be sure. Neither Shields nor PSI Shields affect them.

Psychic Psycho
The weakest enemy of the Spring; the Psycho can't do that much damage to you, and has mediocre Defense and no Freeze resistance. Deal with these guys last.
HP 591 and PP 252. Offense 124, Defense 144, Speed 30, Guts 1, Luck 24.
Weak to Brainshock. Strong vs Paralysis. Immune to Fire and Hypnosis.
Worth 30,094 XP and $682, with a 1/32 chance to drop a PSI caramel.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(5/8) Use Fire α.
(3/8) Use Fire β.

Major Psychic Psycho
Fire γ is significantly more threatening, and its Freeze immunity makes it harder to kill. Spam attacks and the bazooka to kill it, and watch out for its PSI shield ability.
HP 618 and PP 574. Offense 145, Defense 152, Speed 31, Guts 1, Luck 24.
Strong vs Freeze, Flash and Brainshock. Immune to Fire and Paralysis.
Worth 39,247 XP and $862, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Star pendant. (unique drop)
AI Routine: Do one of the first two actions at random, then one of the last two, then repeat.
1. (1/2) Use Fire β.
1. (1/2) Use PSI Shield Ω.
2. (1/2) Use Paralysis α.
2. (1/2) Use Fire γ.

Evil Elemental
Another possessing enemy

HP 564. Offense 121, Defense 136, Speed 30, Guts 7, Luck 16.
Weak vs Fire, Flash and Hypnosis. Immune to Freeze, Paralysis, Brainshock and Mirror.
Worth 35,737 XP and $853, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Luxury jerky.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(5/8) Bash for (242 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Disrupt your senses: Render one target unable to concentrate.
(1/8) Possess you in a threatening manner: Possess one target.

Soul Consuming Flame
They have an unblockable Fire Ω attack. That will hurt like balls and can easily kill an unprotected Kim or Susan. Fortunately, they have a Defense of 6. That's not a typo. Forget attacking with Freeze, forget the heavy bazooka, just beat them to death the old-fashioned way.
HP 602. Offense 131, Defense 6, Speed 30, Guts 14, Luck 8.
Weak vs Freeze. Strong vs Hypnosis. Immune to Fire and Mirror.
Worth 37,618 XP and $768, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Meteotite.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Spew out a flaming fireball for (393) fire damage.
(1/4) Breath fire (as Fire γ).
(1/4) Shoot out a spray of fire (as Fire Ω).
(1/4) Edge closer (no action).

Carbon Dog
The last Sanctuary Guardian is no pushover. Neither Freeze nor Fire works very well on him; your best weapons are Bacon and Starstorm, and Susan's bazooka. Have Poo throw up a Shield Σ or Ω right away to blunt his attacks. Kim can use Freeze &gamma or Ω, or Thunder γ either way she's not tremendously effective in this fight.
Warning: Don't try to kill Carbon Dog with a multi bottle rocket. You will get an unpleasant surprise.
HP 1,672. Offense 159, Defense 174, Speed 31, Guts 52, Luck 53.
Strong vs Freeze, Paralysis and Hypnosis. Immune to Fire and Mirror.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Spew out a flaming fireball for (477) fire damage.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
(1/8) Use a biting attack for (318 - Def) damage.
(1/8) Make a piercing howl (no action).
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Shoot out a spray of fire (as Fire Ω).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.
(1/8) Charge forward for (477 - Def) damage.
(1/8) Make a piercing howl (no action).

Diamond Dog
When Carbon Dog dies, he turns into Diamond Dog. He gains a reflective physical shield in the process, so try to kill his first form with a weak attack or PSI.
Diamond Dog remains resistant or immune to most of your PSI, with only Bacon, Starstorm, and the highest-level Freeze able to reliably damage him. I wouldn't advise using the Neutralizer, as you need your own shield of light to stay up. Actually, the tool that's most useful here is the Hungry HP-Sucker; it doesn't always work, but when it does it'll suck hundreds of HP away. Keep up the pressure and heal damage or status conditions he manages to hit you with, and he'll go down eventually.
HP 3,344 and PP 154. Offense 167, Defense 230, Speed 31, Guts 10, Luck 47.
Strong vs Fire, Freeze and Hypnosis. Immune to Flash, Paralysis and Mirror.
Worth 337,738 XP and $6,968.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Use a biting attack for (334 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Emit a glorious light (as Flash Ω).
(1/4) Use Shield β.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Use a biting attack for (501 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Bite down hard: Diamondize one target.
(1/4) Make a piercing howl (no action).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.