Part 81: Monster Time Part 11 - Magicant, Onett Under Siege
Did I post this yet? Don't think I did.Monsters of Magicant
Most of the monsters in outer Magicant are pretty trivial to handle, provided you've kitted out Nass properly. In particular, you really want him to have the Sea pendant; if you missed it, or gave it to someone else, then buy an Earth pendant pronto. The Franklin badge will be very useful as well.
In virtually every battle the correct action is to Bash repeatedly until everything's dead. Save your PP for healing and for the boss.

Mr. Molecule
Magicant's answer to the Foppy. They only attack by using PSI, and yet they begin with the "can't concentrate" ailment. If you can get Nass's Offense up to 200 you can easily one-shot them. Even if they get their shit together, the Sea pendant / Franklin badge combo renders them utterly unable to harm Nass (though the Flying Man might suffer a bit).
HP 280 and PP 21. Offense 118, Defense 97, Speed 18, Guts 5, Luck 4.
Weak vs Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock. Strong vs Flash. Immune to Hypnosis.
Worth 8,708 XP and $659, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Magic tart.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Use Thunder α.
(1/4) Use Fire α.
(1/4) Use Freeze α.
(1/4) Use Flash α.

Electro Swoosh
Thunder attacks are far less dangerous when you've only got a team of one or two (especially with the Franklin badge on the one).
HP 543 and PP 338. Offense 140, Defense 156, Speed 40, Guts 5, Luck 10.
Weak vs Flash. Strong vs Fire and Brainshock.
Worth 17,075 XP and $791, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Sudden guts pill.
AI Routine: Do the following in order.
1. Send greetings (no action).
2. Use an electric shock attack (as Thunder β).
3. Use an electric shock attack (as Thunder β).
4. Charge forward for (420 - Def) damage.

French Kiss of Death
...It can't attack you. All it does is poison you. Not tremendously threatening, considering we've been able to cure poison since Threed.
HP 588. Offense 160, Defense 160, Speed 30, Guts 7, Luck 16.
Weak vs Hypnosis. Strong vs Flash. Immune to Brainshock.
Worth 19,210 XP and $879, with a 1/64 chance to drop a Horn of life.
AI Routine:
Give the kiss of death: Poison one target.

Care Free Bomb
Wuzzat? A threatening enemy? Bombs and super bombs bypass Defense, so they can deal a lot of damage to Nass regardless of his equipment. You can try to paralyze them (50% chance) or just attack until they're dead. The Care Free Bomb is the cause of most Flying Man deaths.
HP 504. Offense 135, Defense 215, Speed 31, Guts 15, Luck 8.
Strong vs Fire and Hypnosis.
Worth 14,941 XP and $641, with a 1/32 chance to drop a Super bomb.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(3/4) Use the Bomb.
(1/4) Use the Super bomb.

Loaded Dice
These weirdos do nothing but call for help constantly, so they should be your first target. There are actually two separate varieties of Loaded Dice, each with its own selection of allies (see the two routines below) but otherwise indistinguishable. Some of their summons are from other areas such as Scaraba and Lumine Hall.
HP 307. Offense 146, Defense 113, Speed 77, Guts 75, Luck 6.
Weak vs Fire, Freeze, Paralysis and Brainshock. Strong vs Flash. Immune to Hypnosis.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Call for help (Care Free Bomb).
(1/4) Call for help (Beautiful UFO).
(1/4) Call for help (High-class UFO).
AI Routine 2: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Call for help (Electro Swoosh).
(1/4) Call for help (Fobby).
(1/4) Call for help (Uncontrollable Sphere).

He's baaaaaaaack.... and he's brought his buddies! This is literally the exact same enemy you fought on the way to Scaraba. Back then, he was scary - but you've gained a lot of levels since then. If you brought the Sea or Flame pendant and the Franklin badge, Kraken can barely even hurt you. If all you have is an Earth pendant you're going to be healing a lot, but you should still be able to pull through. (Flying Man is probably going to die here, though. Sorry.)
It's been mentioned before, but: despite what the official strategy guide says, the Kraken does not drop a rare bat. He doesn't drop anything. So don't bother trying to grind here.
HP 1,097, PP 176, Offense 105, Defense 166, Speed 21, Luck 32.
Strong vs Fire, Freeze and Hypnosis.
Worth 79,267 XP and $3,049,
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Use a Crashing Bang Boom attack (as Thunder β).
(1/4) Breath fire (as Fire γ).
(1/4) Emit a pale green light (as Neutralizer).
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Do one of the first two actions at random, then one of the last two, then repeat.
1. (1/2) Use Flash β.
1. (1/2) Breath fire (as Fire γ).
2. (1/2) Generate a tornado, dealing (315 - Def) damage.
2. (1/2) Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.

Nass's Nightmare
A duel to the death with Nass's dark side. You're going to get pounded by your own personal PSI techniques and there's no way to shield yourself; just hope for the best. If you have the Sea pendant, or at least the Night pendant, the glorious light isn't a problem, and you can roll with Bacon α. Watch out, though: when the Nightmare uses Lifeup, its next attack will be Bacon Ω. That will probably kill you - but with only two people in the battle, you should have more than enough time to Lifeup yourself back together before the meter hits zero.
The Nightmare starts out with a psychic shield, and may switch to a shield of light. Use physical attacks until the switch happens, then switch to Bacon until you start running low (save a little for healing). If it's still not dead, attack and hope for a shield-breaking SMAAAASH!
You can also try using Bags of dragonite to shorten the battle. You'll want to use them before he uses Shield β, though.
(protected by PSI Shield α)
HP 1,654, PP 882. Offense 172, Defense 253, Speed 31, Guts 1, Luck 80.
Strong vs Freeze, Flash and Brainshock. Immune to Paralysis and Mirror.
Worth 89,004 XP and $4,442.
AI Routine 1: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/4) Use Bacon α.
(1/4) Emit a glorious light (as Flash Ω).
(1/4) Use Shield β.
(1/4) Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Do the following in order.
1. Use Bacon α.
2. Use Lifeup β.
3. Use Bacon Ω.
4. Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.
Monsters of Onett Besieged
Home... sweet... home? There's plenty of opportunities to heal up as you trek through Onett, but don't get cocky - some of the enemies here are downright nasty. Because of elemental resistances
You may find it useful to equip your party with Crystal charms and Diamond bands at this point, instead of the pendants and bracelets you've found thus far. Crystal charms (and the Rabbit's foot) render you immune to paralysis and diamondization, and while the high-level armwear protects you from hypnosis it makes you vulnerable to Brainshock (you're normally immune to that, remember?) You'll lose out on some Defense, but physical attacks aren't the main threat here, and no enemies in Onett have any of the elemental attacks that the pendants protect against.

Mechanical Octobot
Okay this one's not so nasty, other than the ever-frustrating theft ability. You can just bash this guy to death.
HP 768. Offense 147, Defense 176, Speed 43, Guts 8, Luck 24.
Weak vs Fire. Strong vs Freeze and Hypnosis. Immune to Flash.
Worth 41,738 XP and $744, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Meteotite.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Fire a beam for (294 - Def) damage.
(1/4) Steal an item

(1/4) Generate a mysterious electric field: Paralyze one target.

Evil Eye
Status condition central. If you followed my advice and equipped Crystal charms and Diamond bands none of his shit works and you can deal with him at your leisure. Otherwise, resist the temptation to Freeze him to death - an unexpected Brainshock could have painful consequences.
HP 720 and PP 400. Offense 141, Defense 162, Speed 38, Guts 25, Luck 16.
Weak vs Freeze. Strong vs Paralysis, Brainshock and Mirror. Immune to Fire and Flash.
Worth 46,376 XP and $896, with a 1/16 chance to drop a Meteotite.
AI Routine: Each turn do one of the following at random.
(1/2) Use Brainshock Ω.
(1/4) Glare with its eerie eyes: Diamondize one target.
(1/8) Use Paralysis Ω.
(1/8) Bash for (282 - Def) damage.

Ghost of Starman
These guys can just take a giant leap. They drop the game's best ribbon, but fuck trying to grind these guys even with the Spy/Flee trick. Round 1 is a guaranteed Starstorm α for about 360 damage apiece. The only way to prevent the damage is for Kim to throw up a PSI Shield Σ before it hits. She should be fast enough to pull it off, though it'll be a drain on her PP. If there's other enemies around, you might want to use the Ω variant instead - that'll kill the Ghost of Starman quite handily, freeing everyone else up to handle the other threat. Be prepared to heal up with Lifeup Ω if you're too slow. Try to avoid using any other PSI so that turns go by faster, in case you do need an emergency heal.
HP 750 and PP 462. Offense 152, Defense 170, Speed 46, Guts 43, Luck 16.
Strong vs Fire, Freeze, Flash and Hypnosis.
Worth 48,695 XP and $807, with a 1/128 chance to drop a Goddess ribbon. (unique drop)
AI Routine 1: Do the following in order.
1. Use Starstorm α.
2. Flash a menacing smile (no action).
3. Whisper "3..." (no action).
4. Switch to AI Routine 2 and choose a new action from there.
AI Routine 2: Do the following in order.
1. Murmur "2..." (no action).
2. Mutter "1..." (no action).
3. Use Starstorm Ω.
4. Switch to AI Routine 1 and choose a new action from there.