Part 1: The Wizard Lizard Cometh
The Wizard Lizard Cometh
All right, fine, I changed it. Don't say I never did anything for you, goons.
You might also notice that Jiub looks way less gross and sinewy. Thanks to ChazGELF for pointing me to the Better Bodies mod! Looking good, roomie!

And here's our hero's face! Kinda smug, if you ask me.

Thanks, Patrick Stewart!

We're granted access to the next room, where there's just so much stuff to take.

These are technically booze, but they act as potions to beef us up in a pinch. Oh hey, a dagger. Let's take it and practi-

Oh, splendid. An essential tool for a Nightblade.

Works fine, too! Took a few tries, but we easily retrieve the gold from this adorable little chest.

Annnnnd raid the supply closet for various alchemy ingredients.

Out here between the offices, we find a neat little healing ring, and the game lets us use magic!

...oh my. It seems I was slightly wrong about magic. Since destruction is a minor skill for Nightblades, we don't start with a fire spell or anything like that.

This guy tells us we need to deliver something to some guy in Balmora. Whatever, man. But he also gave us some coin, because how bored would we be without some walkin'-around Drakes?

Oh, uh...hey. What? This is your ring? Sure, take it! We have way too much magic of our own as is.

The little guy puts in a good word to the local store for our troubles, even!

We harvest a few mushrooms on our way over.

And nick the store's lantern. What?

Here's the vendor screen. Items highlighted in red are being bought or sold. As you can see, we're selling the census office's stuff and buying ourself a set of nice chitin armor!

A bit stiff, but it beats the hell out of our rags! We spend a bit of time upstairs, chatting up the locals. It seems the local tax collector has gone missing, and one brute in particular gives us some interesting dirt indeed! Seems that elf from earlier owes him some money. He's turned the midget's house upside-down, and it's not there. So he wants us to keep an eye on 'im and get him his Drakes. So we head to the lighthouse. Surely we can see the whole town from there.

But not before grabbing some more mushrooms.

And stabbing a few mudcrabs.

And oh hey this is a nice axe. Conspicuous that it would end up in a hollow tree trunk, though.

Hmm. It's as if someone put it there.

Someone who might hide things in tree trA-HA!

I don't think that gentleman at the shop needs to know about this gold, does he? My, it's dark out. I may as well go pick some more mushrooms.

Oh, THERE'S the tax collector. Guess my rebate comes early this year!


Now that's presentable! And our armor fits under it, too!

We return to the shop, trade in our dagger for an iron shortsword, and buy a few rudimentary destruction and restoration spells.

I also bought a mortar and pestle, and managed to whole potion, along with dozens of failures.
I'm going to need an alchemy trainer...

EDIT: Oh yes, there's one spell I forgot to show off.