Part 3: YGS - Your Grotto Sucks
YGS - Your Grotto SucksWHOOPS did I say there wasn't gonna be an update today? Well, I got the itch to play some Morrowind last night, so, doesn't count.


Also, did I mention that I bought an Iron Saber to practice my Long Blade skills with? Because I bought an Iron Saber to practice my Long Blade skills with.

So anyway, let's check out those islands.

Nothing but a bunch of mushrooms and mudcrabs, really. But hello, what's this just beneath the surface of the bay?

I wasted approximately two hours in this soggy hole getting molested by slaughterfish, and all I got was a hat off some corpse.

It doesn't even have those little goggles on it! But whatever keeps me warm at night, I suppose.

I crawled to shore, short of breath, and took a nice little nap. When I awoke, I felt better. Stronger!

...but perhaps not as much better as I could have.

Oho? Now this looks much more promising.

My weapons were useless against this apparition, so I had to make do with my clumsy spellcasting.

This skeleton dropped a nice bow and some fire arrows, but I think I sold the bow by mistake?

Making my way to the inner sanctum of the crypt, I deftly opened this little box. It was empty.

This larger, more promising chest had about

Here's something I've been meaning to try! Apply the spell, kill the thing, and...

MUDCRAB was caught!

Anyway, I went back to town and perused the shop some more. I heard silver weapons are effective against apparitions, so I got myself a silver dagger, and treated myself to a staff. I really needed that staff.