Part 8: 2HKO
Part 7: 2HKO
Festival of Worship

One wolf vanquished, gahahaha!

Weren't you mad at being useless five seconds ago?

It's cause he can boast about it.

It always lifts my spirits to see young adventurers growing stronger. Continue working hard to explore the forest while improving your skills. Ah yes, I almost forgot. For defeating Fenrir... we present a small reward to show our gratitude for all your hard work.

While money is of no importance, being able to buy a new weapon would be very nice.

Karin will probably blow it all on Nectars.

We've now properly reached a new stratum, so the townsfolk finally have new stuff to say! Well... most of them.

The town is very static and boring in EO1.

Later games would add in new NPC dialogue for everyone at every floor instead of a select few every Stratum. Even the remake rectified that problem.
The Lounge Where We Speak of Tomorrow

Well I think someone will appreciate this upgrade.

...I neeeeeeeed iiiiiiiit.
1 Scythe is required for Cut Charm (Accessory, DEF+2, HP+9), sells for 400en.
1 Huge Fang is required for Celtis (Axe, ATK+32), sells for 500en.

Rumor has it you guys made it all the way down to the second Stratum. No kidding? I heard the monsters there are no joke. Come back alive, okay? I'll have a glass waiting.


Oh thank god you're back, he's been doing that for the past hour. Anyway, I need to buy some Nectars.

Are you trying to make this a catchphrase, Valerie?

This one comes from Mrs. Meryl, Etria's finest designer. Every Etrian girl's dream is to step out wearing the accessories she creates.

I could use something to improve my outfit.

I'll say~

You pipe down.

Her newest design, though... well, she says she needs five Insect Eyes from butterflies. I'm a fan of her accessories myself, but... I might not stand in line for this one. Well then, off you go.

I've forgotten which quests become available when, so I've had these for about three floors.

Hm... are those really going to be used for a ring? Putting that on my finger... I don't really want to think about it. Just... just put it in a bag on the counter, will you? And shut it tight. The sight of those things makes me a little queasy...

Oh, from Chris? He's a good drinking buddy, what happened?

He was ambushed in the forest with his friends by an unknown monster on the 5th floor. It was too much for them to handle, so they panicked and ran away. They said it was a terrible poisonous spider that's usually seen deeper in the Labyrinth... You've been around the 5th floor a few times by now, right? The target is a monster that appears on the 5th floor where there'd normally be nothing. Get rid of it before more kids like them run afoul of it, okay? I'll be praying for you.

We should wipe out all spiders.

Not a fan?

They're not fluffy.

Did someone say star?

Considering most of us have never heard of your band, I don't think it's about you.

This girl wants you to gather Starseeds for a love charm that supposedly grants wishes. She said she'll need five of them to complete the charm. It's kind of like wishing on a star in a way... cute.

It would be dishonourable to ignore these difficult tasks.

There used to be an old man in Etria who grew lots of different types of flowers. I visited his garden now and then, and it always struck me as incredibly beautiful... Anyway, I heard the old man died the other day. In his will, he asked that someone try to grow the only flower he could never raise. His last words were that he knew it bloomed in a certain place in the Labyrinth... but he found out that it was on the 6th floor. And of course, he was in no condition to go somewhere as dangerous as that. I have the flower seeds he left behind. Will you please give it a try? I know the old man will be rooting for you wherever he is now...

On my honour we shall plant this seed. I SHALL NOT FAIL!

Hm? Oh, Valerie's stopped talking, I nearly nodded off.

Valerie has had more dialogue than the entire town put together. It's the 6th floor.

But some very effective medicine can be made from the materials found only in the Labyrinth. I'm not sure how to feel about sacrificing explorers to the onward march of medicine...

Did you say sacrifices? What an interesting idea.

i mean, if you need blood for transfusions or organs for transplants...

That... sounds pretty good right now. Axing a wolf has worn me out.

Agreed, I'll send those non-boss-fighting slackers to explore for us. And Aryll as well, she seems pumped to go still. Let's go get drunk!


But... sleep...

We did get a level from beating Fenrir, so let's finally learn Allslash! Farewell Tornado, you'll be wasted SP for the rest of the game! Gerson is gonna need some Antiskills soon, but not immediately.

Cheese needs a bit more variety, while Aryll will stick with her only good skill. Poison is still useful for the next stratum, but we'll head towards Thor, since Volt is the best element to spam.
The Green, Green Woodlands

Look alive, everyone! Fenrir may be gone, but threats still remain!

There's something scurrying around up there.

Let's kill a spider~

We will not flee from this!

Agreed, revenge is a dish best served DEAD.

That... is how cooking works.

Like that'll be enough~ to kill the bloodlust in her eyes~

A team without a Protector or Alchemist in the early game probably isn't the best idea, but hey, you guys voted for it (kinda), so I'm sure we'll be fine!

A red FOE, eh? Let's see how dangerous next stratum's enemies really are!

Oh, Simone nearly one shot it with a Bravery boosted Drain. Cool.

You should report the slaying of the monster back to the pub.

The other kids in the Guild will be relieved to hear it's safe to go back in the forest. All the young ones look up to Edda these days, y'know. I hate to see them hurt, so I'm grateful myself. Good luck with your adventures.

You beat the 6th floor already???

You already know the answer to that. no to a drink?

The Vast Primeval Hidden Grove

Now to finally start exploring the 2nd stratum!

Choices, choices~

Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a squirrel by the toe...


You nearly spilled your drink there.

Ugh, I hate grapes.

I think killer grapes are a little silly even for this place.
Level: 18
HP: 106
STR: 63
VIT: 38
AGI: 20
LUC: 22
TEC: 17
EXP: 231
Venom: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Poison on the entire party. Has a 40% infliction chance, deals 39 Poison damage and a 100% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Sticky Goo. 25% chance. Sells for 27en.
3 required for Hard Sling (Bow, ATK+30)
1 required for Gourmand's request
Steel Lump. 12% chance. Sells for 29en.
1 required for Broadsword (Sword, ATK+34)
3 required for Oval Aspis (Shield, DEF+5)
3 required for Chain Helm (Headgear, DEF+3)
3 required for Iron Glove (Gloves, DEF+3)
3 required for Chain Boot (Footwear, DEF+3, AGI+4)
5 required for Chain Mail (Light Armor, DEF+7)
5 required for Broadaxe (Axe, ATK+44)
5 required for Battle Axe (Axe, ATK+58)
12 required for Hauberk (Clothing, DEF+10, AGI+4)
Conditional: None

Not too deadly as far as first enemies go, 39 Poison damage is much more manageable than when we first encountered Venomfly Poison, but when they're in groups like this, it's not the Poison I'll be worrying about.

About as dangerous as they are in EOU, which is to say, "moderately."

AOE Poison damage is very rude, and yes, this is basically the trash mob for this floor. But since this is EO1...

Gah, impressively solid!

See, with no Protector and level difference, if more than one enemy targets someone, they're fucking dead. So while taking down a Boss at low level is pretty impressive, it's not really recommended, cause then the next stratum's regular enemies will completely kick your ass. Especially with basically zero ways of mitigating damage.

Even with a Protector, the game would still be really rough. Especially if they're not fast enough to cast Defender.

I'm... almost missing Gerson.

Well you have me as a close second, now let me see those jelly wounds, ehehehehe.

Seems like the perfect place.

It's very honourable!

I feel like you're using honour as a replacement adjective~

Standing here, you suddenly remember the quest you accepted at the pub... the quest to raise the flower entrusted to you, to fulfill the old man's last wishes. This must be the place on the 6th floor that the old man had mentioned as suitable.

Should we?

Hmm... nah. Letting you do this quest immediately is quite mean.


Good gravy.

You are without honour.

You're making that word lose meaning. Also there were like ten monsters lying in wait, which you didn't seem to notice!

Another variety? Is that apple, or watermelon?

What's an apple?
Level: 18
HP: 88
STR: 48
VIT: 37
AGI: 48
LUC: 48
TEC: 24
EXP: 216
Slumber: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Sleep on a single target. Has an 80% infliction chance and a 50% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Sticky Goo. 30% chance. Sells for 27en.
3 required for Hard Sling (Bow, ATK+30)
1 required for Gourmand's request
Steel Lump. 10% chance. Sells for 29en.
1 required for Broadsword (Sword, ATK+34)
3 required for Oval Aspis (Shield, DEF+5)
3 required for Chain Helm (Headgear, DEF+3)
3 required for Iron Glove (Gloves, DEF+3)
3 required for Chain Boot (Footwear, DEF+3, AGI+4)
5 required for Chain Mail (Light Armor, DEF+7)
5 required for Broadaxe (Axe, ATK+44)
5 required for Battle Axe (Axe, ATK+58)
12 required for Hauberk (Clothing, DEF+10, AGI+4)
Conditional: None

Man, these guys are dicks. They're pretty fast right now, so they'll make someone waste a turn and since we have no way to cure status just yet, and quickly, they'll target the sleeper and most likely kill them. Seriously, it's in their AI.

No real change from EOU, again.

These things are very rude, and while they have a lower STR stat than the Venomgel, that's just to compensate for the fact that they'll be beating the ever-loving stuffing out of whoever was unlucky enough to fall asleep. And yes, these are also considered trash mobs. For EO1's twisted definition of the term anyway.

At least I'll die... fabulous.

Yeah get used to that, there's nothing to prevent it.

Now to dream of my STOLEN riches...

I'm awake!

At least if someone in the back row falls asleep, they can survive the rude awakening.

Damn these dishonourable doors!

This is why I need to buy more Nectars and Amritas.

Do I need to panic again?

Oh god my legs. Uh, I mean, not yet!~

Can't... commit... seppuku... while... dying...

Oh for fuck's sake.

I want to get off Mr. Gel's wild ride.

They are the weakest enemies in the Stratum, and yet look at what they're doing to Crosspeice's party. I mean good grief, they're the same level as
Fenrir. Thought the game was gonna give you a break after the boss? Ahahaha no, EO1 says to eat dirt. Over and over again.

So long as they target different people and they're both at full health, then everything is peachy. Otherwise Karin runs out of TP very quickly.
1 Steel Lump is required for Broadsword (Sword, ATK+34), sells for 830en.

Now for the left. It's looking pretty familiar.

Why am I now not taking any damage...?

The locked room better not contain something similar.
B6F C2 Chop Point
Light Wood. 50% chance. Sells for 32 en.
1 required for Heat Aspis (Shield, DEF+10, Fire Resist Up 10%)
5 required for Hard Sling (Bow, ATK+30)
5 required for Down Staff (Staff, ATK+22, TEC+2)
5 required for Lute (Troudabour Accessory, TP+15)
10 required for Rapier (Sword, ATK+45)
Mugwort. 25% chance. Sells for 20en.
1 required for Bravant (Medicine, increases the target's ATK by 110% for 5 turns)
Starseed. 15% chance. Sells for 40 en.
1 required for Theriaca B (Medicine, removes the entire party's ailments)
3 required for Star Charm (Accessory, DEF+1, TP+10)
5 required for Prayer to the stars

New stratum, new things to grab. Unfortunately Mugwort still follows us 6 floors in, but the other stuff we have is good, even if we can get it from a later monster. You should definitely get one Starseed just for Theriaca B, they're great!

Now that's a big bird~

It's glaring at us quite fiercely, but we should be able to avoid it.

Even with Ryu, we'd need to survive the attacks of new FOEs before they died to Poison. We'll fight them later.

A stinger nearly as sharp as my blade. Let us clash!

I doubt they know swordplay.
Level: 19
HP: 88
STR: 52
VIT: 39
AGI: 25
LUC: 25
TEC: 25
EXP: 264
Poison: Uses the Legs. A Stab attack dealing 70% damage to a single target and attempts to inflict Poison. Has an 80% infliction chance, deals 43 poison damage, has a 90% accuracy modifier and a 100% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Amber Lump. 25% chance. Sells for 27en.
1 required for Bravant (Medicine, increases the target's ATK by 110% for 5 turns)
3 required for Theriaca B (Medicine, removes the target's ailments)
5 required for Nectar (Medicine, revives the target to 18HP, affected by Healer)
10 required for Hamao (Medicine, recovers the target's HP by 300 and TP by 50)
1 required for Pest control
Stinger. 12% chance. Sells for 26en.
1 required for Chain Helm (Headgear, DEF+3)
3 required for Iron Plate (Light Armor, DEF+12, HP+9)
3 required for Chain Mail (Light Armor, DEF+7)
9 required for Oval Aspis (Shield, DEF+5)
10 required for Toxic Whip (Whip, ATK+57, STR+4)
Conditional: None

Oh goody, more Poison. This is more dangerous since it'll do damage on top of the Poison, though it won't be enough to kill anyone. This is when you could get Nectars if you missed that Amber Lumps are available on B3F.

A somewhat weak enemy, but that's only really in relative strength to what the rest of the Stratum has in store. Has a bigger level advantage than the gels, so you should watch out for that.

That's some nasty goop, but too slow for me!

I'm gonna run out of arrows at this rate, but killing bees is good practise.

While Aryll won't be using Overhead in regular encounters since I value her dealing damage and ending the battle asap more valuable, we still need to max out Midareba because of how good it is. If you're thinking Overhead would stop her from dying, uh, it's only a 93% reduction, which wouldn't counteract the 40 damage she's being overkilled by.

Oh yeah, next level it's

EZ mode unlocked.

Well Ryu isn't here so YOINK!

Back to town?~

Back to town.
5 Steel Lumps required for Broadaxe (Axe, ATK+44), sells for 720en.
3 Steel Lumps and 1 Stinger required for Chain Helm (Headgear, DEF+3), sells for 380en.

I, too, miss Gerson.

If one Sleepgel sleeps someone, then all the Sleepgels will target that person, so try to avoid that.

So many things with stingers and deadly venom. So dishonourable.

Didn't Ryu kill Fenrir with Poison? Or did that not happen?
Level: 20
HP: 88
STR: 56
VIT: 41
AGI: 26
LUC: 26
TEC: 26
EXP: 311
Paralyze: Uses the Head. A Stab attack dealing 60% damage to a single target and attempts to inflict Paralysis. Has a 100% infliction rate, a 90% accuracy modifier and a 60% speed modifier.
Cocoon: Uses the Head. Attempts to Arm Bind a single target. Has a 70% infliction chance and a 10% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Sticky Web. 35% chance. Sells for 28en.
1 required for Petal Coat (Clothing, DEF+4, AGI+2)
Rare: None
Conditional: None

Woah look out, it's the scary FOE we fought! Yeah, the game likes doing that even though they're not that threatening. I mean, they could be, but they're pretty rare and Paralysis is much better than the other ailments being thrown around, so I'll take it. Still, they're high enough in level to still kick our ass.

For the record, most people typically beat Fenrir around level 15. And then the game throws in these assholes which have around a 5 level advantage on yoy. The only saving grace is that they don't use their regular attacks often, and seeing a party member disabled is better than seeing them outright die.

Love it when an, ack, plan comes together.

We appreciate it~

This will need quite a few levels to get good, but with all the physical attacks being thrown around, it can be nice to have.

Ugh, AGI Up. Still, Trickery will be a nice debuff and of course 1st Turn is the best skill in the game, so it's necessary.

...what, uh, what do you do with a Troubadour after maxing Bravery? Relaxing? Relaxing.

How a Troubadour spends their SP in EO1 isn't particularly eventful.
B6F D2 Take Point
Mint Leaf. 50% chance. Sells for 41en.
1 required for Medica III (Medicine, recovers the target by 200HP)
2 required for Hamao (Medicine, recovers the target by 300HP and 50TP)
3 required for Stonard (Item, increases the target's DEF by 120% for 5 turns)
Dye Petal. 25% chance. Sells for 34en.
3 required for Petal Coat (Clothing, DEF+4, AGI+2)
Cross Seed. 15% chance. Sells for 150en.
1 required for Blaze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Fire attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Freeze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack an Ice attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Shock Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Volt attribute, must be restocked)

Oh hey, it's a Take point... already. Weird. Some good stuff here, though Medica IIs are still full heals for the moment, so no need to buy Medica IIIs just yet. Cross Seeds sound like you could do various composite shenanigens, but it's the same as the Troubadour imbue skills, so it just changes the damage from physical to elemental and only really useful for Aryll when she runs out of TP, or the chaser skills, which Lavin will never use.

Yesssssssss, let us wrestle!
Level: 22
HP: 212
STR: 84
VIT: 44
AGI: 23
LUC: 26
TEC: 20
EXP: 420
Shred: Uses the Arms. Bash attack dealing 120% damage to a single target. Has a 90% accuracy modifier and a 10% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Bent Claw. 40% chance. Sells for 30en.
1 required for Nail Whip (Whip, ATK+38)
1 required for Edge Whip (Whip, ATK+49)
Rare: None
Conditional: None

Oh hey it's a Warbull but like 6 levels higher and much higher STR. Someone's about to fucking die.

What the fuck EO1. It's already sending in enemies with comparable STR to Fenrir, and is 4 levels stronger than him and is pretty beefy for a regular enemy. Allow me to remind you that this is
only the beginning of the 6th floor. This is probably an enemy that you're going to have to pray that uses their skill, because it's slightly more inaccurate than their regular attack, and their regular attack is just going to kill you anyway. The only saving grace is that it's only capable of killing one party member at a time.

Time to set a tra- oh, it slammed the ground next to it.

Please stop messing around.

Trap spru-GURK

I wonder what she's experimenting with~

Bait works best when, one, you actually survive, and two, you're facing more than one enemy, so there's more chances at a retaliation. Otherwise, yeah, a regular attack from a Sloth oneshots everyone no question.

Goddamn. This is honestly a level of brutality I'm not used to seeing from this series. All the games after this ease you into a new Stratum a bit at the start (though it can still be a bit rough), but EO1 just continues to throw you into the meatgrinder, even after beating a boss.

What's behind door number whatever this one is?

Yahah! That'll teach you to hurt my friends!

While I appreciate the sentiment, please work on this a bit more.

S-Still early days for this stuff, y'know.

No you shut the fuck up dad!

Well that was unexpected~

Thankfully Venomgels don't target sleeping targets, so we're in the clear.

Oh goody, more work for the rodents.


Keep drinking you.
B6F D3 Mine Point
Scrap Iron. 50% chance. Sells for 53en.
3 required for Magnet (Item, warps you to the last Geomagnetic Field used)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I
Whitestone. 25% chance. Sells for 100en.
Required for nothing.
Thin Shell. 20% chance. Sells for 300en.
1 required for Hauberk (Clothing, DEF+10, AGI+4)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I

Ah cool, all three gather points on the first floor of a stratum. ...WHY? Least we'll unlock some cool stuff!

Anyway, all of that was completely optional, so back to town we go.
1 Bent Claw is required for Nail Whip (Whip, ATK+38), sells for 750en.

Gonna rant a bit here, but I have to eventually. One of the whips we could unlock required us getting 10 Thorns and 10 Vines. You'll probably do that just before Fenrir if you really want something new for your Dark Hunter. But then soon after you can get a much better Whip by just selling off one drop. It annoys me and it's far from the last time this game does this.

For those of you hoping for a reprieve, no, this still happens in EOU.

Wood you believe what I just found???


What am I doing with my life?
3 Amber Lumps and 1 Starseed required for Theriaca B (Medicine, removes the entire party's ailments), sells for 500en.
3 Starseeds required for Star Charm (Accessory, DEF+1, TP+10), sells for 600en.
5 Light Woods and 3 Sticky Goo required for Hard Sling (Bow, ATK+30), sells for 890en.

Did someone say star?

Gah, stop doing that!

Out of curiosity, do you think these seeds will really make her dreams a reality?



Maybe I could use one of those...

Quiet you.

Oh, don't give me that look... I know perfectly well it's just a silly superstition. The important thing is that they'll give her the courage to confess her love. But then... I wonder why she wanted five of them...?

She's a playa'.

Guess I'll die. The irony.
12 Steel Lumps and 1 Thin Shell is required for Hauberk (Clothing, DEF+10, AGI+4), sells for 2000en.

We'll get some of these when they're a bit more in our price range and I feel like our squishy backliners need an upgrade.
1 Cross Seed required for Blaze/Freeze/Shock Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Fire/Ice/Volt attribute, must be restocked), sells for 600en.
3 Scrap Iron required for Magnet (Item, warps you to the last used Geomagnetic Field), sells for 250en.
5 Crabapples and 1 Mint Leaf required for Medica III (Medicine, heals the target by 200HP), sells for 500en.
10 Amber Lumps and 2 Mint Leaves required for Hamao (Medicine, heals the target by 300HP and 50TP), sells for 1400en.
3 Dye Petals and 1 Sticky Web required for Petal Coat (Clothing, DEF+4, AGI+2), sells for 650en.

That was a lot of stuff that could've probably been spread across three floors, since some of it is just too much for what we need right now.

Oh god, bears. It smells even worse than the wolves.

They seem pretty docile despite looking terrifying, so let's go around, eh?

Bah, you say that for everything!

Why is there always a reckless idiot in my group...

It's a small room with a lot of FOEs, but they just walk around a pillar. Whatever.

Another big bird~

And like before, it looks angry. Of course.

Damn, a slight scratch and I already feel like kneeling to the floor, taking out my blade and-


There better be something good after all that.
B6F A1 Take Point
Mint Leaf. 50% chance. Sells for 41en.
1 required for Medica III (Medicine, recovers the target by 200HP)
2 required for Hamao (Medicine, recovers the target by 300HP and 50TP)
3 required for Stonard (Item, increases the target's DEF by 120% for 5 turns)
Crabapple. 25% chance. Sells for 35en.
5 required for Medica III (Medicine, recovers the target by 200HP)
Cross Seed. 15% chance. Sells for 150en.
1 required for Blaze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Fire attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Freeze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack an Ice attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Shock Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Volt attribute, must be restocked)

That bird is gonna chase us again. Back to town?

Do I even have to say it?

Since we've technically made little progress in this floor, it's easier to just warp back when things go south.

Oh by the way, we're being attacked by bees and I'm dying.

You could've said something sooner, darling.

I'm learning more about stingers than I ever thought possible.

Seriously, why am I not being targeted anymore?

I'm starting to dislike bees.

Well I'm happy with that. Back to-

5 Steel Lumps and 3 Stingers are required for Chain Mail (Light Armor, DEF+7), sells for 700en.
9 Stingers and 3 Steel Lumps are required for Oval Aspis (Shield, DEF+5), sells for 450en.

Oh finally some good armour. We need that for basically everyone.

Encounters are still mean, but I'm getting into the groove of fighting them and we're doing alright.

While a bit delayed due to picking up Revive, we FINALLY have Immunize, which is the best skill in the game (aside from 1st Turn), since it reduces ALL damage by a certain amount. And I mean all, physical and elemental. Is it a bug? Was it intentional? Who knows. This skill would be fine, but the numbers are pretty insane, it doesn't have the shitty scaling of other defensive skills, it just steadily reduces all damage each level. It's ridiculous how good this skill is. The first level reduces damage by 85%.
EZ mode engaged! Immunize makes the game much easier, and is pretty much the reason most players even beat the game in the first place. It's basically Defender, but on steroids. There is absolutely no shame in using this skill. Sure it's possible to beat the game without it, but you've seen what the
weakest enemies in the Stratum did to Crosspeice's party first hand. The game will continue doing this to you as well, as long as you choose to let it.
B6F A7 Mine Point
Fossil. 50% chance. Sells for 55 en.
3 required for Old Choker (Accessory, DEF+1, LUC+8)
Required for The fossil charm
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I
Scrap Iron. 25% chance. Sells for 53en.
3 required for Magnet (Item, warps you to the last Geomagnetic Field used)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I
Thin Shell. 15% chance. Sells for 300en.
1 required for Hauberk (Clothing, DEF+10, AGI+4)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I

Oh hey guess we aren't done gathering. Eh, we'll get Fossils after we've finished the floor.

Meeeeeeeeeeat shiiiiiiiiield

Did that bird just drop from the ceiling? How do they keep doing that?

Once you go south of this FOE's position, it spawns. Annoying if you pick now to get into an encounter, but the room is really small, so it's whatever. I guess the game is teaching you it'll try this bullshit on occasion?

EO1 is at least honest that it will keep trying several methods to pound your party's faces into the dirt constantly throughout the entire game.

Want to try out your new concoction, dear?

Hold on, let me get it all mixed properly first.

Finished it! ...oh. Well good to know it doesn't work on a dead person.

My, my, what did you inject us with? I'm feeling fiiiiiiiiiiine~

This is why we need 1st Turn.

As good as Immunize is, it won't do much if everyone is dead before it can go off.

So, battles never go past 3-4 turns with multiple enemies, so using stances is pointless since they'll just prolong the battle. Also we're still using her 3rd floor katana, so she's starting to slightly fall behind in damage. Bravery is keeping this team in shape, let me fucking tell you.

One of the reasons why Ronin is a bad class. They don't get to do anything of note in random encounters, when a Landsknecht can clear them out really easily.
B6F C7 Chop Point
Scent Wood. 50% chance. Sells for 35 en.
3 required for Oak Jacket (Clothing, DEF+8, TP+8)
Mugwort. 25% chance. Sells for 20en.
1 required for Bravant (Medicine, increases the target's ATK by 110% for 5 turns)
Starseed. 15% chance. Sells for 40 en.
1 required for Theriaca B (Medicine, removes the target's ailments)
3 required for Star Charm (Accessory, DEF+1, TP+10)
5 required for Prayer to the stars

Wanted ANOTHER gathering point? No? Well, here it is anyway.

Can't even give me one battle? You're so mean...

How about you pick on someone your own size???

You're smaller than her. I still can't believe that killed.

Defending first turn to lay down Immunize can work, but unless everyone's at full health, they still get one shot. Oh, and the person that got attacked last turn can get targeted again and still die. This stratum is fun. I'm having fun.

If a video game could have feelings, I'm pretty sure this game would be having the most fun right now.

This... might help? 2TP for an 85% accuracy reduction is pretty fucking good and lets Liana do something after she's all out of Multishots.

Oh great, another FOE we might have to kill.

Sounds good to me.

Hmm, I'll be honest, we'll probably die fighting a bear this big.

So this bear moves exactly like the second Stalker on B3F, except it doesn't aggro you. Why? I don't fuckin know man.

Huh, a useful shortcut. Weird.

Hah, psyche!

Who knew monsters would fall for such a simple trick?

No matter who you are, you always flinch when someone pulls the trigger of an empty bow~

Bait now has a 70% chance of countering at 210% power. It gets more impressive later, trust me.

I feel like we've done this before. Have we done this before?

Well we don't have an angry bird blocking our way, so I don't think so~

Definitely done this before...

...I'm alive? D-Did Gerson protect me?


Now to level TP Up for Relaxing. Song speed is boosted by 121%.

Ah, as easy as that, such wonderful symmetry~

Says the bard in the back...

Well ain't that a delightful subtitle. Next time, we'll get some new quests and then explore the next floor! It can't be any more painful than the last one...
narrator voice it was more painful than the last one

That was a total of
12 deaths. 12 deaths in this update. And that's not even including the ones Crosspeice cut out of this update. I can't even say that any of those were due to misplays. Everyone who died just got blown up immediately whenever the enemies got a chance to do something like that. And this is only the 6th floor, and the
weakest enemies in the Stratum were the ones dishing out the pain. But I'm sure the trip through the next floor will be fiiiiiiine.