Part 10: But Wyvern
Part 9: But Wyvern
The Vast Primeval Hidden Grove

Let's gear up team, gahahaha!

Well someone's excited to get going.

He's always like this.

It's like he never runs out of energy. I'm getting used to these early mornings again. Unlike some.


karin is a mood

Here's the party voted in to tackle the rest of the 2nd stratum!

Now that we have such wonderful things as "defense" and "elemental attacks", we'll have a much easier time getting through this place. Though it won't be that easy.

I only go without a source of elemental attacks when I'm forced to in EO games. It's not as important these days as it is in the pre-EOU games, but it never hurts.

The importance of having a mage class has severely diminished over the course of the series. Nowadays they simply just have a bit of higher damage outputs than the physical classes at the start of the game.

This the place?

Oh yeah, that pressure is unmistakable.

You ache to rest here... but suddenly, you sense an ominous presence nearby. Whatever vile creature blocks the spring's water is targeting you! As you look about, a gigantic crab steps forth from the cascading water.

This is a little bigger than the ones I used to wrestle with when I was a kid.

How many animals did you wrestle when you were younger?

Its large, sharp claws and hard shell make it seem a harder adversary than any you've faced. You vow to stand your ground and defeat the thing to restore this spring to its natural state!

Making a giant enemy crab joke is beneath me.
Level: 26
HP: 660
STR: 113
VIT: 54
AGI: 48
LUC: 48
TEC: 32
EXP: 600
Defend: Uses the Head. Increases DEF by 150% and has an 80% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Normal: None
Rare: None
Conditional: None

We've done a couple of quests that have regular enemies appear a bit earlier, but there are also a fair few quest exclusive enemies that only exist to be beaten and add an entry to the beastiary. Though technically this isn't a quest, but whatever! As you can see, it's not very exciting, so have an Alchemist!

Its level is fucking huge though.

Let's see, level 26, has a whopping 113 STR... and is twice as vulnerable to instant death attacks. What a strangely designed enemy. Granted the only source of it you can even have at this point is the Dark Hunter's Petrify.

Aww, man...

Hey, watch your vials, I don't want to get them mixed up with mine.

S-Sure, I wasn't planning on doing any switching or anything like that, ehehehehehehehehe.

Pretty standard stuff, since we can survive its attacks, we just wait for Poison to kill it for us.

With that, the pools for water below you audibly begin to drain somewhere. The crab's demise seems to have unblocked their flow to the lower regions. Your task complete, you decide to return to the main goal of exploring the Labyrinth.


Alright, I feel like I could explore two floors at once, let's get going!

I haven't seen anyone with this much energy since

How very sweet smelling. It probably means they want to murder us.

Oh I hope so.
Level: 22
HP: 135
STR: 64
VIT: 44
AGI: 28
LUC: 28
TEC: 28
EXP: 344
Sleeper: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Sleep on the entire party. Has an 80% infliction chance and a 50% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Scent Wood. 25% chance. Sells for 35en.
3 required for Oak Jacket (Clothing, DEF+8, TP+8)
Gum Vine. 15% chance. Sells for 39en.
1 required for Edge Whip (Whip, ATK+49)
4 required for Hindi (Bow, ATK+49, TEC+4)
5 required for Long Bow (Bow, ATK+39)
5 required for Lute (Troubadour Accessory, TP+15)
Conditional: None

Oh goody, now to fight these things for real. Petaloids aren't as completely awful as they are in future games, including ones where they're FOEs, but facing two of them is still a pain. Observe.

Oh hey, it's everyone's favorite enemy! They're really not that interesting in this game, though. They're purely a support enemy here.

Oh man, that's a strong sweet odour, right guys? Uh, g-guys?


SIGH, Sleeper has an annoyingly high infliction chance, so we'll be having plenty of situations like this, where the first infliction misses some, but then the second infliction hits the rest. Thankfully that's all they do, unlike later games, where this situation is REALLY BAD.

Quality of life note: EO3 and on removed the "Your party is powerless to act!" message when your party has at least one asleep member and everyone else is some combination of asleep and petrified. They instead just skip right to the next enemy turn.

In any other EO game, you would be looking at the game over screen shortly. Here, not so much.

From one sleep to another...

Hm, what the-?! Oh, I see what's happening here. Well you won't do that again!

Crap you did it again...

SIGH, if there's any members awake, then Petaloids spam Sleeper, after which they'll hit you for a big chunk of damage. Meaning they'll spam Sleeper next turn, after which they'll hit you for a big chunk of damage. See how this could get really annoying real fast?

Petaloids can only attack one party member at a time, so they're just annoying rather than threatening like in the later games. There, they have an AOE attack on top of their AOE Sleep, so they can pretty much kill your entire party by themselves.

What in the ham sandwich is going on?


Don't tell anyone that's how I wake up.

What a mess that was. Okay dears, WAKE UP!

Right, let's pretend that never happened.

I'm just glad no one drew on my face.

I hope Lavin draws on my face...

whatever floats your boat, ryu

Thankfully if everyone attacks a Petaloid it goes down. This doesn't help us against two of them, but knocking one out is still nice.

Allslash deals 167% power to 3-4 enemies, which is real nice. Gerson has Fortify, which is an 80% damage reduction to the user and is working towards the Anti-Elem skills. Immunize is now a 70% damage reduction.
B8F B4 Take Point
Crabapple. 50% chance. Sells for 35en.
5 required for Medica III (Medicine, recovers the target by 200HP)
Mint Leaf. 25% chance. Sells for 41en.
1 required for Medica III (Medicine, recovers the target by 200HP)
2 required for Hamao (Medicine, recovers the target by 300HP and 50TP)
3 required for Stonard (Item, increases the target's DEF by 120% for 5 turns)
Cross Seed. 15% chance. Sells for 150en.
1 required for Blaze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Fire attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Freeze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack an Ice attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Shock Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Volt attribute, must be restocked)

There's Take points on this floor, but they were also on B6F, so we don't need them.

This stuff is potent.

Aww, he looks so cute sleeping.

Huh, what? Oh... this happened again.

Ahh, good morning, that's some pretty tasty medicine you've got thzzzzzzzz


If you're lucky, then Theriaca Bs can be helpful, but usually the party will just go right back to sleep.

Here I am to save the day.
Woo, Ryu, you're so cool! Well thanks everyone I try.

Ryu has Thor, which deals 112% Volt damage to all enemies and compliments Allslash very nicely. Before we level that up, we'll go for the second level Fire and Ice skills, since they're starting to lag behind a bit.

Ooh, is that the scorpion we need?

Don't think the stinger is big enough.
Level: 25
HP: 122
STR: 63
VIT: 52
AGI: 28
LUC: 28
TEC: 47
EXP: 500
Needle: Uses the Legs. A Stab attack that deals 120% damage to a single target. Has a 90% accuracy modifier and a 10% speed modifier.
Venom: Uses the Legs. A Stab attack that deals 70% damage to a single target and attempts to inflict Poison or Paralysis. Has a 50% infliction chance and deals 113 Poison damage. Has a 90% accuracy modifier and a 100% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Iron Shell. 45% chance. Sells for 35en.
1 required for Rapier (Sword, ATK+45)
3 required for Battle Axe (Axe, ATK+58)
3 required for Uchigatana (Katana, ATK+55)
3 required for Iron Plate (Light Armor, DEF+12, HP+9)
3 required for Heat Aspis (Shield, DEF+10, Fire Resist Up 10%)
5 required for Biliomg (Axe, ATK+77, STR+3)
5 required for Ring Mail (Heavy Armor, DEF+16, AGI-2)
Stinger. 10% chance. Sells for 26en.
1 required for Chain Helm (Headgear, DEF+3)
3 required for Chain Mail (Light Armor, DEF+7)
3 required for Iron Plate (Light Armor, DEF+12, HP+9)
9 required for Oval Aspis (Shield, DEF+5)
10 required for Toxic Whip (Whip, ATK+57, STR+4)
Conditional: None

Just when you though the Venomgel was manageable, here's some more Poison damage that'll oneshot anyone right now. Well, technically two shot since it deals damage as well. It's pretty nasty, but it could also roll Paralysis instead, which is significatly less scary. That or smack you really hard, but hey, it'll be less damage than the Poison.

It's kind of odd to me just how many enemies in EOU are basically unchanged from their EO1 incarnations in terms of skills and AI.

By the way, this is also an FOE-lite. Might want to familiarize yourselves with these guys before taking on the big ones.

Try to Poison me will you? I'll just take your ENERGY!

Pretty scary, my kinda girl!

Woah, christ! Bit much, eh?

Seems like it wasn't enough.

4HP either way would've made this less annoying.
B8F C3 Take Point
Mint Leaf. 50% chance. Sells for 41en.
1 required for Medica III (Medicine, recovers the target by 200HP)
2 required for Hamao (Medicine, recovers the target by 300HP and 50TP)
3 required for Stonard (Item, increases the target's DEF by 120% for 5 turns)
Dye Petal. 25% chance. Sells for 34en.
3 required for Petal Coat (Clothing, DEF+4, AGI+2)
Cross Seed. 15% chance. Sells for 150en.
1 required for Blaze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Fire attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Freeze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack an Ice attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Shock Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Volt attribute, must be restocked)

Look at all this stuff we already have.

I'm so glad this is here. Let's me set up even more things.

Hyah, hyah, HYAH!

I know what I'm gonna dream of...

Only two of us? They're slacking.

Since they're not the awful monsters they are in later games, this is just a time waster, since they'll only do good damage to one person, who can then slowly chip away at them before falling asleep again. Great fun.

Oh man that is intense. It's dragon killing time.

Since I feel like I can barely stand, this is something I've gotta see.

You break into a cold sweat, sensing the presence of a formidable enemy. A dreadful beast unlike any you've encountered so far is lurking nearby!

Huh, nothing down here. I could've sworn I heard a bird.

Oh my god.

Man that was a nice nap. Hm? What happened here? Ah well, my kill.

The battle was so long, Lavin naturally woke up and dealt the final blow. At least in later games you can applaud the developers for Petaloids being massive dicks. Here they're just annoying.

I can see why they were buffed in the 2nd game. An enemy that elicits an "OH GOD NO!" reaction is far more memorable than one that just makes the player go "ugh, not this again."

Christ this thing is massive.

It's lazily looking around, so we should be able to sneak past it.

Aww, but those claws are super sharp!

The Wyvern rotates clockwise every three steps, so it's super easy to get around. As you'd expect, fighting this thing is a super bad idea, as it's a fucking Boss.

God, I forgot how puny the Wyvern room in EO1 is, especially compared to the monster that it is in EOU.

By the way, you aren't told where the egg is at all, only that it's in the room somewhere. And you can search every tile in the room, so get to tile hunting! Later games would actually narrow down the places where you would have to search for the objective for missions like these.

Kinda wish Liana was here now.

If she was, we wouldn't be able to sneak past with all your bickering.

Ooh, I think I've found something!

Not bad short stuff, any more around here? It's for... research.

Nope, just one.

Well one is all we need. Let's head back to tow- Gerson, why are you grinning?

Oh no.

Aw, come on, don't you want to fight this thing? Sure, we got our asses kicked by the Ragelope and the Stalker, but we beat those guys pretty handily later on! I just wanna see the power gap.

I'm sure one little battle won't hurt.

T-T-That's a real intense glare. Aw man, I can barely look at it.

M-M-Maybe this wasn't the best idea!

Where are you running off to? We can just use a Warp Wire!

Even Gerson is afraid.

Shut up.

Now's really not a good time.

Is this where we die? Being backstabbed by a dragon is definitely one way to go.

Ew, bird barf, but surely we can take it out in one turn, right?
Dyed in Blood

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no.

What is this wind? It's freezing me in place!

Even Ryu is afraid.

I will punch you!

This is how I'm coping, alright?

Trapped by the wind, a vile dragon staring us down, unable to kill it quickly. Can this get any worse?

...huh? What was that? Did something just hit me?

Oh wow, his soul still hasn't realised his body is in several pieces on the opposite side of the room.

Just in case you were thinking about fighting it, don't. The amount of damage Wyvern does will still tear you apart through a max level Immunize. And you won't be able to whittle her down due to the massive level difference between you and Wyvern.

Shit. I'm out of ideas. Run away?

That's what I've been trying to do this entire time.

Man, why do I always get caught up in Gerson's suicidal plans?

Beats me.

Wha-? You're alive!

No, you're dead.

Really? Man, that thing is fast.

There's a break in the wind, let's go!

Heh, breaking wind.

Well that was fun. While the Firebird's Corrode was making the Wyvern do hilarious damage, this is a monster we won't be fighting for a looooooong time. Oh yeah, Leg Binds don't prevent escaping, so its first attack is just to scare you.

You can't run from Wyvern in EOU!

In case you're wondering, no, there's no way to cheese this thing to kill it early. The level difference mechanic will ensure that you do absolutely nothing to her, and that she will destroy you instantly. Your only fixed damage sources are Poison and the Hexer's Revenge skill, and the latter isn't even available yet in a normal playthrough. Even if it was, the damage it deals is tiny and won't really whittle down Wyvern fast enough before she kils you.
5 Gum Vines and 5 Light Wood are required for Lute (Troubadour Accessory, TP+15), sells for 1600en.
1 Iron Shell and 10 Light Wood are required for Rapier (Sword, ATK+45), sells for 1200en.
1 Iron Shell and 5 Steel Lumps are required for Battle Axe (Axe, ATK+58), sells for 996en.
Festival of Worship

Here's... your damn egg. Man, I can't feel my... everything.

You're welcome.

Remarkable sewing work.

Perhaps in the future, once you've become stronger, you may be able to challenge it... but for now, discretion is the better part of valor. It's wise to solve the difficulties you face one step at a time. Be that as it may, for your service in retrieving the dragon's egg... we present to you a small reward, to show our gratitude.

I think there's a sword in the shop with my name on it!

The Chieftain wishes to speak with promising adventurers like yourselves about the forest. Wait one moment, please.

About time someone higher up realised our potential.

Now if only we'd killed the Wyvern...

I wanted to personally thank you for your successful forays into the Labyrinth. Now, as I'm sure you'll be exploring the place further... I have a point of advice to impart to you. The road leading further into the Labyrinth is hidden near the Wyvern. So said adventurers in ancient times, who went deeper into the Labyrinth than we now do.

Of course it is.

Let's not tangle with such a fearsome creature again.

Lately, only a few explorers dare go below the 8th floor... I have high hopes that you'll be the ones to reopen the way to the lower floors. Now them, if you'll excuse me... I look forward to speaking with you another day.

Huh, did his eyes just flash red? You see that, Lavin?

What? That sounds stupid! Only a dumb story would have something like that, the Chieftan is a totally cool and not at all evil guy!

The Chieftan only has time to meet with the very bravest explorers, you know. It's a sign that you've become real adventurers. Keep up the good work.

Ooh this is a nice upgrade!
The Vast Primeval Hidden Grove

I could get used to this.

Well, better me than you idiots, gahahaURK

Since Karin isn't using Salve this turn, Gerson is fucking dead.

While I could keep leveling this up, there's other skills to grab. A 250% counter, or a 100% counter for adjacent attacks.

Oh look, something to kill.

You're not getting away this time!
Level: 23
HP: 135
STR: 66
VIT: 44
AGI: 58
LUC: 58
TEC: 29
EXP: 420
Charge: Doesn't use a body part. Charges to use Blaze next turn. Increases ATK by 100% and has an 80% speed modifier.
Blaze: Uses the Head. A Fire attack that deals 85% damage to the entire party. Has a 95% accuracy modifier and a 10% speed modifier.
Corrode: Uses the Legs. Reduces the entire party's DEF by 50%. Has an 80% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Feather. 45% chance. Sells for 30en.
1 required for Down Staff (Staff, ATK+22, TEC+2)
3 required for Oak Jacket (Clothing, DEF+8, TP+8)
5 required for Plumed Hat (Headgear, DEF+2, TP+7)
7 required for Down Glove (Gloves, DEF+2)
10 required for Wing Coat (Clothing, DEF+6)
12 required for Plume Boot (Footwear, DEF+2, AGI+3)
Tailbone. 20% chance. Sells for 37en.
1 required for Long Bow (Bow, ATK+39)
5 required for Bone Flail (Staff, ATK+47, HP+11)
Required for A favor for Shellika III
Carminite (Kill with Fire damage). 100% chance. Sells for 76en.
1 required for Fire Ring (Accessory, DEF+1, Fire Resist Up 15%)
1 required for Chef's odd request II

Oh hey, it's our first Charge skill and our first elemental skill. Corrode is still annoying, but Defender can counter it easily enough, which you should probably do as DEF lowering skills also effect elemental damage. This isn't a reason to bust out Antifire though, since it takes three turns before it actually uses Blaze, so it should be long dead before then. The main pain is Corrode.

Charge is horrifically bugged in this game. I'm pretty sure it was meant to double the user's ATK stat for a turn, but it does... absolutely nothing. It's literally just a free turn. As a result, any enemy with a "special attack" that they use after Charging isn't really all that scary, and in some cases, are even
weaker than a normal attack due to this bug. With that said, even if Charge worked properly, it wouldn't do anything at all for this enemy since Blaze is used after Charge, and it uses the TEC stat instead of the STR stat! Whoops!

Well that was disappointing.

Oh hey, ol' grey guy was right!

Obviously, he has no reason to manipulate us.

Alright, let's get exploring this new flo- oh, you're leaving.

A squirrel's telling us there's some new quests.

How riveting.

Yeahhhh, there's times you'll need to go back to town to unlock the way to a new floor... so you can immediately go back to town for the new floor stuff. Thankfully this doesn't happen too often, but it also means we have two floors to explore at once now! Wow!

These sorts of roadblocks are really annoying to deal with, but the series has been getting better about this sort of thing for the more recent titles.
The Lounge Where We Speak of Tomorrow
1 Feather and 5 Light Wood required for Down Staff (Staff, ATK+22, TEC+2), sells for 670en.

Hey look a new quest let's go see-

Wait, wait, wait, where did you get those injuries? DID YOU FIGHT THE WYVERN???


Well they'll be at it for a while.

You should join in, Wyvern target.

They're pretty good--they've even reached the Wyvern's nest on the second Stratum. But somewhere around there, they saw a kind of bird-like thing they'd never seen before. They panicked, and didn't notice that they'd dropped something important while fleeing. From what they said, it's some coin they use to decide what to do when they're at a loss.

Why need luck when you have my master?

Back in my village, luck was all we had... that and a tanner.

I know it'll be tough to find a tiny little coin, but it'd mean a lot to them if you can. Be careful, though. I don't like the sound of that "bird-like thing"...

It's Jackson Restaurant again. Since you've learned the Fire formula, he needs your help. He wants a Carminite that you can get from Firebirds in the Labyrinth. Rumor has it, only those that wield the Fire formula can get their hands on some. Experiment with a few different ways of defeating the bird, and I'm sure you'll figure it out.

A simple enough matter, though I wonder if there was a way to do more Fire damage to them.

I could probably come up with something.

I think I have the right song for the occasion.

Hmm... nah, nothing comes to mind. Guess I'll just bruteforce it.

Great idea, let's go.

Don't go off and kill yourself! ...idiot.
The Vast Primeval Hidden Grove

Zzzzzz... oh, Ryu, your spells are SO BIG! I'm an axe wielder! Crush, crush...

Well, at least I'm not dying in two hits anymore...

You may have stumbled upon the very monster that scared them. You resolve to head east, to find the missing coin and fulfill the request.

Lots of loud creatures around here.

Alright, it's the coin!

Looks like it was a trap. Bring it on!

It's a lot bigger compared to the other birds we've seen.
Level: 26
HP: 864
STR: 113
VIT: 54
AGI: 48
LUC: 48
TEC: 32
EXP: 700
Charge: Doesn't use a body part. Charges to use Blaze next turn. Increases ATK by 100% and has an 80% speed modifier.
Blaze: Uses the Head. A Fire attack that deals 85% damage to the entire party. Has a 95% accuracy modifier and a 10% speed modifier.
Corrode: Uses the Legs. Reduces the party's DEF by 50%. Has an 80% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Normal: None
Rare: None
Conditional: None

Quest monsters are either differently named enemies we'll fight later, or beefed up versions of enemies we're currently fighting. It's a Firebird, but since it's got quite a bit of HP to chew through, we'll be seeing what it can do, especially with that blindside. Still nothing much to worry about.

This thing literally has the exact same AI script as the Firebird. So it's nothing but a beefier version.

It's breathing in pretty deeply!

Hell yeah free turns!

Alright you lot, this is what I'm here for, behind me!

Yow, that's some heat!

Guess I'll just have to cool it down even more!

See, mediocre damage without the DEF drop, so it just takes longer to kill.

Hmm... heads I ask him out. Tails, shit.

Just do it already.

Gah! Don't listen in, I do what I want!

Alright, let's dodge past the Wyvern again and finally explore B9F some.

Oh right, it has more than direct line of sight. Still, it's easy enough to lose aggro.

Damn this really does hurt like hell.

We know!

Big fan of how the damage tile effect in EO1 doesn't cover the entire screen and just tints the active dungeon model red.

Ooh nice, we can move on to other skills. Shields reduces elemental damage by 91%. Riveting. Fire has 90% power, and Immunize is a 65% damage reduction. This is around where the other defensive skills peter off considerably in later levels, but this broken skill just keeps on trucking. However, we'll divert for the moment to pick up Salve II, as regular Salve is starting to get a bit meh.

Though there's nothing wrong with sticking with Salve and ignoring Salve II, since Immunize will reduce the damage greatly at higher levels. Plus it's more TP efficient!

I hope there's something else down here.
B9F C4 Mine Point
Fossil. 50% chance. Sells for 55 en.
3 required for Old Choker (Accessory, DEF+1, LUC+8)
Required for The fossil charm
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I
Whitestone. 25% chance. Sells for 100en.
Required for nothing.
Thin Shell. 15% chance. Sells for 300en.
1 required for Hauberk (Clothing, DEF+10, AGI+4)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I

Ah, bitch.

If that's the only thing they do, you'll be just fine.
Level: 26
HP: 142
STR: 75
VIT: 52
AGI: 64
LUC: 64
TEC: 32
EXP: 621
Corrode: Uses the Head. Reduces the party's DEF by 50%. Has an 80% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Feather. 23% chance. Sells for 30en.
1 required for Down Staff (Staff, ATK+22, TEC+2)
3 required for Oak Jacket (Clothing, DEF+8, TP+8)
5 required for Plumed Hat (Headgear, DEF+2, TP+7)
7 required for Down Glove (Gloves, DEF+2)
10 required for Wing Coat (Clothing, DEF+6)
12 required for Plume Boot (Footwear, DEF+2, AGI+3)
Bird Talon. 14% chance. Sells for 35en.
1 required for Ring Mail (Heavy Armor, DEF+16, AGI-2)
1 required for Bone Flail (Staff, ATK+47, HP+11)
Required for A favor for Shellika III
3 required for Down Glove (Gloves, DEF+2)
Conditional: None

It's a, uh, less interesting Firebird. After a Corrode they'll hit pretty hard, but one of them has yet to use the skill on me. Oh well.

For once, we have encountered a harmless trash mob enemy! Unless it uses Corrode, in which they hit hard, but you shouldn't see that if you kill them quickly enough.

There's a lot of them around here, which makes exploring a bit easier.
B9F C3 Mine Point
Scrap Iron. 50% chance. Sells for 53en.
3 required for Magnet (Item, warps you to the last Geomagnetic Field used)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I
Fossil. 25% chance. Sells for 55 en.
3 required for Old Choker (Accessory, DEF+1, LUC+8)
Required for The fossil charm
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I
Thin Shell. 15% chance. Sells for 300en.
1 required for Hauberk (Clothing, DEF+10, AGI+4)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian I

Wow, this entire area was pointless.

Back to the first door then...

There's a scorpion down there, right?


You wanna fight it?

Eh, I'm a bit tired, maybe later.

I really don't want any more sleep.

Hmm, it's releasing a different smelling odour. Messing with my head a bit...
Level: 23
HP: 142
STR: 66
VIT: 46
AGI: 29
LUC: 29
TEC: 29
EXP: 344
Petals: Uses the Arms. A Bash attack that deals 95% damage to the entire party. Has an 80% accuracy modifier and a 10% speed modifier.
Silencer: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Head Bind on the entire party. Has a 10% speed modifier and a 70% infliction chance.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Scent Wood. 23% chance. Sells for 35en.
3 required for Oak Jacket (Clothing, DEF+8, TP+8)
Thick Leaf. 15% chance. Sells for 36en.
1 required for Leaf Tunic (Clothing, DEF+6)
3 required for Stonard (Medicine, increases the target's DEF by 120% for 5 turns)
5 required for Leaf Cape (Accessory, DEF+2, HP+10)
Conditional: None

Man, tackling two floors at once means a lot more enemies... Less dangerous than the Petaloids, since Head Binds are only dangerous to our back row. Now if Petaloids had Petals, then those earlier fights would've been super easy game overs, but here it's just a skill that an Eviloid has yet to use since I get them below half health pretty quickly.

The only thing Eviloids really have going for them is that they have access to an AOE damaging attack. Head binds are only mildly annoying.

Call me the hedge trimmer.

Pfft, lame.

So cool...

We could kill this thing.

I don't wanna walk all the way back there, it'll never catch up to us anyway.

Nothing like a pleasent stroll in the early hours of the morning.

Ooh, a crystal door! Well, I suppose they're just normal doors now...

What the heck? This is a massive elephant, that's not a reward!

Perhaps we could kill this, but I'm running out of steam. And that scorpion is relentless.

You might think an isolated enemy is easy pickings, but no, two more FOEs spawn when you spend some time in this room. Hard pass.

EO1 is a lot more spiteful with how it uses FOEs.

This better have something good.

Watch out, I sting even harder.

Simple as that.

I weakened them for you...

Let's head up to Petrify now.

Good stuff. You can take this trash.

H-Hey, it's a pretty good axe...

Going down the left stairs is completely optional, so it seems we'll need to head to the right of the Wyvern to actually progress.

Selling it and buying a Warp Wire would actually be more cost effective, but eh, 50en is nothing now.
The Lounge Where We Speak of Tomorrow

This coin is pretty important to them, so I know they'll be relieved to hear you found it. I'll make sure they get it back.

Try your luck with the coin?


Oh hey we can finally complete this quest.

I'll cheer him up no problem!

Bring my master with you, kids looooove cute furry bringers of doom and destruction.

Well at least that's over wi-

Oh come on!

That poor kid... he'll never be strong, so he wants to meet a powerful adventurer. He's hoping to meet a Protector above level 30. Do this for him, okay?

Fuck off.

Poor quest distribution is not something I miss in the later titles.

Hey, how come you're so weak?

Wipe that grin off your face! I'll show you how strong I can be, gahahaha!

O-oh, well, I mean, if you want to...

He will only prove his strength in beating me, let's go!

Not what they're implying, dear.
1 Thick Leaf required for Leaf Tunic (Clothing, DEF+6), sells for 900en.
3 Thick Leaves and 3 Mint Leaves are required for Stonard (Medicine, boosts the target's DEF by 120% for 5 turns), sells for 600en.

While we didn't explore a whole floor or anything like that, next time, we'll see how big B8F and B9F really are. And yes, that's probably innuendo, there's been a lot of that this update.