Part 31: Hell of an Optional Time
Part 30: Hell of an Optional Time

I'm not a kid!!! You meanie...

What a beautiful vine... I wouldn't mind wearing something made out of this. And while I'm wishing, I'll wish for a handsome, elegant guy to give me one as a present...
2 Gem Cores and 1 Shiny Vine are required for Jewel Eye (Accessory, DEF+2, Instant Death Resist Up 20%), sells for 20,000en

We'll start today getting all the gathering stuff, since we've found all the spots we need. The only other Instant Death Resist equip is a shield, so this is the best you'll have for everyone who can't use a shield. ID is pretty uncommon and the shield is much more effective, so this is mostly a waste of money, though it does resist against Petrify, since they use the same resistances.

20% resistance isn't really that great against instant death. But this is the best you have should the need arise. Fortunately, instant death doesn't come into play too often in this game.
5 Shiny Vines and 3 Shiny Seeds are required for Angel Harp (Troubadour Accessory, TP+50, must be restocked), sells for 8000en

Shiny Seeds are something you can run out of, so don't buy this, cause, well, firstly Troubs never need these and also Shiny Seeds are needed for other, much better items.

why does the troubadour have so many ways to boost their TP? they're like the class that needs it the least!

Ugh, I hope I never use one of those again...

Both the Take spots are at the end of our gruelling travel last update, but with the lifts, we can easily make it back there.

Beary funny.

How much do you like bear traps? Cause this stratum LOVES them.

Oh wow, you found 20 Angel Wings, the amount you need to unlock everything. What a surprise.

I'm just that good.

The way you make the charm is, you put them all in a leather pouch and then wear it. As long as you put your heart and soul into making it, it'll guard against any harm. And since such skilled explorers gathered the materials, I bet it'll work even better. I'm sure our client will be pleased... and her brother will be even happier. I'll get this to the client at once. Thanks for your hard work.

You're looking way too smug for my liking, get back to work and bring in the ca$h!

Ugh, fine, later loser.
3 Angel Wings and 1 Shiny Vine are required for Angel Ring (Accessory, DEF+2, TP+35), sells for 13,000en
10 Angel Wings and 1 Gold Tusk are required for Tormentor (Whip, ATK+175, STR+10), sells for 21,500en

Technically the best regular whip, since it's only 2 ATK less than the Dominator, at the cost of no Boost Rate Up and being
57,000en cheaper.

that's a silver? what the hell is ental made out of

why is the endgame equipment scaling in this game so bad?
3 Life Honey and 1 Shiny Seed are required for Medica V (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP, must be restocked), sells for 2000en

We'll get some of these when Medica IVs don't hack it anymore, which is a little bit away since 350HP is a lot still.

i forgot medicas went up to five levels in EO1, for some reason
The Lift of Shinjuku

Just press this button and down we'll go.

Ah, like this?

Oof, well, these boxes barely fit five people...

That's because HE takes up half of the space.

I can't help it, I'm a growing boy, gahahaha!


So have you two fucked yet?


Oh my god...

It's only been a day! And it's also none of your business!

Wait, how do two guys do it?

Well, one guy has to take it up the-


Oh my GOD!

...I'll tell you later, Aryll.

Okay! I wonder how two girls do it...

i don't have it on hand, sadly, but pretend i linked the series of panels from Kase-san where Yamada searches "what do two girls do after kissing" into Google and gets extremely embarrassed
The Capital of Shinjuku

Well that was the longest two minutes of my life. Let's go kill stuff.


I still don't agree with you being up front, Karin, the monsters here are pretty scary, you need to be in the back healing us.

IT BEGINS! Soon, the Medic's reign will instill terror upon all who oppose them!

Hyah! You were saying?

I'll happily defend from the back if I get to see the look on Lavin's face, gahahaha!

W-What?! When did- how did-?

Ooh, excellent form, all that training with gathering guy really helped!

It's been quite a long journey, but I'm proud of your progress, Karin.

I noticed you were getting stronger... but not that strong... healing, defense, attack... is there anything you can't do?

Hmph, get a guy to notice I like him.

I was in the same boat, but don't worry, I'm sure he'll realise one day!


S-Something I said?

Maybe we need an intervention at this point.

While it's been a bit of a long road, Karin finally learned ATK Up Lv 10 and Cadaceus. Now, her STR is boosted by 300% and at level 2, it does 210% damage with a 20% chance of stunning. These two skills alone are all Karin needs to become a strong frontliner, though she's still a bit fragile, but hey, Gerson is able to protect just fine regardless of what row he's in.

come talk to me when she can reliably inflict disables like
my combat medic

Patience. All in due time...

Another one onto the pile, very handy! We'll be using all the various lifts and finish exploring B23F and B24F. It's pretty tough and all completely optional, we could head down to B25F at any time and finish the game, but where's the fun in that?

No cost too great for 100% completion.

Oof, nice try, but you won't catch me by surprise!

I thought this Kingdile walked into us last time since it was looking right at us. Turns out, nope, no matter what direction you go, it's an inevitable encounter.

This game has so many mandatory FOE encounters. It's really bizarre, when they're just typically limited to optional fights in later games.

We'll just ignore it and move on, it loses interest in us quickly enough.

Zzzzzz... gahahahaha... zzzzzzz...

Oh you thought that leaving the poor defenseless Medic would work out?

Wrong answer!

She attacks with such fierceness. Have we created a monster? Oh I hope so!

Lavin only has 22 more SP to max as many passives as he can! Will he make it? His swords now have 121% more ATK and Thor deals 232% damage, with a damage boost of 7. Wow!


why are the Alchemist's mechanics so messed up?

This seems windier than usual.

...oh right, you mean the twisting paths, not the breeze.

While it's always hard losing Wagner's Bravery, our team is still offense heavy, so we'll be just fine.

Oh hey, another one. We'll need them, since the more healing we have, the more TP Karin has to smack stuff with.

Hah, I'm glad you see me as the biggest threat!

Oh yeah, that item box was another bear trap. Get used to those.

Man I've missed ya, Gerson.

Good to keep everyone rotating, nice seeing new faces back here.

Defender and F.Guard still work the same regardless of what row Gerson's in and with his higher HP and DEF, he makes a nice target that benefits from being in the back row.
B23F A5 Take Point
Life Honey. 50% chance. Sells for 99en.
3 required for Medica V (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP, must be restocked)
Angel Wing. 25% chance. Sells for 101en.
3 required for Angel Ring (Accessory, DEF+2, TP+35)
8 required for Halo Aspis (Shield, DEF+28, Instant Death Resist Up 50%)
10 required for Tormentor (Whip, ATK+175, STR+10)
10 required for A sister's parting gift
Gum String. 15% chance. Sells for 480en.
Required for nothing.

You know, we haven't even seen the enemy that drops Angel Wings yet. Oh well!

Ah crap, I forgot to get my sword back out of the pack! Well, I'm sure we'll be fi-

Never mind...

Alright, I'm here now, I'm sure we'll be fi-

Never mind...

Why does this keep happening to me?

Beats me, other Realga.

Uh... my name is Karin.

Oh. Well, goodbye.

Alright, it's slashing time, hyah!

Hey, leave some for me!

Well at least I'm back. Do... I look like a Realga? No. No, there's only one of me!

actually there's two of us (my longform online handle is Realga now)

Getting a game over because you forgot to switch your Landy's weapon is always the worst.

At least Kingfrogs and Muskoids are a good combo, since Sleep is lower in the hierarchy than Poison, so it'll never replace it. And of course, Poison will always replace Sleep! Though it won't matter if the sleeping person already took their dead turn before it changed to poison.

I swear, we always fight these things before a stairway.

Aryll, please stop doing that.

Well that seems to be all of B23F we can reach for now. Let's explore B24F for the first time!

I just don't get it. And I am not often confused!

Sure, Jan.

See, I agree they should be called Kingapis, but I don't think that's the proper plural form.

I think it works.
Level: 52
HP: 594
STR: 216
VIT: 118
AGI: 56
LUC: 56
TEC: 56
EXP: 1526
Venom: Uses the Legs. Stab attack that deals 70% damage to a single target and attempts to inflict Poison or Paralysis. Has a 50% infliction chance, deals 113 Poison damage, has a 90% accuracy modifier and has a 100% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Angel Wing. 35% chance. Sells for 101en.
3 required for Angel Ring (Accessory, DEF+2, TP+35)
8 required for Halo Aspis (Shield, DEF+28, Instant Death Resist Up 50%)
10 required for Tormentor (Whip, ATK+175, STR+10)
10 required for A sister's parting gift
Life Honey. 10% chance. Sells for 99en.
3 required for Medica V (Medicine, recovers the target's HP by 999)
Conditional: None

Finally, just what this game needed, more bees. Venom can be annoying if it rolls Paralysis, but otherwise doesn't do enough damage to be notable, even if it lands Poison. It'll be annoying when combined with other enemies, but these by themselves are perfectly fine opponents.

They go down pretty easily, and can only do things to one target at a time, so they're not a threat.

Hey, hands off the new merch!

I've found my spirit animal.
Level: 56
HP: 535
STR: 209
VIT: 126
AGI: 54
LUC: 54
TEC: 90
EXP: 2045
Cure: Uses the Arms. Heals a single ally by 180HP. Has a 10% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Blue Blood. 28% chance. Sells for 102en.
10 required for Azure Coat (Light Armor, DEF+38, AGI+5)
1 required for I refuse thee, Death
Space Claw. 5% chance. Sells for 125en.
1 required for Pattisa (Sword, ATK+167)
1 required for Fasces Axe (Axe, ATK+207, STR+11)
1 required for Failnaught (Bow, ATK+181, STR+7, TEC+6)
5 required for Zanmatou (Katana, ATK+170)
5 required for Halo Aspis (Shield, DEF+28, Instant Death Resist Up 50%)
5 required for Blood Gage (Gloves, DEF+8, STR+3)
Conditional: None

Let's cover the less annoying enemy first. Kingyana either attack, or pathetically heal an enemy if they're weak, they definitely sting when they do attack, but with the way our party is, they won't get a chance to heal anything.

Oh hey, an active support enemy. You rarely see enemy healers in this series.
Level: 55
HP: 713
STR: 298
VIT: 124
AGI: 48
LUC: 54
TEC: 42
EXP: 1025
Defend: Uses the Head. Increases DEF by 150% and has an 80% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Space Husk. 15% chance. Sells for 103en.
1 required for Aulos (Troubadour Accessory, TP+40)
2 required for Blood Mail (Light Armor, DEF+42)
2 required for Blood Gage (Gloves, DEF+8, STR+3)
3 required for Blood Helm (Headgear, DEF+8)
5 required for Fasces Axe (Axe, ATK+207, STR+11)
5 required for Composite (Heavy Armor, DEF+46, HP+14, AGI-4)
7 required for King Aspis (Shield, DEF+14, VIT+5)
10 required for Warhammer (Staff, ATK+131, HP+22)
Rare: None
Conditional: None

Man, fuck these guys. Armorolls hit really goddamn hard and do nothing but attack when they're at full health. Then, when they drop under half, they Defend all day long, which makes them harder to kill with physical and elemental attacks as well. It's nice for an enemy to do nothing once you've got them low enough, but without an Alchemist, you'll be there a long while. Even with an Alchemist, all they do is burn their TP by just NOT DYING!

They exist to merely annoy you. That's about it.

Need any help with that?

No, no, it's still working. Just less than before.

Hmm, I thought I took an image equipping this. The Blood Gage has DEF+8 and STR+3, so sure, Lavin could use it.
B24F A5 Take Point
Angel Wing. 50% chance. Sells for 101en.
3 required for Angel Ring (Accessory, DEF+2, TP+35)
8 required for Halo Aspis (Shield, DEF+28, Instant Death Resist Up 50%)
10 required for Tormentor (Whip, ATK+175, STR+10)
10 required for A sister's parting gift
Life Honey. 25% chance. Sells for 99en.
3 required for Medica V (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP, must be restocked)
Gum String. 20% chance. Sells for 480en.
Required for nothing.

Oh hey, a dino. Time to get everyone ready.

Here's an unavoidable Dinolich patrolling around (okay, you can hide in the gathering areas, but that's boring), so sometimes I'll use Immunize instead of Defender, might as well.

Even Gerson is afra- oh, okay, just ruin my joke then.

Your joke's bad and you should feel bad! Why can't I ever wake up when you guys are having a lovely stroll?

Humph, between my iron skin and this weirdly shaped shield that covers all of us, you've got no chance, suckah!

And I'm here too!

That's doing half of Crush Lv 10 damage, considering it's only level 2 and Karin hasn't gotten the best attacking staff yet. It'll only get better.
B24F A6 Mine Point
Crystwall. 50% chance. Sells for 650en.
Required for nothing.
Drywall. 25% chance. Sells for 630en.
1 required for I refuse thee, Death
1 required for Gourmand's request
Shiny Seed. 15% chance. Sells for 550en.
1 required for Medica V (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP, must be restocked)
1 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP and 1000TP, must be restocked)
2 required for Axcela III (Item, increases Boost by 100 points, must be restocked)
3 required for Angel Harp (Troubadour Instrument, TP+50, must be restocked)

Alright, cool...

Oh no, our elemental attacker!

Time for me to step up!

I'm also doing what I can, but man I'm tired...

When Ryu dies, it is faster to have Aryll use Overhead to get to Orochi, I don't fancy being here all week. I've also been going for Antifire, since we'll need it somewhat soon. Now Gerson is basically finished with his defensive skills, so now it's Smite all day.

You're welcome!

Keep 'em distracted, so I can bash their skulls in, hell yeah!

I would've liked to finish this section off, but since Karin is doing everything at once because the game allows her to, she's getting all the Amritas. Which I've ran out of. I thought I was bringing a fair few, too...
B23F D6 Chop Point
Shiny Vine. 50% chance.
1 required for Circlet (Headwear, DEF+5, TP+20)
1 required for Angel Ring (Accessory, DEF+2, TP+35)
1 required for Jewel Eye (Accessory, DEF+2, Instant Death Resist Up 20%)
5 required for Angel Harp (Troubadour Instrument, TP+50, must be restocked)
3 required for The Crystal Maiden
Death Stem. 25% chance. Sells to 100en.
5 required for Fasces Axe (Axe, ATK+297, STR+11)
5 required for Arbalest (Bow, ATK+161)
5 required for Dead Whip (Whip, ATK+157)
Shiny Seed. 20% chance. Sells for 550en.
1 required for Medica V (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP, must be restocked)
1 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP and 1000TP, must be restocked)
2 required for Axcela III (Item, increases Boost by 100 points, must be restocked)
3 required for Angel Harp (Troubadour Instrument, TP+50, must be restocked)

All that's in this lift section is a gathering point. Thanks game.
1 Sternum is required for Dino Plate (Clothing, DEF+32, Physical Resist Up 5%), sells for 25,000en

Could be useful for frontline Karin, but 5% is hilariously low, so probably won't bother.
2 Gold Tusks and 1 Space Husk required for Aulos (Troubadour Accessory, TP+40), sells for 5200en
2 Space Husks are required for Blood Mail (DEF+42), sells for 5600en

The best regular armour in the game for most classes, if the Jazeraint is a little too pricey for you. Landys and Protectors have a better armour option, but it's perfectly fine, if unremarkable.
4 Space Claws, 2 Space Husks and 1 Red Blood are required for Blood Gage (Gloves, DEF+8, STR+3), sells for 1540en

Best regular gloves in the game, even if gloves just aren't that interesting. Still, pretty cheap for a bit of DEF and STR, so why not. It's not like the class exclusive gloves will be any good, considering their prices...
3 Red Blood and 3 Space Husks are required for Blood Helm (Headgear, DEF+8), sells for 2100en

Technically the best helmet in the game, but the Scale Cap is 1000en cheaper, has 2 less DEF, but also 10 more TP. Even the Circlet is better for the squishy classes, but whatever, it's all very small differences.
5 Rex Throats are required for War Bow (Bow, ATK+140), sells for 7500en

Let's finish this section up. There's a few of these ankh things around, but some of them are too out of the way to bother with, so I've ignored them.

You can't even do anything with them yet, so there's little point in doing so.

U wot m8? I'll bash your fookin head in, swear on me mam!

If you weren't older than me, I'd adopt you, you adorable murder machine.

Most attacking skills go up 5% at a time and usually peak around 200%. But Medic's skills seem except from all this, as it goes up 10% each time and peaks around 300%. Man I can't wait.

Ahah, I thought there was a bear patrolling around here!

Well, I mean, you could easily smell it, they were everywhere in the woods back home.

Not everyone has your strong nose, dear.

I'm glad we can take these out in around two turns, cause this isn't getting any more interesting.

Finally... what I hold in my hand... is the secret to immortality.

Pfft, been there, done that.
5 Space Claws are required for Zanmatou (Katana, ATK+170), sells for 8050en

I guess this is the best regular katana, but the next one is as interesting, but 10,000en more expensive for... some reason. Best not to think about these things too much.
8 Angel Wings and 5 Space Claws are required for Halo Aspis (Shield, DEF+28, Instant Death Resist Up 50%), sells for 5200en

The best regular shield in the game, the ID resistance is a nice high number, but it's not a guarantee still and it's pretty uncommon, but the extra DEF is all we care about for Smite. Also magnitudes cheaper than the last two shields.

if you stack this and 2 Jewel Eyes onto someone, they'll gain 90% resistance to instant death. They'd die horribly to everything else, though.
10 Death Stems, 5 Space Husks and 1 Space Claw are required for Fasces Axe (Axe, ATK+207, STR+11), sells for 10,200en

This is, you guessed it, the best regular axe in the game, I feel like I'm on repeat, but we are reaching this part of the game. Lavin will appreciate this, but he'll reach even higher heights with the Meteor Axe that's around, oh,
155,000en more, but it's also 47 ATK stronger overall! Is that worth it? Well, maybe, depends on how much money we have by the end of the entire game.
5 Space Husks required for Composite (Heavy Armor, DEF+46, HP+14, AGI-4), sells for 6440en

And here we are with the best regular armour in the game. The Landys and Protectors ultimate armour are also nice pieces of kit, but we'll see soon enough if the price difference is worth it. Since we have the Landys already, it's
75,000en more for +6 DEF, +10 STR, +6 HP and +4 AGI. Maybe it's worth it, but weapons are always the better choice for your money.

...why are you all staring at me? I won't say nothing this entire ride down. Pinky promise.

Good, especially since I know the full scope of what is going on. Doesn't sound as fun as scissoring, though.

Sorry, sorry.

Every way is just as good as the other. Or, uh, so I've heard.

S-Same here...

Ah, young love. Full of drama and destruction and innuendo. Might sleep through all these subplots...

y'know, i generally go to great lengths to heavily mask sex-adjacent jokes in my LPs on the extremely rare occasion they get brought out

and then here comes fuckin' cross just talking about scissoring out in the middle of an update.
having sasha choke on her drink because dosen said something that could've been interpreted as innuendo for iseria eating sasha out legitimately took me about a day to think about including because i wasn't sure if it'd be too weird, even though it didn't actually happen and sasha was just misinterpreting dosen being weird

i feel like i should've put a joke here. eh

Here, I'll do it.

I feel like I'm being kinkshamed, but I'm a very open person when it comes to that stuff. Heh.

Ah, so freeing.

Yeeeeep! I mean, uh, yep, doing great, dear!

That's just a bear trap, so no thanks, back to B23F, we'll complete it eventually!

Scary, but when Hellbull charges, we can outspeed the Muskoids and knock them all out in one turn.

Wanna fight a croc?

Usually would, but I do feel bad, we keep breaking into their houses.

...I feel like we're missing some context.

You really aren't.

Alright, well,
back to town.

Was that high pitched squeal meant to be Liana?

I already bought both Composites, so, uh, hey, we got one at a discount!

It's been a couple updates, but we're finally exploring B24F from the first entrance we found!

I'm not used to this little damage in this place...

Well of course, I do more than make bosses disappointing, gahahaha!

Alas, this healing spring just isn't useful, since B24F is completely optional to begin with. It's only use is if you're exploring B23F and then come down here instead of skipping it and activating the lifts to easily come back here. It's just too out of the way, so this is the only time we'll use it.

Of course I hit when no one's around to see it...


Missed being chased by bears? Well, they're here, with a twist!

The twist is one of them is a Dinolich that you need to defeat. This would've quickly stopped us if we'd tried exploring down here the first time.

Protect me, Lavin!

She's so cute when she's scared...

Goddammit just grab the Theriaca B from her!

Come, let us smack this dino!

You have my shield!

And my axe!

I forgot to show it, but Gerson's Smite still does like 200 damage despite being in the back row, compared to like 80 damage from his sword.

the shield is mightier than the sword, it seems. :thunk:

Just gotta shake them off and then head back for something.

Oh great, now I can't move.

Into that are you?

Let's not start sharing with the class.

Ooh, free stuff, so, uh, sure, Ryu can have it.

Guh, damn that pig hits hard! Oh yeah, now that I've got a moment, I'm surprised you're still alright with Lavin and Karin flirting.

Oh, right, well Karin was supporting me the whole way since she didn't think Lavin liked her. Well, he does and I trust Karin enough that I know she's not trying to steal him away, so we'll see if we can get them together finally. So long as Lavin's with me, I'm fine with whatever, I know he swings both ways.

Ohoh, adding you into the mix is making this love triangle into a love square.

...who's the fourth person?

Oh hey I revived them, let's continue this conversation NEVER!

polycule. the term is polycule. love triangles are boring nonsense. polycules are where it's at (says the person in a monogamous relationship).

Oh look, it's a bear. What a crazy mechanic this has become.

Hm, hm, there's definitely something to these! I'll need to find the rest to figure it all out, though.
B24F F6 Chop Point
Shiny Vine. 50% chance.
1 required for Circlet (Headwear, DEF+5, TP+20)
1 required for Angel Ring (Accessory, DEF+2, TP+35)
1 required for Jewel Eye (Accessory, DEF+2, Instant Death Resist Up 20%)
5 required for Angel Harp (Troubadour Instrument, TP+50, must be restocked)
3 required for The Crystal Maiden
Narcissus. 25% chance. Sells for 170en.
1 required for Fire Mist (Item, reduces Fire damage by 40% for 1 turn, must be restocked)
1 required for Ice Mist (Item, reduces Ice damage by 40% for 1 turn, must be restocked)
1 required for Volt Mist (Item, reduces Volt damage by 40% for 1 turn, must be restocked)
Shiny Seed. 15% chance. Sells for 550en.
1 required for Medica V (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP, must be restocked)
1 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP and 1000TP, must be restocked)
2 required for Axcela III (Item, increases Boost by 100 points, must be restocked)
3 required for Angel Harp (Troubadour Instrument, TP+50, must be restocked)

Narcissus? Well, okay.

...alrighty then.


This fuckin game, man.

Being casually hunted by a bear is a weird feeling.

I haven't been worried.

Behind the explorers trial being over, this is the most wonderful image of the LP.

Nearly caught us, but against these enemies, there's no worry when I'm around.

Yeah, I'm so glad Ryu is alive for these battles!

A 130% ATK increase, with an 85% damage reduction, very nice. It's a shame these can't be boosted, which would make it a 142% ATK increase and a 78% damage reduction over 5 turns, but oh well.
B24F F3 Mine Point
Drywall. 50% chance. Sells for 630en.
1 required for I refuse thee, Death
1 required for Gourmand's request
Crystwall. 25% chance. Sells for 650en.
Required for nothing.
Shiny Seed. 20% chance. Sells for 550en.
1 required for Medica V (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP, must be restocked)
1 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP and 1000TP, must be restocked)
2 required for Axcela III (Item, increases Boost by 100 points, must be restocked)
3 required for Angel Harp (Troubadour Instrument, TP+50, must be restocked)

I'm so glad this is the last gathering point of the stratum.

Oh no, Ryu isn't alive for this battle!

Huff... huff... I'm out of practise with dodging.

Gahahaha, it found my weak spot, my beautiful, unprotected face!

Oh so that's why he never wears a helmet.

None of us properly do, it's a serious problem.

Here's another Dinolich you can't avoid fighting. They're not a big deal, really, but the Fear icon is my favourite, so I don't mind.

Spare some TP, guvna?

Hmm, nope, drank it all, sorry.

It's been a real up and down journey, but that's all of B24F done! And all completely optional. None of this leads to B25F, but we already know how to get down there, since there's one lift I haven't touched.

imagine doing a blind playthrough of this game, only to realize that one of the floors was basically a complete waste of time.

And just before we finish B23F, surprise, more B22F!
Blue and White

Excellent, it's been a while.

What would we do without you?

Hang on, I've got Google translate in here somewhere...


Oh, no, that's everything.

Well that was worth coming all this way. I guess.

Earth... I've heard that name before. I thought it was a stupid name.

Might've been one of those seven staff it's talking about, like Japan.

I guess we'll never know.
The Capital of Shinjuku

With that extremely important room out of the way, we've now completed B22F!

Not much here either, so let's just head right to the end!

Alright... I'm basically done... but there's still two left...

Alright, I'm here now, I'm sure we'll be fi-

Never mind...

Hm? Ah, wake up, dammit! We've got stuff to do!

Mmm? Oh, yeah, die, or whatever...

And then B23F, with no problems whatsoever... the end was reward was nice, but this entire update was completely optional! Was it worth it? Well, doesn't matter, gotta cover it anyway, yay!

No cost too great.
The Lounge Where We Speak of Tomorrow

Ah, good to see you back, you've been in and out so much I nearly didn't get a cameo!~

Of course, gotta include everyone! We're all done with the first four floors.

Find a way to B25F?


Hrm. You did go down all the boxes, right?

Oh yeah, we forgot one.

Too distracted by your new boy toy.

Hey, I'm not that distracting!

If you say so...

And now my headache's back...

I'm just glad you got those furs, but another request got posted.

When I told our client that the Edda Guild was handling his requests, he was ecstatic. He's quite a fan of yours after hearing of your exploits, so he's rooting for you. He said he'll probably request you specifically if something else comes up. Way to go, kids!

I think I know where this would be.

Aryll knowing something I don't? Whaaaaaa?!

I don't know if I believe a girl would be inside the Labyrinth all by herself... could be they just heard the wind, but it's probably worth checking out. In any case, be careful.

Since we haven't been to a new floor since I was last here, the trigger is either exploring enough of the 5th stratum, or completing all the other quests. Or a combination, as well as at least reaching B25F. Who knows.
4 Gum Threads and 2 Gold Fur are required for Fur Boot (Footwear, DEF+7, AGI+14), sells for 1960en
10 Space Husks and 10 Tiny Teeth are required for Warhammer (Staff, ATK+131, HP+22), sells for 9600en

Obviously the best regular staff in the game, especially for your combat Medic. While the final staff has a higher ATK, it's also much more expensive and there's no Staff Mastery to make it more tempting, so we'll probably stick with this one. Ryu prefers the Mystic Rod, while Cheese doesn't care.

Oh yeahhhhhhh!

Next time, it's the final floor of the game... is what I keep telling myself.

evil laugh

We'll see about that.