Part 40: Wait a minute, did you just fight a bunch of dragons in one update?
Part 39: Wait a minute, did you just fight a bunch of dragons in one update?

The end of the labyrinth...

What could possibly be waiting for us there?

I'm betting on skeletal tree man.

Oh yeah, we never did bury the body.

I've already scouted it, so I'll let this be a surprise.


Well, this has been fun, but I feel like we really must be moving-

There's a passageway at the back, come on.

It's never that simple.

It's not ruling out undead Visil.

But there is no guarantee of safe return once you have breached its confines. You gather your courage to challenge the very deepest part of the Labyrinth...

These are one way passages for the record. The only way out is through victory, or death! Or a Warp Wire.

Really? Another one?

We should be alright to fight this, I have my life's work after all.

Everyone relax, it's smaller than the real thing and it doesn't feel all that natural, all the others had an internal glow about them.

Well I'm wouldn't mind joining the club of killing them.

Ah dammit, I still have my starting stave, I'll never join that club.
Dyed in Blood

Sure this isn't the real thing? Gah!

Positive, that was basically a love tap.
Level: 70
HP: 8500
STR: 402
VIT: 136
AGI: 102
LUC: 102
TEC: 68
EXP: 7000
Icelance: Uses the Arms. A Stab and Ice attack that deals 165% Stab damage and 100% Ice damage to a single target. Has a 95% accuracy modifier and a 250% speed modifier.
0 Point: Uses the Arms. An Ice attack that deals 130% damage to the entire party and attempts to inflict Instant Death. Has a 50% infliction chance, a 90% accuracy modifier and a 50% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Volt Core. 40% chance. Sells for 9800en.
1 required for Nectar III (Medicine, revives the target to full health, must be restocked)
1 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target to full health and TP, must be restocked)
1 required for Somaprime (Medicine, restores the entire party to full health, must be restocked)
Frost Skin. 15% chance. Sells for 12,300en.
1 required for Frost Coat (Clothing, DEF+40, Ice Resist Up 30%, must be restocked)
Conditional: None

With the final dragon defeated, it's time to face... dragons! The -oids are minibosses that are similar to the originals, but not exactly. For one, thankfully, they don't have their breaths, so you can tackle them without a Protector, unthankfully you don't get free turns against these guys, so they'll completely paste you if you don't have some kind of defense. All of the -oids only have attacking skills, so you don't have to worry about using a Troubadour either, just weather them and you'll be just fine.

Wait, why do all of the clones drop a
Volt-- Oh, whatever.

Turns out, it's because of translation limitations. What it's actually supposed to be, is this:

Moving on to more relevant things, Drakoid, and the other dragon clones aren't really a boss fights. They're just FOEs. Their AI are all ridiculously simplistic. And if you're having trouble with these (how did you even get past Wyrm if you accomplish that?), you're really not going to like what's waiting for you at the end.

Ah damn, that's actually quite cold.

Well what did you expect!

Since Drakoid is the only one to use elemental attacks, as Drake had like twelve of them, we'll make the attacks a lot more survivable with Ice Mists. But the battle shouldn't last too long otherwise.

See, no problem whatso- oh, it's a Ryusicle.

Ahem, fuck 0-Point.

Still has a 50% kill rate here. The skills themselves are no weaker than they were in the actual dragon fights.

The mists aren't too useful if Cheese goes after the enemy, or if they don't act, I guess!

So cold...

I'm helping!

Oh yeah, Icelance has a 250% speed modifier. Not that reducing the Ice damage by 40% would really help in that situation.

Let's just move on...

Oh, looks like I'm a dragon slayer.

It's not a real dragon, so it doesn't count!

Well someone was expecting us. I don't remember it doing THAT!

It's alright, I'll sweep up what's left of Simone.
Level: 70
HP: 8500
STR: 402
VIT: 136
AGI: 102
LUC: 102
TEC: 68
EXP: 7000
Curse: Uses the Arms. A Cut attack that deals 250% damage to a single target and recovers HP equal to damage dealt. Has a 95% accuracy modifier and a 50% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Volt Core. 40% chance. Sells for 9800en.
1 required for Nectar III (Medicine, revives the target to full health, must be restocked)
1 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target to full health and TP, must be restocked)
1 required for Somaprime (Medicine, restores the entire party to full health, must be restocked)
Volt Skin. 15% chance. Sells for 12,300en.
1 required for Volt Coat (Clothing, DEF+40, Volt Resist Up 30%, must be restocked)
Conditional: None

Bloody blindsides... Anyway, Dragoid has a 50/50 chance of using Curse every turn, until it gets below half health, then it's 75/25! Somehow this makes it a more interesting fight than its actual counterpart...

Gotta love early EO enemy behavior.

Can't AI lock him like you could with Dragon. Dragoid always attacks, so he's more threatening than the dragon he's a clone of by default.

Two can play at that game, dear.

It's just slightly annoying since we easily do that much damage back.

But, uh, there's isn't any trick to this fight. This is all it does.

Dragon Slayer Liana!

It doesn't count!!!

You're just mad cause you're not killing it.'s probably for the best you guys weren't on the other team.

That's not fair, they trained all week yesterday.
Level: 70
HP: 8500
STR: 402
VIT: 136
AGI: 102
LUC: 102
TEC: 68
EXP: 7000
Assault: Uses the Arms. A Cut attack that deals 155% damage to a single target and attempts to inflict Stun. Has a 50% infliction chance, a 95% accuracy modifier and a 200% speed modifier.
Tailwhip: Uses the Legs. A Bash attack that deals 115% damage to the entire party. Has a 90% accuracy modifier and a 100% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Volt Core. 40% chance. Sells for 9800en.
1 required for Nectar III (Medicine, revives the target to full health, must be restocked)
1 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target to full health and TP, must be restocked)
1 required for Somaprime (Medicine, restores the entire party to full health, must be restocked)
Flame Skin. 15% chance. Sells for 12,300en.
1 required for Flame Coat (Clothing, DEF+40, Fire Resist Up 30%, must be restocked)
Conditional: None

And the last one. Not as dangerous as Drakoid and not a pushover like Dragoid. At least it doesn't have Strike, or Tailwhip would be a REAL problem, uh, not that it isn't already, I haven't been using Immunize after all.

Nothing interesting here. Just the last member of the miniboss rush.

You just activated my trap card!

Hey, don't steal my deck, man!

Still, this is a great time to use Bait, if Karin was still alive, and survived the attack, then Simone does more damage in one attack than anyone. Don't worry, we'll see more of it later.

Mmm, tasty, but not as good as they used to be.

I'm so glad we're getting Somaprimes soon. Not right now, since we're getting the rare drops first, but once these guys have respawned... then we'll get some.

Oh hey, even I'm a dragon slayer now.


The end of the laby- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!

The monster dwelling in these blood-soaked depths must be the Labyrinth's final enemy! Unsheathing your weapons, you prepare to face the heart of the Labyrinth!

It's... asleep. Whatever it is. I guess if we kill it, we can just go home.

Let's do it, it's big, but doesn't look too dangerous.

I'm getting reports of no more game past here, whatever that means, so let's go for it.

Killing this is way better than a stupid dragon!


I don't think it woke up, it just lazily swung a tentacle at him.

It'll regret underestimating us!

Maybe this isn't the best idea...

You'll be fine. Probably.

Alright, it finally woke URK

It seems a bit annoyed.

What's that sparking- oh no.

So yeah, final boss of the game. We'll, uh, come back to this one. The only reason I got that far was the pre-emptive, but you definitely can't fight it without some necessities.

I'm saving the mechanical trivia for when this is actually fought, so, uh... Oh, I know. EOU is the only game in the series that contains """"censorship""""" from the Japanese version (hencefore SSQ) to the NA/EU version. Namely, Primevil (Yggdrasil Core)'s eyelid in an animated cutscene in SSQ looks like, to be blunt, a vulva. In EOU, they got rid of that.

By the way, this boss can blindside you. And if does that, it's an automatic game over, because it always starts out with an overkill move. Hope you brought a Warp Wire, because there's no way to leave the floor without killing it. They stopped this from being able to happen with the superbosses after this game.

Still, that's what the final room looks like, so there we go. We're done. That's every inch of the labyrinth explored. We'll take on the final enemy next update, but there's still a few things to do before we finish up.
1 Frost Skin is required for Frost Coat (Clothing, DEF+40, Ice Resist Up 30%, must be restocked), sells for 100,000en
1 Volt Skin is required for Volt Coat (Clothing, DEF+40, Volt Resist Up 30%, must be restocked), sells for 100,000en
1 Flame Skin is required for Flame Coat (Clothing, DEF+40, Fire Resist Up 30%, must be restocked), sells for 100,000en

Pretty alright defense for something anyone can wear, but for fucks sake, STOP avoiding the Anti skills. With the path clear, you now don't have any choice, use them or die! These unlocks will NOT help you! Fuck!!!

These... wow, these come way too late to be remotely useful. They're not going to help at all in the upcoming fight, so don't bother with these!

On a lighter note, Salve II heals 281HP and has a 32% speed modifier, so it's getting pretty good now! Is what I'd say if we got it like 20 levels ago, but better late than never.


10 Ebon Plumes are required for Zamiel Bow (Bow, ATK+202, AGI+15, must be restocked), sells for 65,500en

What a waste of fucking time.

At least it boosts disable infliction chances in EOU...

Funnily enough, I don't fancy going through a bunch of FOEs to fight Manticor.
Scatter About

Ahhh. Save me. Ahhh.

You're a terrible actor.

Ailment hierarchy, bitch!

You're the Beast Slayer!

Don't you mock me.
1 Toxic Hand is required for Toxic Gage (Gloves, DEF+2, Ailment Resist Up 50%, must be restocked), sells for 20,000en

Your reward for not killing Manticor in 10 turns, which I, uh, totally did, is some ailment resist. Not immunity. Resist. Honestly, I could give this to Gerson to counteract the Pain Shield, but ailments are rare enough, so whatever.

This is probably the closest thing to ailment counterplay this game has. Not really recommended for the upcoming fight, because it won't help that much.

Compared to the last area's spikes, these just tickle.

With Immunize and a high enough level, Alraune is whatever, which is good cause she'll wreck us otherwise.

At least buy me dinner first!

That's the same exact joke.
1 Velvet is required for Fairy Mail (Ultimate Troubadour armour, DEF+47, AGI+10, TP+16, must be restocked), sells for 81,000en

Killing Alraune with Ice or Volt, something I, uh, totally did nets you... this. The DEF is nice, but Troubadours don't give a shit about AGI, since their songs are damn fast when Songs is maxed, or TP, since their songs are cheap. Pass.

I'm dragon'd out.

Too bad, we need their essence.

...! I did it! I'M A DRAGON SLAYER!!!

Hmm, they don't count.

I do what I want!!!

It sucks that Volt Cores are so useful, but can only be obtained 3 at a time and are required for real nice stuff. Such is postgame medicine.

Dragon sure are two enemies in this game, huh.

1st Turn is needed sometimes. Despite having an alright time last time, Wyrm is still a prick no matter the version.

Still, 1600 damage Baits and a Medic do wonders.

Alright... enough with these damn things...

But I need more... moooooooooooore!
1 Volt Core, 1 Ambrosia and 5 Odd Fruits are required for Nectar III (Medicine, revives the target to full health, must be restocked), sells for 2500en
1 Volt Core, 1 Shiny Seed and 3 Sap Wine are required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target to full health and TP, must be restocked), sells for 2500en
1 Volt Core, 1 Ambrosia and 5 Odd Fruits are required for Somaprime (Medicine, restores the entire party to full health, must be restocked), sells for 3000en

What a beautiful sight. Feels like we've been aiming for these for a long time now, just make sure you don't run out of everything! We'll buy the Somaprimes and when we do the -oids again, we'll get Nectar IIIs. We'll need them.

The Volt Cores make the best consumables in this game. And you
really want to stock up on these, so you may have to do the dragon clone miniboss rush multiple times.

Alright, what's the next unlockable? Hm? The Moss Band requiring us to find two more Clovers? Well, okay, but don't try this at home, encountering the Clover is fucking miserable, as I found out for the first time doing this!

Firstly, that's not it, secondly, the Clover only has a 10% chance of being encountered in the bottom left corner tile and every other tile going up until about halfway. Aaaaaaand that's the most consistent way of finding one!

So because it's every OTHER tile that can spawn one, you'll definitely get encounters on the other tile and get the wrong encounter set. That's just wasted time, so try again and hope you land on the right tile this time.

These are the other two encounters you'll find, left is the correct tile, right is the wrong one. But of course, it's never that easy.

Remember those Teralichs? Well, they're annoying, sure, but it's not worth your while.

Because they endlessly respawn. So either you find the Clover, or you warp out because you get worn down by a million dinosaurs. Probably not good to reset, because the static RNG means you'll encounter the same things again! FUN!

So I had to improvise, and by that I mean cheat. On this specific tile on this floor and on the same centrally mirrored ones in the large loop, you can find a Clover, still at a 10% rate, but at least you can kill the Shellords to get some peace and quiet. And you need to land on the specific tile, but since out of bounds tiles don't have encounters, I can just step on this one tile and guarantee I'll eventually get it.
3 L Leafs are required for Moss Band (Accessory, TP+70, TEC+15, AGI+15, must be restocked), sells for 200,000en

Looking at the time between each screenshot tells you how long this took to do. All for a shitty accessory only Ryu can use. At least there's only one more thing to do.

This is the STR/VIT accessory in EOU which, to be honest, makes more sense.

Yep, walk all the way to the newly respawned Drake! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Fyi, since I didn't have the cheat on and therefore record what tiles I've stood on, the Teralichs still don't appear, so I guess they don't exist? Weird, but whatever.

We'll use some new max level peeps for these rematches, since there's some stuff I still wanna show, everyone's level 70 now!

But don't forget your Protector, even for 0-Point. Fuck 0-Point.


Rock on.

See, didn't need to invest in Erasure at all. Ehehehe...

Alright, I'm an official dragon slayer!

That's my girl!

Otherwise, still a long, boring boss.

Time for this to become an actual fight.

Have you been looking down on me, gahahahahaha!

That's one hell of a grin... I'm in love with a demon!

This applies to all the dragons, but with the head bind, Gerson is free to do other things, since Immunize is picking up the slack.

Okay, it's not too interesting, but it makes the rematch different!

Hold up, the head bind dropped. Let's fix that.


They're hard to bind, but that doesn't make it any less of a strategy.


Ah dammit I was just about to swing...

Ugh, I haven't missed this.

Better keep my blood pumping, I'm about to have a feast.

Wyrm can still be a real dick if it keeps Howling, but maybe we'll get lucky?

A shame that Strike doesn't in turn make Bait do more damage, but it's fixed to how strong Simone is. Still, that's over
2000 damage from one Tailwhip, that's more than anyone else can do. Bait takes time, but up against the right enemies it is incredible.

Set 'em up, knock 'em down.

Been a while since Simone was the strongest. She always looks so calm, so you can never tell.

Sometimes you can get carried away, but don't forget about the breath turns!

Dragon Slayer Simone? Well, if I must.

The ground has stopped shaking, but my fist will never stop.

Pulling out Quake on the last turn. Too bad that was right into a Boosted Bait.

Oh yeah, Wyvern's moved here to sulk, replacing the Armoth. Something you could miss if you didn't notice it's facing the opposite direction from the Armoth, but whatever.

Don't worry, they weren't mean enough to lock you out of this boss forever if you missed her drops.
1 Fire Scale, 1 Ice Scale and 1 Volt Scale are required for Shinryuu (Ultimate Sword, ATK+250, All Stats +20, must be restocked), sells for 250,000en

Oh. Dear. God. The fucking. Shinryuu Sword. This is a very infamous item. Any veteran who tackled getting this item can tell you just how much of a
fucking pain this item is to get! Remember, there's no actual in-game method to get guaranteed drops, so you have to do the RNG tango with all 3 dragons. The drop rates are 10% for the Volt Scale, and... 5% for the Fire and Ice Scales. On average, you are looking at
50 battles total to get the Shinryuu Sword! 50 Battles, with
post-game bosses! And because they're post-game bosses, you can't really speed up battles with them any fast just through level grinding. It's going to take a while to get through each battle, no matter what. Fortunately, you can boost the drop rates by boosting your LUC, but it's not much of an increase in that case. There is also Scavenge, which multiplies the drop rate by 1.3. Nope, it's not +30%, as awesome as that would be, but a 1.3 multiplier instead. Which increases the drop rates to 13% and 6%, respectively. Yeeeep. Multiple Scavenge instances do stack, but only the Medic and Alchemist have access to that skill. So if you want more Scavenge users, you're going to have to grind them up to a more usable level.

Yeah, it's awful, just really awful. But at least Dragon and Wyrm are easy enough to get to, so you can at least try again somewhat easily when hunting for their drops. Drake on the other hand... well, allow my MS Paint wizardry to remind you just how awful it is to fight Drake.

Remember that you have to go through this secret route
every. Single. Time. You want to attempt another fight at Drake! There are no shortcuts to him. So his scale drop is by far the worst one to go for! Sure, the Shinryuu Sword itself isn't required for 100% completion, but you still need the scale drops for that! If you want to accomplish that, you better have
a lot of time to spare!

This is one of my biggest reasons for using the item drop cheat, some of them are just FUCKING MISERABLE no matter what you do. Frankly, unlocking most of the stuff in this game is a real pain to do legit, requires so much grinding you'll get overlevelled no problem and isn't worth it considering how absolutely garbage most stuff is, and we've seen everything you should and shouldn't go for. Still, it was pretty fun showing it all off to you guys, but going for 100% equipment is a fool's errand in practically every game.

Still, despite its ridiculous requirements, Simone is gonna love this, Lavin can keep his Axe, but we're gonna need it. Because next time, it's Game Over.


At long last, it will all be over!