The Let's Play Archive


by Lazyfire

Part 10: Escape

Part 11: Escape

So after things came to a...head last episode we still have to get out of the creepy school/lab thing where a fat nerd was hiding in the basement and no one called Child Protective Services about it. This is a lot more cutscene than gameplay, I'll be upfront about that much, but if you are trying to follow the game's story you need to see the last five or so minutes that explain all further character actions. We also fight our first invisible men, who will be constant threats through the rest of the game. They get a late introduction so far as enemy types go, but they get a lot of mileage from what's left of the game. They aren't nearly as hard as I made them look in this video, all you really need to do is slow time and slide kick them. Unlike the Abominations that they base a lot of their moveset on these guys are very easy to melee, mostly because they stand and deliver a lot more than the Abominations whom have a tendency to jump on walls for 10 minutes before hitting you in the back until half your armor is gone.