Part 1: David Cage Speaks
David Cage Speaks
Are you prepared for my vision?
You simply are not prepared for the hidden depth of the project. It's a common folly.Captain Novolin posted:
This whole game so far has made sense to me because of one statement:
Think of that and the entire game is logical and sane.
David Cage
Now, now, Mr. Mune. Such a starched dedication to a single one of my fantastic library of titles, for weeks on end? For all your mockery, surely you know it. Deep down within you. You can feel it!
You and I are bound. No highly interactive and engaging cinema, even of my revolutionary craft, will save you from that truth!
David Cage
Certainly. I am always ready to help along inquiring minds into the true depth of my works and their many twisting levels of symbolism. As you have noticed, the items which attempt to strike Lucas Kane come at him one at a time. This is to draw emphasis to the symbolic natures of the items in his flat and their deep underlying meanings. I felt this couldn't properly be conveyed in a chaotic, hackneyed assault of several items at once. I feared the meaning would be diluted in that instance. Hence the final scene.Wandering Knitter posted:
I think Mr. Cage should do some Director's Commentary for the 'Dodge items one at a time' scene.
You see, the beginning of the sequence, which I refer to as 'The Tempest', much like the work of literary peer William Shakespeare (and is later referenced by the star, Lucas Kane) begins with a door leading to the balcony of Lucas' apartment. This door represents the 'box', as it were. The normal, compartmentalized word of which average people dwell. This door is about to be blown open by forces beyond Lucas' control.
The winds which erupt into Lucas' apartment represent change and the villainy at work outside the realm of Lucas' world. This feeling of helplessness just beyond the the current our society inhabits is a key theme I tried to commit to the work.
As the wind overtakes Mr. Kane's apartment, the first object that strikes him is a book left on his kitchen table.
This book is unavoidable, as the interactive cinematic experience sequence has yet to fully begin. The book striking Lucas represents his knowledge of the world as it is and how it has betrayed him. The rest of the objects on the table that follow are an extension of this symbolism. However, they can be dodged in the following sequence. As Lucas is coming to terms with not all is what it seems.
Next, Lucas is bombarded by assorted bottles of liquor which are scattered on a nearby table. These represent vice and how many faced with fantastic circumstances, such as in Fahrenheit, would turn to them. Lucas must transcend these temptations, if he is to survive the coming trials.
Next comes the cardboard boxes. While seemingly a non-threat, in normal situations. Here, they hold the volume of the life of which has turned against Lucas. Everything has turned against him and one false step at his work, job, or even at home could crush his chances of finding what really happened in that restaurant. In a way, they are the most deadly hazard of the sequence.
After that, the kitchen table and accompanying chairs themselves attempt to strike down Lucas. This is a throwback to the initial diner incident which sparked his wondrous dive into intrigue.
The punching bag was a symbol of the police trying to track down Lucas. Though, they are only symbolic of the street cops and other officers of the NYPD, not the lovely and talented Carla and hip Tyler. They are not a part of this sequence, as I felt it would conflict with themes in their half of the narrative.
The kitchen itself took part in Lucas' own Tempest. Again, this is a allusion to the diner scene and Lucas' deep turmoil under the pressure of a murder he didn't commit. Would he be strong enough to face what lay ahead? That kitchen held that answer for him.
I'll stop there, as I wish to keep the interpretation of my work open. Peeling back the thin veil of what you think you know of Lucas Kane's world and you'll see what truly lies beneath.
Only then, will you see the truth behind The Storm.
David Cage
Certainly.AF posted:
bahahaha, this has taken a turn for the mindblowingly amazing. we need in-depth information on how he came about creating Carla.
From the onset, I wanted to show off a detailed and accurate representation of the police investigation opposite Lucas Kane's perspective. Obviously, the player would immediately emphasis with the earlier introduced tragic figure of Lucas. Having the two perspectives at odds posed was an early problem. I felt the player would have trouble attempting to undo the work of a character they were already fond of. Ergo, they may not be as compelled to enjoy the NYPD side of the narrative. My goal was obviously for the player to have no "favorite" character, but to be equally pleased each time he encountered them.
To offset the headstart Lucas Kane got in familiarizing himself to the player, I created Detective Carla Valenti. I chose to use classic archetypes in order to work on my characters: Carla is a tough young police officer but discreetly sexy, totally immersed in her work to compensate for the lack of any emotional life.
However, I felt her strong, modern character wasn't properly conveyed in the current engine which we were running the project on. I personally oversaw the retooling of the artistic style on the updated hardware.
Many long nights went into finely crafting her character's sporty and independent look down pat. From her hairstyle, outfits, down to her curvy figure.
I feel the final product was.
Unfortunately, while I would like to write further on the creative process and grind which went into the creation of Miss Valenti's character, my creative process is in the middle of hard brainstorm. I would not want the pressure of being hands-on with my new project, Hard Rain, conflict with my retelling of the primordial ooze of which Farenheit was erected from.
Regards. David Cage
He's just engaging in a celebration of life, Mr. Mune. I myself, when not 'getting my groove on', enjoy several, more low key activities.
Watching people sleep is one such activity I find most enjoyable. Slumber is a very soothing sight.
You sleep quite soundly, yourself, Mr. Mune.
David Cage
The universe sings to me and shares its wondrous colors.
Unfortunately, I was not present for the final take of the voice actress' performance. I was preoccupied with the careful scripting of the closing act of the project and was slightly pressed for time. This was following an unfortunate incident involving a mug of hot chocolate, a rogue feline, and a paper shredder.Axe-man posted:
I think any human would feel uncomfortable around him, but i wonder what Carla's Voice actress felt like
But, I did hand pick Miss Sharon Mann's performance out of dozens of applicants. Her silky voiced recording, reciting the application submission line, was a clear cut winner.
I'm glad you all are so wrapped up in my gripping narrative. I promise the hard-hitting twists and turns will keep you gripping onto the edge of your seat, right up to the climactic finale.
David Cage
The use of The Tempest was merely a brief reference to the general work of William Shakespeare, of which I, like the player's avatar, Lucas Kane, am a great fan. It is a nod to a colleague and peer in the art of drama, more than a direct connection between the two works.LordMune posted:
Now, I've never read The Tempest, but from what I've gathered one of the major themes is the renouncing of magic. Breaking staffs and burying spellbooks and whatnot. Being a huge fan of The Tempest doesn't really feel very, er, evil immortal serial-killing Mayan Oracle-esque.
David Cage
Fear not, friend. It was only a figment of an overactive imagination. Lucas Kane only wears velvet blue and sapphire items of that variety.Tauchpanzer posted:
I've been following this thread recently and I just wanted to say that the most recent videos caused me to have an awful Fahrenheit dream. The most I can remember is that for some reason it was of the ending, which had Carla in her underwear and Lucas in a pink thong.
Lucas in a pink thong.
David Cage.
David Cage
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I had to cut much of the passionate scene between Carla and Lucas. The original write-up lasted around the forty minute mark.McKain posted:
"Frozen... your lips are like ice... I love you LordMune (for doing this terrible shit)."
The build-up to that scene is so weak, I can't even imagine what David Cage thought that made him put this crap in there. There's like zero romantic heat between them, it's like if you get to the end of Metroid and Samus and Mother Brain start passionately kissing on the mouth.
I thank you all for
I thank you all for enjoying
I'd like to
If I could
I am so very sorry.
- David Cage
So my plan comes to realization. Do you all not see it? Hah. Of course not. Could your feeble minds begin to realize its scope.
I am David Cage. Now and forever you will know my name. Try to deny it! I cast a shadow longer than you can imagine. Forever is the name of "David Cage" etched upon all of your memory.
- David Cage
Your false mockery is not appreciated, sir. There is but one David Cage and you are not he. Though, I'll let this slide. Imitation is, after all, the sincerest form of flattery.Lasher posted:
I honestly don't think my posts would be appreciated enough if they were stowed away in an archive. Unless of course you had a giant picture of me and Carla on the front page that linked to them.
- David Cage
David Cage.