Part 15: The Simpson Method
Update 15: The Simpson Method
Once we got back to Vault City we stopped in to visit Vic's daughter. She had four Super Tool Kits on hand, so we were able to get one for Skeeter. I can't help but think that the people who sent out the tool kits might want them back when they figured out their mistake, but Val didn't seem too worried.

Somehow we ended up chatting about her dad and his shortcomings. I think they had a lot of issues.

Eventually she agreed to try and give it another shot, which made me feel pretty good. That feeling vanished shortly thereafter, as we had to go see the First Citizen.

Yeah, she was still set on killing all the ghouls. I was going to have to find someone else who could get their hands on the part, and I didn't think they'd let Val just ask for it.

Luckily, Lynette wasn't the only person on the Vault City Council.

The Amenities Office was already waiting for us with the part, which they couldn't say properly either.

I actually did spend a few hours that night sitting in Cassidy's bar watching that thing before we left to go back to Gecko the next morning.

We made the trade with Skeeter and got the car part, along with an offer to get a free weapon upgrade in exchange for a 3-Step Plasma Transformer (whatever that was) from the supply room. Naturally, I had to wonder why he couldn't just get it himself.

I wasn't going to let him off the hook about asking me to steal a form by telling him that I already had one. That would have taken all of the fun out of it."

There was nowhere left to go after that besides the plant. It pretty much loomed over the north end of town, with a big sign saying "Poseidon Oil" over the top despite the fact that it was an atomic plant.

And it was just that easy. I didn't even know what a Three-Step Plasma Transformer did or if it was a good idea to give one to Skeeter, but I figured he was unlikely to hurt anybody outside of himself and I would be far away from Gecko.

The entire place was blocked into a couple of sections by key carded doors, but they weren't exactly keeping the cards under tight security. I found one in an old locker and another one sitting around on a bookshelf.

Talking to the ghouls running the instruments wasn't exactly reassuring, since they actually seemed to enjoy high radiation environments. If they actually were letting it run close to the limits, there probably was an accident somewhere in the plant's future.

Festus, the guy in charge of actually running the place, actually lived in a small room off to the side of the reactor. For anyone other than a ghoul, I can only imagine that would have been fatal in a fairly short time period. He wasn't entirely sure about the part, but he claimed that he knew how to install it...

Although I did have to act as his cheering section to get him to actually do it. I didn't care about that, though, since it meant that I didn't have to actually do anything in the power plant and that seemed pretty worthwhile to me. I'll give him credit, though he actually did finish it.

Although that wasn't the end of it. Next he wanted me to get some optimization data for the plant so they could run it better. That was actually something I wanted to do, but the way he tried to weasel me into doing it just put my hackles up. It might have been the fact that he somehow expected me to sneak into the Vault to do this.

Of course, he did have a point when he said that he couldn't exactly go to Vault City. Even without the whole radiation issue it would probably be a while before they stopped shooting ghouls.

On my way out of town I stopped by Skeeter's to hand over the Three-Step Plasma Regulator. He had a laundry list of things he could do to weapons, but a scope on my hunting rifle sounded like the best idea.

Although considering the unholy glee he took in the simple act of putting on a scope, "best idea" was stretching it a bit. I also wasn't sure about handing him any other weapons, and I really wasn't sure about having given him that plasma transformer.

Back in Vault City I just skipped talking to Lynette and went directly to Councilman McClure. As soon as I told him about Gecko's plant he gave me my citizenship on the spot. He also dropped that he'd been thinking about them having to move Vault City, which I don't think either they or anyone nearby would have wanted.

The first place I went to, now that I could, was the Amenities Office. I was dying to know what they had in there, since they'd told me to bugger off in the politest possible way when I wasn't a citizen.

I ended up waddling out of there with about 10 pounds of books, which was okay because I'd traded about 15 pounds of guns for them. The exchange rate wasn't exactly good, but people kept dying in my vicinity and leaving me with guns that I couldn't really use.

Conveniently enough the Vault was right next to Amenities. It kind of loomed. You didn't realize from looking around the rest of Vault City, but the place was right next to a mountain.

I was in a bit of a hurry, so I just went right down to the computer room and skipped the rest of the vault. I'd be back to explore it further once the Gecko power plant was finally dealt with.

There was a slot for my Pip Boy, which I ended up using out of sheer curiosity. I suppose that might have been reckless considering that it was my only Pip Boy, but I didn't think about that at the time.

It made weird noises and was insolent, but considering that my scheduled maintenance being more than 50 years past due and had to be setting some kind of record I suppose it was understandable. The new maintenance was a compete reformat and reload of the background map.

Trawling through the computer archives I found the location of another Vault far to the south, along with confirmation that there was no hope of getting a GECK from here in Vault City. They actually should have had two, but had only gotten one...

And had instead gotten a huge pile of water chips while the other Vault got the second Geck. The whole part about the water chips sounded kind of familiar.

On the way out of the Vault I stopped and went through some of the open doors to retrieve any wayward valuables. The rest of the doors were either wedged stuck or locked, and the basic lock pick set I had wasn't exactly cut out for the job.

There was also, for some unimaginable reason, a set of Fusion cells stashed in an air vent. I had Vic pull them out since I didn't feel like screwing with it.

Taking the optimization disk back to Festus wasn't the end of things. Actually walking down the hallway to optimize the computer in his own damn power plant was too much effort for Festus. I could see why Harold had such a hard time dealing with this group of idiots.

It really was just a short walk down the hallway. We could have trained a monkey to perform the job, and a monkey wouldn't have been fooled into accepting a faulty containment report. I was about done with this place.