Part 16: Gifted, You Say?
Update 16: Gifted, You Say?
On our way out of Gecko I stopped by to tell Harold that his plant was fixed and I talked to his assistant, Lenny. When I mentioned the Vault Dweller, he claimed to have actually met him at some time in the past well, more like seen him once. From a distance.

I was really eager to go get that car fixed since it would probably beat walking, but there was one more placed I wanted to visit in the Vault. I started by pumping the medical assistant for information, although it wasn't exactly a deep well.

In hindsight, I think maybe I should have gone with them to the bar and let Phyllis have dinner on her own. We both would have enjoyed ourselves more, and I'd have been drunk for what happened next.

And that's why there might be a lot of kids who look like me running around the Vault City area these days. I've got to say that whatever your own personal opinion of your masculinity is, it always helps to have a medical professional confirm it for you.

After that the conversation died for some unimaginable reason, and I tried to make it less awkward by getting absorbed in the computer. It had nothing to say about GECKs or Vaults, but their medical technology was extensive enough that I could have spent hours sifting through it. They left it accessible right out there in the open, assuming that anybody who could understand the information would be entitled to it anyway.

Deep in the database I found some combat enhancement operation schematics which looked interesting, so I copied the data into my Pip Boy. It was a little bit creepy to think about, but becoming some kind of mechanically enhanced superman didn't sound like it would hurt my chances of getting home alive.

The actual doctor who ran the clinic was fairly friendly, and was more than willing to discuss medical techniques and training with me. I learned a good bit from him, although I could tell he was less impressed with some of the remedies I'd picked up from Hakunin.

Those stories did lead him, in a roundabout way, to asking a number of inane questions about where I was from in order to do a poor job of concealing his interest in someone from outside the city, who could likewise get him things from outside the city.

I don't think the poor bastard realized how common Jet is, or he'd never have paid $1000 for a sample. Hell, I couldn't take off my boots and shake them out without having a couple doses of Jet fall out. Still, I wasn't about to say no to what was quite realistically free money especially since getting the car fixed was going to cost several thousand dollars.

I shook his hand after he paid me and we set out for the Den again. It wasn't exactly an uninterrupted trip, but it could have been that nobody trying to chew my leg off on the way out to Vault City made me a bit nostalgic.

Although the robbers were certainly a familiar experience. Having another person on hand with a shotgun made the whole thing a lot easier to deal with, but all the guns we were carrying around were starting to get burdensome.

Once we hit the Den I made a little side trip, since I'd promised I would look around for Percy's narcoleptic and hard-sleeping friend. There was only about one building in the city I hadn't bothered to visit, and I couldn't think of a better place to look for a ghoul than a freak show.

Sure enough they had Woody taking an early nap in a coffin. He woke up when I called his name, though, and with a little bit of encouragement started gimping off toward Gecko.

The weirdest thing to me was trying to figure out where he'd gotten ahold of toilet paper for the mummy wrappings. They don't exactly produce that stuff anymore, and a box of pre-war toilet paper or a book with nice thin pages are rare and valuable objects. The Great Ananias was left without his prime exhibit, muttering something ridiculous about a single-headed brahmin for his next show. Like anyone would believe that.

After making sure Woody got a big enough head start, I went to find Smitty and see about that car. He was as good as his word about only charging $2000 to fix the fuel cell controller, but he wanted another $750 to install the cell regulator. It was worth the extra money for some fuel efficiency, though, and I was very glad I'd slipped the Doc in Vault City that Jet.

And just like that, I had a set of wheels and the wasteland opened up to me. If Woody had waited a few more minutes, I might even have given him a ride although now that I think about it, I wasn't exactly sure I wanted to go back to Gecko right away. In fact, I wasn't sure where I wanted to go at all.

We started heading generally east, since everything was kind of in that direction anyway, and pretty soon we ran across a herd of dead cattle out on the plains. I I guess I probably shouldn't have let all of those cattle out from the pens in Modoc. Staring at the reminder of my folly, I decided that I really had to figure out where I was going.

Looking through my Pip Boy for help, I found something I hadn't noticed before somehow I'd gotten a travel log downloaded onto the system, probably when I reformatted it in the Vault City computer. I opened it up and started to read.

Vault 15 was far south and I'd need to stop somewhere along the way. Redding wasn't far enough south to be worthwhile, New Reno sounded like a hell-hole, and NCR was right next to the Vault.

I settled on Broken Hills. Any place that a resident of Vault City hated that much sounded alright by me, and as a mining town it might be an interesting change. I'd had better experiences in towns run by ghouls than with most of the human communities I'd visited.

Naturally, it wasn't the smoothest trip.