Part 51: Buffy Season Three: Many Positions Available
Buffy Season Three: Many Positions Available
Looking for work in New Reno, the prospects aren't exactly good. However, despite the initial dismissal he does at least say that we should go up and talk to Big Jesus about work.

That doesn't mean we can't work, it just requires a certain amount of persuasion to get onboard with the Mordinos. From that point, the jobs proceed as normal.

Walking in to the Corsican Brothers with a high charisma gets you a pretty amusing reaction, and with 9 Charisma we can actually try out without being a Made Woman or boxer...

Unfortunately the agility and endurance requirements are still in place. We've got the agility, but need a bit of help on endurance.

Moving on to the Bishop family, Angela Bishop is a lot less friendly if you're another woman.

However, you can terrify her into submission by threatening to murder her and make it look like a suicide. Once you do, she doesn't have much to say and definitely isn't interested in you.

Her mother, on the other hand, is more than willing to bat for the other team. This makes things a bit simpler, but we're definitely locked out of a couple things.

Talking to the boxing promoter in New Reno is also a good bit different, although I think that I might be getting a better reaction because of charisma.

Stuart Little's reaction to being dismissed is pretty amusing, but one of the best parts about playing a female character are some of the burns she'll drop on people.

At any rate, you can still do boxing as a female you just need to talk Stuart into doing is a publicity deal.

Since there's no difference in character performance, women can box just as well as men although in this case using weighted gloves with a character who's highly skilled can really tear enemies apart.

The Wrights aren't much better as far as blatant misogyny is concerned, but at least you still have to prove yourself to them with a male character.

The dialogue about having children changes slightly as well, since it's a bit less possible for a woman to have a child without knowing. Now that I think about it, I believe male characters get a couple options for answering this question rather than just one. The Salvatores are exactly the same if you're a male or a female, giving them the prize for least sexist New Reno family. Although that bar is set pretty damn low.

Moving on to the New California Republic, asking Sheriff Karl about the GECK leads to him mistaking it for an STD. Since we're here, we might as well look into some of the other methods for finding Vault 13.

Taking the recommendation of the Sheriff we can go to Westin for a job watching his Brahmin herds..

Which eventually results in some talking Deathclaws showing up to try and rustle the brahmin. They leave when they see you, but if you have a high enough Outdoorsman skill (100+) you can follow them back to Vault 13.

If you can't track them then you have no choice but to go back to Westin and tell him that he just needs to put any human being in the pasture with his brahmin and they won't be bothered. You still get pay and experience for solving the problem this way, as well as some historical notes about Tandi.

Talking about the Deathclaws around the ranch will eventually lead you to a guy (Salty Bob?) who works in the stables and has a wild story about Deathclaws that he'll tell you in exchange for a bottle of booze. He claims to have had a map to Vault 13, but it's now in the hands of the town doctor.

They evidently screwed up the code for him, however, as rather than taking one of your bottles of booze he actually gives you one. + and - symbols are a real problem in this game.

The doctor doesn't know anything about a map, since what he got from Salty Bob was a painting of Elvis and not a map. Also, it's good to know that the plural of Elvis is Elvii.

You can buy the painting for the low, low price of $10,000 and then examine it to discover a map to Vault 13 as a last ditch means of finding the Vault. That must have been one hell of a doctor's bill if it took a painting that the doc values at $10,000 to cover it. Moving on...

Earlier I mentioned that at Vault 15 you can talk your way out of the fight to rescue Chrissy. Any of these options will actually result in her being freed with a successful speech check, but as you can imagine some are easier than others.

The dialogue also changes vis a vis your balls and a bow tie, seeing as being a female you don't have balls. I'd have been more amused if she'd threatened to kick you straight in the ovaries, but that would probably require more anatomical knowledge than people in The Squat possess.

The idiot guards in Vault 15 are just as dumb, although one thing I didn't mention is that if you're wearing Combat Armor or anything of higher quality they'll make aggrieved comments about why you get new armor and they don't.

And finally, you can press different shortcut keys on the map of the Squat if you re-enter it, but they all dump you out in the main screen with some game breaking graphics bugs thrown in for good measure. At any rate, on with the story!