Part 55: The Dakka Way: Update 2
The Dakka Way - Update 2
Now that we're in the Den, we can continue our villainy or at least, try. If you find out about Becky's still you can get a quest from Frankie to destroy the still, but it's easier said than done.

We can also visit what might be the most expensive whore in the game. Seriously, $600 is just outrageous.

Frankie's also a big enough dick that if you press his buttons he'll try to attack you. Three guesses as to how that turns out.

While we're on the random murder train, we might as well do something about these thieving little bastards.

I managed to get both of them with a single blast, but due to a glitch one of them died and was still standing. Doing this will turn every child in the town hostile, and result in Sulik going on a child murdering spree. The adults in town don't really care.

We get a special title for our exploits. As you can imagine, this doesn't make us any friends and will cut us off from a few quests. There's actually a bit of wiggle room, since you get the title after killing one child but only receive the interaction penalty after killing two. This is a good thing, as a few characters (like Myron) count as children!

Joining the Slaver's Guild is another option if we want to make sure we don't have any friends. You can go on slaving raids to make money, as well as sell your companions.

We get a title to go along with our new allegiance, which gives just about as much of a reaction penalty as being a childkiller.

This would cause us to lose Sulik, however, since he's got a 'thing' about slavers. We need a pack mule and having these penalties would restrict what I could show off, so we'll just pretend that all didn't happen.

As far as more acceptable jerkassery is concerned, we can be as much of a dick as we want to Fred. Unfortunately, he won't give you the money if you try to inflate the debt or threaten him.

You can still take all of the cash for his debt out of him, and the only thing you lose is the cash/energy cell payout that might take months to show up.

We'll also murder the shit out of Joey, because fuck that guy.

Unfortunately, we can't murder the ghost. Well, it was worth a try.

Moving forward, there's another option we can follow through on when dealing with the guards at the church if we want to be a dick about it. If you tell Lara that you need some time to prepare, you can go back to Tyler and tell him what's about to happen.

In order to get a reward out of it we have to come along for the fight but this one requires a bit more direct action.

Attacking from the back and helping out gets us 1000 XP in addition to the experience for killing Lara's team. In this case, you actually get the biggest XP reward for being a duplicitous bastard.

Now that we've hit level 12, we can take our next step in the build and add an AP. Only one doesn't make a difference, but there's more to come.

Taking Tyler's offer actually doesn't give as much money, but it's not like we're really going to need it...

Since at this point Metzger's got about 3 seconds to live.

Supposedly Vic will go hide at Mom's diner if you kill the people in the Slaver's Guild, but I couldn't get that to trigger for some reason. At any rate, he's not coming with us but we can still talk to him about the origin of the flask from Vault 13.

While we're dealing with Anna's bones, we can also open up some other graves for fun and profit. There's a 12 pack of beer, rad-a-away, and some ammo in this cemetery alone.

You also get a karmic title for your exploits and -5 to your Karma score for each grave you dig up. This one doesn't cause nearly the trouble that Childkiller does, so we'll keep it.

We're pretty well done with The Den, so it's time to go to Modoc. Starting with Jo, it turns out that being a dick to him just results in him telling you to pound sand and come back later.

Far more entertaining is the fact that you can tell him that you want him to cut his pinkie off to seal the deal. I mean, sure, you can stop him at the last minute...

But his reaction if you tell him that he needs to cook his own finger is pretty good.

Of course, as soon as he sees what we're packing he takes that shotgun and runs right out the back door. That ends as well as you'd expect for him, but it also sets the entire town against us and cuts off a few quests so we won't do that.

Before we deal with the Slags, there's some fun to be had at the local restaurant. Ignoring the $1000 water and the dog burgers, the really interesting item here is the brahmin fries.

$5 isn't bad, and considering that we can even earn a free meal it's a real deal!

We could be famous in Arroyo if we bring this delicious recipe back to our tribe. This might be even better than finding a GECK for them!

Naturally as the Chosen One we can break the record...

And then the other shoe drops. Round? Deep fried? Strangely delicious? Yep, we just ate the testicles of 19 cattle. Or maybe 10. If they have two heads, there's no telling how many other parts they have.

This leaves us poisoned, but hey free meal, right? Right? We'll make them pay for this later.