Part 58: The Dakka Way: Update 5
The Dakka Way - Update 5Now that we're done with the Sierra Army Depot and have done the rest of the quests offscreen, it's time to go and get our Made Man status. For this playthrough we'll be doing the jobs for Bishop, which means going to the NCR.

Before we get started, it's worth taking a stop outside the gate to acquire some weapons from Buster's guards. As you can see, they're packing Bozars. This is another, possibly easier method to get one but you either have to steal it or pry it from their cold dead hands.

One thing led to another, and I uh.. ended up going a bit overboard. That's okay, because we're gonna be double-fisting.

This also ends up killing Buster, but nobody cares about him. You can raid his shelves for some additional goodies that weren't in his shop inventory.

Also right outside the gate we have a guy named Merk, who's got a few.. morally questionable jobs for us. This is right up our alley, however, and this one is pretty easy. Just slipping three super stims in the Hubologist is enough, but unless you want the other Zeta Scan boost you just have to make sure you get your scan before you kill her.

While we're in town, we can also check in on how to kill Westin. The doctor has some information about his heart, as well as some pills on his shelf although it doesn't really matter if you take them or not.

Super Stimpacks don't work on Westin. 10,000 damage is impressive, but unfortunately even the most inept coroner can figure out that people generally don't explode from the inside out.

For a more believable murder, using Jet or Psycho is enough to finish him. Buffout might work as well, but Jet's the easiest option.

Going back to Merk, his next mission is to steal some papers from Doc Henry which are in a desk in a desk in his front hallway. You don't even have to see the Doc to get them, so that one is a free thousand bucks.

Coming back to Bishop we can get our next job, which is killing another NCR bureaucrat.

To make things better, or worse, we don't have to use any kind of special tricks on this guy we just have to make him die. But $500? $500 is an insult.

Luckily we can push for a bit more, and we do have a leg to stand on. Nobody's been able to handle business like Dakka can. Before we handle that, though, we might as well swing by the Military Base for some extra experience. We're going to need some more levels before we tackle this one.

If you don't go in there guns blazing, the chatter between some of the mutants is absolutely hilarious. They're actually talking about a recipe for "Rat Surprise."

The 'surprise' is better left to your imagination, but the process involves letting the rat ripen for a couple of days.

Finishing the Military Base gets us up to level 18, which means we can get our final perk to complete the meat of the build. With Bonus Rate of Fire our burst is down to 4 AP, which means that with 12 AP we can get 3 burst attacks per round. Having two Bozars means we can pull that off, but the need to reload means that our rate of fire is still a bit restricted. From 2/1, we've moved to 5/2 when it comes to attacks. That's quite enough to ruin just about everything in the game.

In case it's not enough to satisfy you, you can also find the Vindicator in shops sometimes. It fires 4.7mm ammo at 25 rounds per burst (7-14 damage per shot), and holds 100 rounds. $58,000 is a bit steep, though.

As a side note, Tandi's son (grandson?) is a drunken idiot who picks fights in the bar. We'll walk away for now.

To get to Carlson, we'll have to talk to Merk. Since we did all of those jobs for him, he's more than willing to recommend us for a job at Carlson's. Another option is to steal the Presidential Pass from Gunther, but that's more Snake's line if we were going that way.

With that, we're able to get straight through the gate. Without one of those two methods, you have no real way of forcing your way through.

I think I've selected my target to get the Childkiller Perk. Little shit.

Carlson's mansion is pretty much empty space, with the man himself in a tiny office.

There's no really clever way to get him, since he freaks out as soon as he sees you.

On the plus side, this is the highest damage I've managed so far. He's definitely dead, but we're going to have to shoot our way out. Carlson is actually packing a Pancor Jackhammer (the best shotgun in the game), not that he gets a chance to use it.

It gets a bit messy, since the only way to get out of combat mode is to kill everyone who sees you.

Once we start toward the police station, Sheriff Dumont is our first priority. We'll talk about that a bit more later

Since we've got a lot of business to take care of. The entire police force of the NCR is standing between us and the exit.

That includes Jack, who busts out of his cell to confront us. That doesn't end well for him.

And that's why Sheriff Dumont had to go first. A Gauss rifle will punch straight through power armor, so it's better for us if we don't let him get a shot off.

Jack, in addition to packing an assault rifle and a Desert Eagle, also has some Psycho on him. This explains a great deal.

Ironically, once we get out the gate guard chastises us about having a weapon out. I think he missed the memo it's gonna be really awkward when he's waiting for his relief. With that, we're officially persona non grata in the NCR.