Part 59: The Dakka Way: Update 6
The Dakka Way - Update 6

Since we aren't actually hostile to the NCR people outside the gate, there's another quest that requires you to be a bit of a dickhead. Most people probably don't realize it, but you can actually do a quest for the slavers in NCR.

The map is on a bench in the garage. It'd be more of a problem if we hadn't already slaughtered everyone inside.

While we're at it, there's also quite a stash of ammunition stored away at the police station.

Somehow I don't think we really have to worry.

While we're in the neighborhood, we can also stop by Vault 13. We're not going to be helpful here, because this isn't that kind of playthrough. Amusingly enough, despite our status as a childkilling graverobbing mass-murderer Gruthar would be willing to let us in. Evidently the check references your total karma, not your specific actions.

Dakka still murders his way down to the bottom of the Vault. Instead of the carnage that resulted, think of fluffy kittens instead. Oh, and Goris decides to pick a fight with us. He's DEFINITELY not on the companion list. Then again, with two bozars we couldn't really keep friends anyway.

We're actually done with Bishop at this point, since delivering the briefcase to him counted as a quest as well.

We've got an offer on the table, but we can't actually accept without hearing more.

Bottom line is that Bishop doesn't give two shits about what we want, he just wants our capacity for slaughter at his beck and call. For this game, we'll go along with it.

Going to talk to the kids around the Wright household in power armor produces a couple of different conversations. There's a lot of motivation for slaughtering children in this game.

Or not. Kinda with you there, kid.

Now that we're Made Men for the Bishop Family, he starts to object to us nailing his wife. If you get caught this way you're pretty much going to have to shoot your way out. Alternatively you can try to sneak past and avoid notice if you have decent stealth skills. Now that I think about it, I don't know exactly how he reacts to you and his daughter at this point...

Moving on, we've actually done enough terrible things that we've started to attract bounty hunters. If you look closely they're wearing power armor and using miniguns, gauss weapons, and energy weapons. We actually can't handle these guys right now.

Now that we've finally made it to San Francisco we can support Lo Pan against the Dragon in the fighting tournament. Unlike the Dragon, Lo Pan doesn't give two shits about your qualifications and doesn't want you to test your skills. If you're willing to fight, he'll happily point you on your way.

Remember when I mentioned that this is one of the buggiest sections of the game? Somehow Lo Pan ended up stuck in the ring. I can't claim my reward, but he seems pretty happy in there with the Dragon's corpse.

Going on to the tanker, it seems our reputation has preceded us. Just the wrong part of our reputation.

While we're working with different factions in San Francisco, we can do a few quests for the Hubologists and side with them against the Shi.

The first mission is to kill Badger, the guy who was able to help us with the fuel for the tanker. But how to do it...

Turns out Badger has a LOT of HP. I didn't have enough Super Stims to finish him off.

Killing him with our firearms would precipitate a fight with all the vagrants on the tanker. They've actually got some pretty serious weapons, so we don't want to go in that direction. One of them even has a unique weapon:

The XL70E3 fires 5mm ammo in an 8 round burst and has a pretty decent damage per round. It's still not that great for late game.

Instead, the simplest way to kill Badger is to ask him for a favor.

If you have him steal fuel from the Shi and wait a couple of days, they'll come to pick him up and drag him off to a fair trial followed by an execution. You still get credit for killing him.

Finishing that first quest unlocks a couple more. They want us to kill the Emperor, but they also need Vertibird plans. I kind of messed this one up, since I had already given the Vertibird plans to the Shi. You can get another copy but that requires you to ask Badger to retrieve them along with the fuel. Since he's already dead, that path is closed.

Dealing with the Emperor we have a couple of options. Talking to Ken Lee he's quite willing to give us a code to access the Emperor Computer.

At that point we can just hit format c: and kill the Emperor off that way.

For some reason the Shi don't take that too well. On the plus side, they've got some sweet weapons we can pick up off of their perforated corpses.

The coding is a bit tighter here, and slaughtering the entire palace will also require us to shoot our way out of the city. That might be a bit inconvenient, so we won't do that.

There's an option in the computer to copy the Vertibird plans, but it's unfortunately bugged and doesn't actually do anything. We really are kind of stuck at this point.

Exploring a bit further in the Shi compound we can also find this gentleman, who'll pay top dollar for some hardened power armor. We don't have any, and he's kind of a jerk, so that's not happening either.

Luckily the Hubologists aren't terribly bright, and if Ken Lee dies they'll think that the Emperor was killed and give you full marks for completing the quest. His guards don't see anything strange about the fact that you put about 13 Super Stims into his back and waited for him to die.

Reporting our success back to AHS-9, we receive the unsurprising news that he's a huge asshole and doesn't care about us now that we've finished his mission. There's a reason why most people only complete the Shi quests, aside from the whole Scientology thing.