Part 60: The Dakka Way: Update 7
The Dakka Way - Update 7
Dealing with the bounty hunters is going to require some assistance. Assistance that won't judge our occasional slaughter and might even be enthusiastic about killing all the humans. I have the perfect "person" in mind.

Since Dakka has Science tagged we can actually make the check and save all the brains. The fourth option is a human brain enhanced with cybernetic equipment and specially designed to interface with the carrier robot.

It actually looks pretty cool, too.

The various shenanigans involved in getting our new robot pal get us up enough levels to get another perk. The fun thing about Sniper is that it applies across all ranged weapons, so after boosting Small Guns to 80% we can massively increase our crit rate. Five attacks every two rounds, and about 80 plus percent of them are crits. Sometimes life just isn't fair.

The improvement with using the best brain is immediately obvious. Skynet at its highest level will actually manipulate the security systems so you can keep exploring even after you piss off a bunch of robots by harvesting them for parts.

That's much better. You have to do a bit of tweaking to get him to realize that using guns beats using his robot arms to rip puny flesh bags apart.

With our new friend and a couple more levels, the Bounty Hunters don't stand a chance. Actually we probably could have done it with Sniper alone, but now we have a cool robot buddy.

The rewards are worth it, and include other such fun items as mini guns, plasma grenades, rippers, and laser rifles.

With that last hurdle crossed it's time to move on to the Enclave. We need a lot of ammo for this one, so I had to run around for a bit to gather up enough. 3200 rounds SHOULD be enough. Maybe. That's more than 200 attacks.

We can start out in the first floor, shooting down the hallway and letting the enemy come to us. Skynet doesn't move very much, and it can be a problem if he gets between you and the enemy.

For whatever reason the tide of enemies cuts off after a little while, and we have to go find more victims.

It's a bit more dangerous than other areas, since this is the kind of hardware we're up against. If you don't have a Gauss rifle they're all over the place here. All told there's also about 1000 rounds of 2mm ammo throughout. Some enemies even have pulse rifles.

Robots are a bit different than the rest of the enemies, and won't chase you down until you get a bit closer. They're often the last enemies we have to deal with.

One floor complete and 700 rounds of ammunition expended.

The next floor is a bit rougher to start out with, and the crossfire of all the robots and enemies is a bit dangerous for our robot buddy. Once he walked the long way around and ended up safely tucked away in a side room it went a lot more smoothly.

Surprisingly enough, the unarmed and lightly armed scientists charge the door afterward. The results are predictable.

After the carnage has settled down, we've got a bit of a problem. All the running around and screaming has frightened the villagers, and the Elder is hiding in the back of her cell where we can't talk to her. Luckily we don't actually have to do that to proceed.

There's an additional computer we can access on this floor, with information on the power plant.

Most of it is technical gobbledygook, but this last page seems like it has some valuable information.

500 rounds and we're done with the second floor. I was starting to worry at this point that I didn't bring enough.

The electric floor room unfolds the same way as previously, including the piles of bodies surrounding us. And yes, that's ANOTHER level. Slaughtering your way through the oil rig gives you a lot of experience.

We're down to less than half of our ammo load, and the most heavily populated two floors are still ahead of us.

Even with our sky high science we can't bypass this check, making me suspect that it's broken. Turning off the security sounds useful, but we're already killing the security so it's kind of a moot point. This also results in the terminal disabling itself and claiming a maintenance drone is en route, but it doesn't seem to show.

The security steps up a bit on the next floor, but the two doorways here pretty much mean that the enemies have to come at us down a long corridor. It goes well, pretty poorly for them as you might expect. That 125 damage was from me accidentally clipping Skynet with a burst. Auto-repair is a wonderful thing.

The guards are even more heavily armed at this point, and we can acquire a new mini gun. It's worth experimenting with, since it has an ammo capacity of 100 (4.7 mm) rounds and fires in 25 round bursts. With this and a bozar we can actually get off six shots before we have to reload.

For some reason the Vice President decided to see what all the commotion was. 1238 isn't terrible damage at all for our new toy...

But I think 1494 is even better. That's also the second to last living being on this floor...

And we only used up 400 rounds, too. We might just pull this off.

Since we might just kill the resident mad scientist, there's no reason not to be rude to him. It actually ends up being more of a debate, but the end result is the same. This is a good thing, as everyone who explodes from poison gas is one more we don't have to waste bullets on.

There's still a few targets, including at least one or two scientists who have already been immunized...

Which is why we only used up around 200 rounds to clear the floor. 900 rounds is plenty for the end.

Since we're being as destructive as possible, there's no enlisting Sgt. Granite and his group. Since Frank Horrigan is going to come bursting through the door, that means we have to deal with all four of these guys in less than two rounds. Using the Vindicator minigun we found helps our damage output a bit.

Once Horrigan shows up a couple of good, solid bursts can tear him apart. It's possible to take him down with a single burst, but in practice it's actually pretty difficult. Our little buddy makes up the difference in damage to get past 999.

Because we didn't slave all the turrets to our will, they're actively hostile and we have to destroy them one by one. The entire sequence is worth a total of about 14,200 XP.

Because we supported John Bishop and didn't clear out the raiders, the pressure eventually forces Vault City to request aid from the NCR. Vault City becomes the first of the NCR's border territories. New Reno also joins the NCR, with the Bishops becoming a powerful political family and making sure that laws are passed to protect gambling and prostitution.

We also bring Redding into the NCR by selling the chip to Marge LeBarge and not helping them kick their Jet addiction. Well, what's left of the NCR, anyway...

Destroying the mutants ensures that Broken Hills falls apart since they can't get at the uranium ore which makes the conspirators feel like a bunch of idiots when they realize they've screwed themselves. Since Broken Hills is doomed no matter what, this just means it happens faster.

By eliminating the death claws of Vault 13 we've banished yet another species to extinction and proven that genocide is a viable solution to any problem. When in doubt, apply more Dakka.