Part 61: Sneaking Mission: Update 1
Sneaking Mission: Update 1

"Elder? Village? What the hell are you talking about? Where am I?"

"Snake, are you there?"

"Otacon, where are you? What's going on? Where's my shirt?"

"You're participating in a VR training exercise, Snake. Don't you remember?"

no, I don't. I hate VR simulations
why did I even agree to this?"

"We were six shots into the night and it was either a VR mission or talking through my feelings about Sniper Wolf."

"I made the right choice."

"Maybe so. Snake, watch out for those scorpions! The VR simulator is able to to simulate the effects of simple poisons and the simulation will end if your avatar dies."

"Sounds pretty detailed. Do I have to eat? I'm pretty sure scorpions are edible as long as you don't eat the tail, but it's not like we can check with Miller anymore."

"You don't have to, but the simulation does allow for some limited food and drink consumption."

"I'm saving the tails anyway. Wait, what's wrong with this C4? It doesn't even have a remote detonator."

"It's on a timer, Snake. I know it's primitive, but please bear with it."

"I'm kind of at a disadvantage here
can you tell me more about how this thing works?"

"Okay Snake, listen up. You're participating in an open world virtual avatar simulation program. Since this is a simulation your abilities are defined by the computer program. I've tried to match it up to your abilities and talents as much as possible, but it's far from perfect."

"I'll say.. are those percentages out of 100?"

more like 300."

"Right. So can I sneak past this guy, even with the door closed behind him?"

"Only one way to find out. Try and sneak past him, Snake!"

"That's a no. Are you sure this is a stealth simulator?"

partially? Do your best, Snake!"

"Right. So is this my mission briefing? Can you summarize it for me?"

"You have to make contact with an operative named Vic and locate something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit for the village with the information he provides."

"That's only about the fifth craziest mission I've ever taken. Am I allowed to procure equipment by any means necessary?"

"Go nuts, since it's a simulation. But be careful, if you're caught there's no non-lethal alternative available."

"Don't get caught is practically my motto. Got it."
Stealing summary for Arroyo: nothing significant. A knife and a piece of flint are the only things worth stealing, and that's using the term 'worth' very loosely.
Next stop: Klamath.

"Otacon, this guy looks like he'd be useful
can I take him with me?"

"Sorry Snake, this is a solo sneaking mission. Besides, nobody else in the simulation has any stealth ability."

"I can never catch a break."

"If it helps, you can help yourself to whatever he's carrying."
In comparison to Arroyo, Klamath is a bonanza of stealing opportunities. Considering how rare things like Stimpacks are early in the game being able to get free ones is a nice bonus.
You can also get some sellable items, a bit of spare change, and some ammo as well.

"They really went all out on the details, didn't they?"

I want you to know that I didn't write this scenario."

"Of course you didn't. If you had these would be girls from your Japanese animation."

look, Snake, some information about Vic!"

"Nice save. What's this Den place?"

"I feel like I should know that for some reason

"You've got to be kidding me. Really Snake, Star Wars?"

"I've been a bit busy. Really, did I miss that much?"

"Only the most significant cultural event of the 20th century. Well, now I know what we're doing next weekend."

"Whatever. Are you sure you didn't write this?"

"For the last time, no!"
The girls in the bathhouse have some.. interesting.. items on their persons. The rope in particular.
Naturally the Spiked Knuckles from the Duntons are a huge steal, but you can also get a Cat's Paw from them if you steal in town. Stealing from one incarnation of the Duntons doesn't preclude stealing from the other, as long as you don't end up killing them.
With this build, a perk like Thief and its accompanying 40 skill points is invaluable. It'll pay dividends on getting into and through a lot of places that the game doesn't expect you to.
Moving to the southern portion of Klamath, the trappers have some decent equipment.
Even better are manuals, like this one on a small child. Yes, we just stole a little kid's boy scout manual.
Slim in Trapper town also has another copy of the key to Trapper Town in addition to a couple of stim packs. In theory you can get him to give you the key, but I haven't been able to make that option work. It's easier to just pickpocket it or get it from the dog.

"It looks like they cut some corners in this area. Is this place safe?"

"Should be. Even if you drop some dynamite next to that beam it won't go down."

"Well, there goes that idea."

"I've found a pistol! It doesn't appear to have helped the last person who had it, though."

"On a one man mission, the odds are always against you."

"You've got that right. Still, I just feel better."

"You're really getting into this, Snake. Are you sure you hate VR missions?"

"Still beats the alternative."