Part 64: Sneaking Mission: Update 4
Sneaking Mission: Update 4

"Snake.. how did you do that? You've never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail!

"You've got me. He asked me a question and I repeated it back to him and then he exploded."

"I think I see
anyway, you should have a car soon. Be careful taking it back to New Reno."

Otacon, what makes you think I know how to drive?"

"Don't worry about it. The simulator will take care of most of it."
From there, the car gets stolen as normal in New Reno. It's been covered before, but when you pay off T-Ray you can just steal the money right back. In addition to that, he's got a few other goodies including condoms to prove that hope does spring eternal.
Heading over to the Wright section of town there's not very much to help ourselves to, but one of the kids does have a Mr. Nixon doll in case you're curious as to what they look like.
A little bit of experiencing gaining gets us another perk. Master Thief is actually a bit less useful than Thief, but it's a few more points that don't need to be spent on those skills and can be put elsewhere. For a run like this without a lot of combat that's a very valuable commodity.
Making a return trip to the NCR, it's time to do some pocket exploration. Gunther, Tandi's aide, has a unique item known as the Presidential Pass that's useful for another quest.
Most of the guards don't have very much to steal, but the Sheriff actually has some 2mm ammo and a super stimpack. Why the 2mm? We'll get to that in the Dakka play through.
While we're here we can go ahead and do the NCR Rangers quest. It.. uh.. doesn't go well.

"Otacon! I'm surrounded, and they're between me and the door. I'm trying to get out..."

To make it a bit safer we can go around and take everybody's guns before we try to sneak through and free the slaves. Doing it at night is also helpful, especially with the Ghost perk.

"Do you need a bit of help there, Snake?"

"I've got this.. I just
need a minute. Computers are complicated."

I'm just impressed by the fact that the slavers aren't noticing all the slaves running out the front door."

"Alright Snake, your next mission is to infiltrate a military base."

"Finally, something I'm good at. How many guards are we talking about there? What kind of routines?"

"No guards, just killer robot turrets with miniguns."

okay, so I don't like my odds with a rifle. What else do we have?"

"These things aren't exactly state of the art. They've got about a second of lag time between target acquisition and being able to fire."

"A whole second? That's generous even by my standards."

"Keep rubbing it in for the rest of us who aren't legendary soldiers, why don't you."

"I'm just happy that something I'm good at actually works in here."

the design docs say there's another military base with actual troops that you could infiltrate

"Bring it on."

"Wait, what's this guy talking about? There's nobody with me!"

"That's not right
this might not have been the best idea."

"Looks like talking my way through is out
luckily that's not my best skill anyway."
If you don't get the okay from Chris, you can always just go in here and sneak in the back door. We did this stealthfully, but you can also just straight up murder before he raises the alarm. We'll just do the minimum and pick up some stuff for later...
Once we're in the guards in Navarro don't have very much in the way of unique stealable items, but you can pick up a few odds and ends including a Stealth Boy and an H&K G11E machine-gun.
Poking around in a few other places in New California reveals a few more goodies. The super mutant is a muscle working in the bar outside of the gate, and the guy with the machine gun and grenades is the head of the guards at Westin's ranch. Too bad they didn't think
From there, we might as well move on to Vault 15. In some ways this is one of the easier ones for this kind of playthrough, with one major exception.

"Snake, even for you there's a limit

"Can't I get a Soliton radar or something?"

"The simulator can't handle it, but if you kind of picture it in your head

"I know I'm the one who suggested it, but I can't believe you pulled it off."

"They were all staring forward, and I think that the old man is pretty much deaf and blind."

"And the dog?"

"I can't explain everything. Downloading
okay, I've already got the parts."

"Otacon, I think I might be in love."

"You can't take it with you, Snake. You'll only be able to use that in the simulation."

"Why can't you science guys get on something useful like that?"

"We'll handle making virtual guns real after we deal with Metal Gear, nuclear proliferation, and world hunger."

"I can't help but feel that there's something wrong with your priorities."

"Just now the feeling is mutual. Snake, why did you turn the lights on!?"

"I'd explain, but I'm going to be busy running. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Uh.. Snake, I think they're not actually chasing you."

"Don't care. Still running."
Because we didn't kill all the raiders we can't work the deal with the NCR and the Squatters, but we get full experience for turning the parts in. We also get the reward for getting the information, and all of the money as well. The two payouts you can receive vary based on whether you ask about your compensation before accepting the job or not.