Part 67: Sneaking Mission: Update 7
Sneaking Mission - Update 7

"Snake, I'm starting to regret telling you about how those things work."

"Hey, the other alternative was starting a gunfight when I was already completely surrounded. That's actually crazier than jamming him full of medicine until he dies."

"I wish I could argue with you. Anyway, you still have to free the slaves out back
hold on, let me move the clock forward."

"Much better. I don't know what he was paying these guys or if he was paying them, but whatever it was it was too much. Even if it was nothing."

"Yeah, it was a pretty tough fight
not the toughest I've had, but pretty hard."

"I can't believe you're actually trying to sell that line of crap to her."

"Hey, I got a reward out of it didn't I? Besides, like most people she cares about results more than methods."

"Speaking of which, we need to head back to Vault City. Now, repeat after me

"Does this actually mean anything?"

"Don't ask me, I'm not a biologist. If we were talking about wires, gears, and nuclear weapons I could tell you more but I'm just using the designer notes."

"Forget something, Snake?"

I know he can't hear you, but the base commander is RIGHT there."

"You're the only one who could pull this off, Snake. You've got to be inches from being detected right now!"

"You'd think so, but I'm pretty sure he's deaf. Or has headphones on under there or something. There's no way he'd miss me trying to open this lock."

"Snake! The base is going into high alert!"

figured that out already."

"Looks like I'm in the clear
they're far enough back that they're starting to accidentally hit the faster guys who are chasing me."

"Keep going, Snake! For whatever reason they don't have anybody ahead of you. If you can get past the gas station you'll be able to evade."

"A water chip?!"

"That goes back to the previous version of the simulation. I don't know why these guys would know about it."
And with that, we're back to the beginning of the end again. This time we don't have any reason to leave San Francisco after we get started.

"Chinatown, huh? My kind of place..."
The guards and the doctor have some decent items that you can steal, including H&K G11s like the one you see here.
For some reason the merchants are also a bit bugged, and any money you give them ends up in their personal inventory rather than the shop inventory. Assuming you've got enough money to buy one of the most expensive things you want, you pretty much have all the money you need at this point.
Other than that, the peasantry running around here have absolutely nothing of value. And yes, I did check every single one of them. It took forever.
Moving ahead to the fighting tournament, you can see another outstanding bug right here. Snake is fighting the Dragon, but he's also outside the ring. It's not unusual for guards or other people nearby to react, and for some reason this time the Dragon decided he wanted to watch the fight.
Continuing on with the rest of San Francisco we head back into the palace. There's not terribly much to steal, but the guards are much better armed and have a pretty good supply of 2mm ammo. They're holding their weapons, however, so we can't just pick those off.
Next destination: The Tanker. Once we've talked with Chip and gotten his spleen replacement settled that creates a window to do some exploring.
The vagrants on the tanker are as well or better armed than the guards at the Hubologist compound and the palace guards, including the previously mentioned unique assault rifle. It makes a lot more sense why nobody's told them to shove off.

"Otacon, there's something wrong
there are people standing outside the walls of the tanker but I can still see them. It's weird as hell."

"What? Oh! Yeah, that's not supposed to happen. Just
uh.. try not to notice them and keep doing what you're doing. We're almost done!"

"This thing just keeps getting weirder and weirder
maybe next time we'll
talk about your feelings."
I decided to try and play both sides of the Hubologist/Shi conflict, since that seemed like a good plan. Unfortunately this included having Badger get the plans for me, like I mentioned before.
Unfortunately the next thing they need is oil, and with Badger having already gotten oil for the tanker we can't have him swap oil to the Hubologists. In theory we can hack into the computer that the Shi have and change this, but not with Snake's build.
On the way out, we can also pick up the best shotgun in the game from the Hubologist guards. With that we've reached the limit of what we can do here without mass combat, and the head of the Hubologists has WAY too much HP to use Super Stims to take him out.

"Alright Snake, this is it!"

"And you promise me there's not a Metal Gear in here?"

nope, no Metal Gear. Not one."

"I know you're holding something back from me
fine. Let's see what it is."

"Sorry about that... I just don't know how to explain. It'll make more sense when you see it."