Part 2: So long, Crapsack Vault.
Tulip posted:
Is FO3 also blind(ish) or do you basically know what you're doing?
It's blindish, but I kindasorta know what I'm doing. Like, I know not to drink certain sodey-pops.
sebzilla posted:
I forgot to ask before, but is this from some popular culture thing that I don't know or did you just rip it off from the Sonic Mega-LP? Either way it's fucking hilarious and I love it.
I think it's been around for a while as a SICK BURN, but yes, Keith and Kyle are to blame.
AMReese posted:
I'm crazy ahead of you on that.
So long, Crapsack Vault.

Hello, readers! Don't be alarmed at the UI. I made it better.

Well, Mr. Brotch seems happy with that. Let's be on our way.

Time to gather up some things, first. Trusty childhood gun, check.

Bolts, check.

Gotta have a bludgeon.

Clean clothes are a must.

These were stacked in here with the medicine. I'm not sure what they are, but they're super-lightweight. Might as well take 'em with me.

Hold on. I have an idea.

This hat keeps the light out of my eyes. I can aim better this way.

Aha! One of the Overseer's guards. He's busy fighting one of those bugs, though.

Strike while the iron is distracted, as they say.

Come on, seriously now.

FINALLY. I don't think I should depend on this BB Gun. It's clearly just for show.

Hold on. I have ANOTHER idea!

The perfect disguise.

As for you...

You just stay right there. Act natural.

Oh man. That is kinda sad.

Die, foul beast!
VATS can also be used with melee weapons. You can only target body parts with a gun, though.

Okay, disguise be damned. This is a fucking sweet jacket. I feel pretty badass with this on.
The Tunnel Snakes jacket makes us better with melee weapons as long as we're wearing it. Not a bad piece of starting equipment! Let's poke around Butch's domicile a bit.

Best be on our way.

Before long we run into another guard. He turns to attack, but recognizes us and sheathes his club.

Sorry, Gomez.

NOT taking any chances.

Passing through dad's clinic, here, one of the maintenance workers is fixing up that centurion I saw earlier. Maybe the guards got to him, too.

No time to mourn. Gotta keep moving.

There's some other Vault citizens up ahead. I guess they're gonna make a break for it.

The guy went first, and the guards just up and shot him. Then they got the girl.




Holy crap, I did that?

Keep it up. Don't hesitate. Aim for the head.

You and me, gun, we're gonna go far.

Spare gun, spare bolts.

Now, a way out of here...nothing in there but some busted computers.

Someone was clever. This door's trying to close, but the locker's holding it open.

Uh-oh, here he comes.

He's fast.

But not fast enough.

One of those roaches skitters out at me. God, I love having time powers.

But enough fooling around.

Admin? I wonder what-

Man, that's a lot of computers. Too bad I don't know how to mess around with 'em.

Ooh. Hello there.


Just down the hall, I saw Amata. She looked like she was being interrogated by the Overseer and his goon.

He gives chase. Man, he can take a bullet.

Officer Mack was far less resilient. Guess what, he has a gun and ammo.

No idea what this is, but "Overseer's Password" is written on it. That screams importance.

Right now I've got a room to loot.

Let's see here. Stack of tightly wrapped papers? Could be valuable. If nothing else, they'll be good for blowing my nose.

These bolts don't fit in my pistol, but hey, maybe I'll find the right gun somewhere.

There's our destination.

RIP Jonas

Another one of those squares. It's marked "From Dad".

Nice, more lockpicks!

Let's give 'em a try.

Lockpicking is simple. Just rotate the pin to the right position, then use the screwdriver to rotate the lock. The closer you are to the sweet spot, the further the lock will rotate. The idea is to get the lock into the horizontal position. This lock is Very Easy, which means anyone can pick it regardless of skill level. More difficult locks cannot be attempted without greater skill in Lockpick, and tend to have smaller sweet spots.

Okay, we're in! And...that thing means nothing to me. The lights are mostly green, so I assume that's good.

Wow, lots of bullets here. Guess I should be thankful the Overseer mysteriously lost his gun. And..."Mentats"? Couldn't hurt to have 'em, I suppose.

The Overseer's computer was right there, but it asked me for a password. As it happens, there's a little door exactly the size of those little squares on my Pip-Boy, so I popped that in. The password is Amata. Saves me some guessing.

I decided to try the other one, too. To my surprise, voices came out!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a computer to fuck around with.

Enter username, aha...enter password...password is A-ma-ta. Amata!

Ooh, lots of stuff to look at here.

Ugh. Looks like the Overseer was keeping notes on everyone.

Let's see those scouting reports.

Interesting. Apparently there was a war. It caused radiation, which apparently made the air and water unsafe for a long time. Seems like it's okay to go out now, though, so that's a relief.

I checked this out briefly, but it looked boring.

Okay, that'll be enough fucking around.

Whoa, that's cool.

Into the tunnels, then. Not much worth mentioning here more bugs.

Crap. A dead end!

Nah, I'm just messin' with ya. Beep.

Now that looks important.

Pull the big obvious switch, and...

Alarms start going crazy. Here comes Amata, and the guards too by the sound of it.

Uh-oh. They got in.

Who's afraid of the big bad Wolfe?

I'm gonna Park my bludgeon in your stomach!
...okay, that one needs work.

Let's blow this joint!

But first, let's touch up our stats a bit.

Some Perception for Energy Weapons and Lockpicking, Agility for Sneaking, Guns and extra AP. Lizard Wizard's not the hardiest guy around, though.

Done! Now, let's go out into that daylight.


The act of leaving the Vault awarded us some XP, letting us level up for the first time. Didn't even have to take a nap!

We'll invest some points into Science and Sneak, as well as Lockpick. Now that Lockpick is at 25, we can pick Easy locks as well as Very Easy ones.

Next, perks! If I'm not mistaken, you pick a perk every

Because more Intelligence means more skill points! By taking this early, we'll get the most out of our levels. You can take this perk up to ten times, and I plan to max out my Intelligence unless enough people want something else.

Best to wait for the sun to come up.

Ordinarily, the world in Fallout 3 is tinged a slightly pale green for grunginess' sake. Fellout fixes this. Unfortunately, it also makes nighttime ungodly dark.

Might as well follow the road.

Hm. Some kind of destroyed village.

This weird box had medicine in it, as well as some funny little balls.

I don't know how they managed to fit that in the tiny box, but hey, spare beatstick.

Some booze in here.

This little box had a little how-to book on punching and a personal note. Now I know these are for mail.

And what do we have here?

It should be noted that lockpicking, like many actions in this game, awards XP.

Guns, ammo, medicine...

Are these coins?

My, what a fancy wardrobe.

The Dandy Boy Apples were yummy. Little dried slices of apple.

The Blamco stuff sucked. It was all hard and crunchy. It did, however, come with a delectable packet of ground cheese!

I nearly missed this mailbox. It was all bent. Another paper bundle.

Just then, a man came down the road. He had a guard and a pack animal.

As I suspected, he was a trader. He was really interested in those paper bundles. I decided to sell him those funny balls, since I didn't know what to do with them, and the glasses, too. They were starting give me a headache. Apparently those coins ARE coins. Except they're called "caps".

Then he was on his way again.

Something in the distance caught my eye.

A big old machine with the same name as the caps. "Nuka-Cola". It was busted up enough that I could just open it up.

There were drinks inside! Guys, the Nuka-Cola stuff was delicious. Fizzy and sweet, with a deep, mellow taste that reminded me of chocolate. And it came with a free cap!

Okay, I'm sorry to derail the story, but I have to tell you about this freaky metal thing. It was just flying around playing music. Eventually, a man's voice came out. I think the man used to be important or something?

Anyway, I decided to kill it. That guy was starting to give me the creeps.

According to the sign, Megaton's over to the right.

Well, Megaton can wait. I'm having too much fun out here.

Hold on. That house doesn't look destroyed.

I should visit. I mean, it's kind of my neighbor's house.

This gal walks up to me. Naturally, she wants to know what I'm doing in her house.

Then she sat down to eat, and I set about burgling the joint.

Got me some food, meds, booze and bolts. Good haul.

Now, what's this ruined building over here?

Looks a lot like the classroom in the Vault. Just bigger. I wonder who that is moving around.

Uh-oh, I get it now. Bandits.

Maybe if I peg him in the arm...

All right, it worked!

He was easy to drop after that.

Then I took shots at the other guy, using the wall as cover.

Damn, I'm good.

There's some good stuff in this school. Mostly caps so far.

Another one? Okay, once again.

I blast him in the arm as he comes at me.

His weapon tumbles down the stairs, and he runs to grab it.


The armor might be worth some caps.

Downstairs, I find caps, caps, cheap pistol...Nuka-Cola?

I think this place might be worth exploring.