Part 3: Now we're cooking with science!
Now we're cooking with science!
Today, I've got me a ruin to explore.

If I'm being honest, it was kind of a disappointment. They were packing cheap weapons and poor armor.

That's not to say it wasn't good practice, though.
A pretty boring level this time, I'm afraid. We can hack Average difficulty terminals now, though! Not pictured: me taking another rank Intense Training to raise my Int to 9.

And I guess I can't complain about getting some supplies. Drinking water, meds, bolts, it's all good.

Well, there was one thing that was kind of interesting.

Apparently these rag-tag raiders were trying to dig their way into the Vault. Not a bad idea, I admit.

I think I found their tunnel.

And I think I found the reason things weren't going so well for 'em.

They're persistent little guys, but I got this.

Just a matter of shooting straight and pushing through.

And hey, it was worth it. Got me a new gun.


Well, I stand by what I said before. It was worth it.
But I was really glad to get out of there.
Yes, eagle-eyed readers, I'm wearing the Raider Blastmaster Armor here. It ain't pretty, but the protection helped.

Yeah, civilization sounds pretty good right about now.

I'm glad to see that SOME worlds are thorough with their signage.

They've got a greeter centurion. I'm tickled.

The mayor came out to say hello, even! Nice guy, but, uh...apparently there's a BOMB in the middle of town? It hasn't gone off yet, but jesus. Said he'd pay me if I could disarm it, but, well...

THAT would be the bomb. I'm not gonna fuck with it until I pick up a thing or two about demolitions.

I asked if he'd seen my dad, and he pointed me at the local bar, Moriarty's.

I figured I'd do a little shopping, first.

Traded for some ammo and sold some stuff. Felt good to have some money.

Then the proprietor helped fix up my gear. She gave me the bill, and I threw up a little in my mouth.

As it turns out, was working on a book all about surviving in this world, and she wanted me to help with the legwork. Sure, I needed work.

There were three things she wanted to work on: where to find food and supplies, what to do about landmines, and how to cope with radiation. The food thing sounded easy enough.

She already had a lead, too. Some big ol' store outside of town. It'd be great if I brought back medicine, too, she added. She helped me mark the general location on my Pip-Boy map.

She even threw in that fancy reinforced jumpsuit with the pauldron.
The Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit is actually pretty neat. It has modest defense, but more importantly, it boosts our skill with small guns and energy weapons! Good for our first steps.

Well, neat, I have some work now. Let's swing by the saloon real quick and see if I can't find my dad too.

Soon as I set foot in there, this guy in a suit called me over. He had...a proposition for me.

I turned to the bar and whoa, there's a scene for ya. Some guy with an accent yelling at a zombie.

Your daddy passed through here, all right. Here and gone. Got what he came for, and then left. I'm assuming you'll do the same, correct?

Hello there, Mister Backdoor.

This'll only hurt a little.

Bingo. A computer.

Let's see if I can trick it by just mashing all the buttons.

Huh. A bunch of gobbledygook. Some of 'em are words, though. Let's see here.

Interesting. It tells me how close every guess of mine is. How very game-like. I got lucky this time.
Hacking is basically Mastermind. After four tries, you're locked out for good, so it comes down to luck most of the time. You'd better believe I'll be save-scumming every computer I find.

Can't fault the guy's taste in poop jokes. I think my Dad would have to be under Visitors...

Well, it looks like he went to find this Three Dog guy in some place called DC. Not much to go on, but it helps.

I decided to go to Super-Duper Mart first, though. Just outside of town I ran into this doctor guy. He was selling meds, but I couldn't afford any.
He did show me how to use a stimpak, though, and gave me a rundown of the meds I'd found in my travels. I also learned that he's from some place called Canterbury Commons. Might wanna check that out sometime.
You arbitarily learned how to use medicine! Good job, go hog wild!

I followed the little compass on my Pip-Boy as best I could. There were some huge-ass flies on the way that made good target practice.

This should be the place.

Great. I see some raiders have already been here.

On the bright side, there were some Nuka-Cola machines outside. And speaking of bright, there was a kind I hadn't seen before: Nuka-Cola Quantum. It was blue and glowy. I think I'll save this for a special occasion.

The inside of the store, it was desolate. Even from here I could see the shelves were empty.

Just as I thought, there were raiders running around.

I made my way across the front of the store. I also nicked some paper-stacks from these funny computer-ish machines.

There's some boxes over there in that little room. Worth checking out.

Pff. I go where I want, door.

There we go, a food closet.

Now all I need is medicine.

Hello, what's this?

It's a funny little gun. Kinda chunky-lookin', but lightweight at the same time. Doesn't look like there's any ammo, though I can definitely see the door for loading it.

And there's a spare pistol, right next to my friend, the ammo box. I remember those distinctive boxes. There were quite a few of 'em in the school.

Let's see what we've got here.

Looks like it'd fit perfectly. I greedily scoop up the little packs from the boxes.

I make my way to the back of the store. A raider nearly spots me.

I take the opportunity to try out my new gun. TZEW. A red ray jumps out and pelts him in the head, leaving wisps of energy where it impacted. I like it.


This is just fun. I feel like the biggest badass on the planet as I clear out another corner room.

I check the corpses, and what's this? Another gun? Oh, you guys are too kind.

They left ammo for it and my pistol, too.

This door's pretty well locked.

Oh well. At least maybe I can get into their computers.

How about LETTING me in? That's almost, right, you say?

Well, now we're GETTING somewhere!

...huh. They had a computer just for that? Guess they were losing their keys all the time.

Yup, the door's unlocked now.

There we go. All sorts of stuff back here. This looks pretty neat. It's like a little version of the Megaton bomb.

A box chock full of medicine.

And a treasure trove of refreshment!

Not to mention a computer to fuck around with.

Maintenance routine?

The centurion tried to do his job, but couldn't, I guess.

So he went around killing raiders in the face. Good for you, buddy. Good for you.

I'll just leave the rest of the cleanup for my metal friend.

It's kinda dark out here, so I guess I'll just kick back and wait for the sun. Maybe crack open a cola.

...or not. This kid keeps yammering about his monster-infested town. He's so upset I can't get him to tell me what the monsters are. He just wants to take me to his town so I can help.

How hard could it be?