Part 4: This quest is at least five levels too early.
Dogbrows it shall be! Downloads are fundamentally broken on Fallout Nexus at the moment, so a hearty thanks to Chaz GELF for getting the file for me. Besides, we've got shit to do.This quest is at least five levels too early.

Welp, I've got me a kid to follow.

I think he said something about finding his dad? And monsters?

Oh. It's just some bugs. Har.



Okay, maybe try a better gun?

There we go.

This level, I mostly concerned myself with Energy Weapons. I also bumped Explosives up to the point where I could disarm the bomb in Megaton, and gave Repair some points for good measure. I have to say, I'm awfully tempted to take Speech later on. But that's your call, goons.

If nothing else, these fire ants gave me an occasion to try out my new guns.

I like the hunting rifle. Good for shooting from afar, and it has a decent punch.

Of course, I also got to practice using stimpaks. A lot.

The assault rifle is neat too. It seems to shoot a lot of bullets, and fast. I'll only be using it in emergencies until I have more ammo in general, I think.

So about a bajillion ants later, I come across the kid in some kind of metal pod, apparently a hiding spot for when shit goes down. He mentioned that his dad was recently hired by some guy to help build a shack. According to the kid, this guy had a weird green TV with a lot of buttons. I don't know what a TV's supposed to be, but it sounds like a computer to me!

It wasn't hard to find. Looked pretty hastily built, and stuck out like a sore thumb next to the other buildings. The lock was beyond my expertise - I'd have to track down a key before getting in there.

The boy's house was lootable, though. Plenty lootable! I got me an even more advanced assault rifle. Feels sturdier, packs more punch. It's, y'know, better.

Yyyyyup. That's one deadified dad.

I'm sure he'd want me to have his delicious, delicious mystery kebabs, though.

Oh yeah, and he had a key, too.

His other neighbors didn't have much of note. Just some supplies, really.

Besides, I had me a shack to investigate!

Ooh. What a sciencey little abode.

His computer's kind of a tough nut to crack.

Aha. His password, as it turns out, is formicidae. Come to think of it, I, as a fourth-level entomologist, conveniently recognize that word. It's a family of insects that includes ants! Suspicious.

Apparently our Doctor Lesko is doing experiments down in Marigold Station. That would probably go a long way towards explaining the fire-breathing ants.

Duty calls! a really bizarre place. It's basically a network of underground tunnels. Probably used for transportation.

Some poor fellow died in this booth, but he left a tape behind.
If you're listening to this tape, then my brains are splattered all over a wall somewhere and you've got a job to do. You need to retrieve the package and get it safely to Ronald Laren in Girdershade. Tell him Grady sent you. To get the package, you'll need the key. I've stashed it inside an old fire hose case in some maintenance closet in Marigold Metro Station. The key will unlock the safe that contains the package. Look for the room marked by a spinning can't miss it.





And with that, I bumbled off in search of the hatchery. I'd found that key along the way, and what should I see but a spinning light?

Just ease our way in...

What have we HERE?

It's some kind of motorized serrated blade. Awesome.

Now, we've got a package to retrieve!

...welp. Quests are quests, I suppose.


After wandering around for a bit, I decided to go back to the lab, take a rest.

Then I actually noticed the door in the back.

That's a conspicuous pit if I ever did see one.

And that's a mad scientist's door if I ever did see one.

The guardians weren't much of an issue.

Ammo nearly was, though.

But I came out alive!

Quite frankly, I just wanted to science the shit out of this level.

I also got Educated, which I wish I'd noticed on my previous level up.

There's the computer we need.

...well, if you don't want anyone guessing your science passwords, that's the way to do it, I guess.

There we go! Easy.

Dr. Lasko, apparently able to sense changes in his experiments, came running to the hatchery.

He happily administered Ant Sight for a perception boost, and gave me his old labcoat. Then, he went off to...perfect his formula?

Yeah, I wasn't letting that happen. Couldn't risk more...dead...dads. Oh shit.

I broke the news to the boy. He took it well, considering, but the poor guy doesn't have a place to stay. He told me about his aunt in some place called Rivet City. Maybe I could look into that.

I feel a little better knowing there's a few cities around. But for now, I'm just glad that's over.