Part 5: Megatons of Fun!
radintorov posted:
One does not simply play Daggerfall

Rodyle posted:
So I assume that the plan overall here is that by the end, our fine Argonian overlord shall have conquered every Bethesda sandbox RPG, except Arena?
That's not exactly the plan.
FrancisYorkPatty posted:
Seriously gravyflood, if you need to work on this shit then do it in Notepad or something.

Megatons of Fun!

This game has fast travel. For the uninitiated, this means you can open your map, click on any location you've already been to, and go there instantly. It's like having a silt strider anywhere you go. Some would argue that fast travel is a bad thing. If you're one of those people, sorry, but I intend to use it. So back to Megaton with us.

I could do with a bit of the ol' burgle.

Well, that's a shame. Doesn't look like there's anything good in-

I feel a little better now.

Oh, I forgot to mention, but this guy Stanley wanted me to fix some leaky pipes last time I was in town. Now that I know a thing or two about machines, I can go around tightening these here valves and whatnot.

Stanley paid me 200 caps, and he told me he'd pay me for any scrap metal I could find. Spare parts, I guess.
Everyone posted:

And with that, we agree that an interrogation is in order.

Mr. Burke did not like this.


None of that, now.

Welp, that's over and done with.

Hey, free hat.

I made a quick stop to disarm the bomb, which was trivial. I mean, come on. Red wire. Then I went to go

Doot doot doot, dead guy's leftovers.

Doot doo, mysterious empowering idol.

WHOA HELLO didn't see you there. Oh, you're just giving me a reward, you say?

Including my very own HOUSE, you say?

Holy dicks, it comes with a free horrible mechanical butler.

And he poops delicious drinking water that he gets by squeegeeing the moisture out of the air. Best not to think too hard about that.


Yay shrine! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to do a bit of decorating.


...oh, right, I have a thing to do.

Then, of course, I had her repair my stuff. Some things are expensive no matter where you go.

I had to sell so much cola.

Anyway, time for a journey!

God I love this thing.

Huh. Old bridge. Wonder if there's anything good up there?


More funny eggs and more of those weird disc thingies. Neat!

Badass tech-knife update: I still love my badass tech-knife.

Guns are still pretty necessary when dealing with raiders, though.

Uh-oh. Dog bearing down on me.

Ahaha. The look on his face.

I was pretty sure this wasn't Minefield, but I heard gunfire, so I went to take a look.

The clamor died down-

-and then I met the baddest fucking dog you ever did see.

And we decided to team up. Forever.

Here we go, this looks more like a ghost town. But what's that on the road?

Hm. It looks like those disc thingies I picked up earlier. And I think there's a little switch on the-

So THAT'S a mine.

Fortunately, I can just hit the little switch and grab it if I'm quick. I got about fifteen mines this way. Hopefully these are as valuable as Moira says.

The hell? There's some guy attacking me with a gun up there.

Now you cut that out, mister.

Up in his nest, I found a nifty-looking rifle with a telescope on.

Must be for long-range shooting. Unfortunately, I can't hold it very straight, making it a bit useless at the moment.

So I decided to practice disarming mines and-

As you'll notice, we have three more skill points per level than before, thanks to the Educated perk. I'm putting it all into Speech this time. Speech may not be as flashy as lasers or computers, but it's useful. Basically, it opens the door to many beneficial dialog options.

And I decided to take this perk. Seems pretty solid, but, again, feel free to tell me if I'm missing out on any great ones.

-huge gun in an abandoned house. I wound up trying it out on some wildlife. It packs a punch, but it seems most effective at close range. I don't quite have the hang of it yet.

After I picked Minefield clean, I considered going back to Megaton- but then I decided, hell, why not see where the road goes?

We ran into a centurion on the way. Nasty fellow.

Fuck off, centurion, I'm exploring!

Hold on, what ARE those guys? Orcs?

More like SUPER orcs. They're pretty resilient.

But like I've said before, stay calm and fucking shoot 'em.

Seriously though, Dogbrows is pretty awesome. This floating music guy was getting all up in our business.

Dogbrows don't even give a fuck.

Also, he may be a wizard.

Whoa, what's that in the distance? Let's check it out, Dogbrows!

Paradise Falls, eh? Seems legit.

They've got an arms dealer. Handy!

This guy doesn't wanna let us in, though. Apparently it's a Slavers-only club.

See? Speech!

Unforuntately, that's way out of my price range for now, so I'll just be heading back to Megaton.

I decided to stop by the doctor's office, pick up some stimpaks.

His computer seemed to be broken, so I asked if I could have that tape of his. He said sure, go right ahead.
Hey doc, I'm only sharing this with you because you seem like someone we can trust. Have you heard about the synthetic men they make up north in the Commonwealth? Well, the rumors are true. They're called androids. They're men like us, just made out of different parts. I know one of these androids. He's looking for a trustworthy doctor to perform some facial surgery. Can you do it? Do you know someone who can? Also, do you know anyone who's really wiz with computers?
...huh. Interesting, I guess. But I've got better things to do.

Gah. Well, that was easy enough.

She happily patched me up and that was pretty much that. She gave me a protective suit, too. Helps block radiation, apparently.

Well, you heard the lady. We've got a world to fuck around in.

Isn't that right, boy?