Part 10: And robot makes three
And robot makes three

So I'm back in Megaton to stash that mystery assailant's armor. I'm starting to think complicated tech-armor is kind of a
THING here.

I forgot to mention it before, but this gal wants me to deliver a letter to her family in some isolated village.

And, of course, we've got a science report to deliver to Moira.

I did test it on a few mole rats, as it happens.

So, how did my chemical repellent work? Safe and clean like a charm, I'll bet.

Actually, it just sorta made 'em go

, you say? That's kind of impressive, actually. In a horrible sort of way, at least. I guess it's back to the drawing board for that repellent. I wonder if I can make it into some sort of fuel. Anyway, I'll just take that. Oh, but for your trouble,, have the leftover chems from working on the repellent. I'm sure you can find some use for them.
3 Jet added

Ooh, just the get-up-and-go an adventurer needs. So the last part of this chapter is about...what'd you call 'em, Mirelurks?

Yes, knowing more about them can help people learn to avoid, or even outsmart them. So I picked up this observer device to study them in their natural habitat. I need you to hide one in one of the spawning pods in their lairs.

All right, I'll try.

That's great. I recommend the nest at the Anchorage War Memorial. I knew a trader who talked about the Mirelurks down there. Just go inside and find one of their spawning pods, probably down near the water. Put this observer inside, and get out quietly. And be sure not to kill any Mirelurks inside their nest! If you do, it could ruin the validity of the study!

Right now, though, there's a few things I wanna do in Rivet City. First thing's first, I need to tell that gal that I helped her android.

For my trouble, she told me...where I could get my face literally rearranged. Gee,

I get the feeling I didn't snoop around the lab enough, either.

It's brains-in-a-doll!

With that out of the way...there's something I've been meaning to do for a long time. Tenpenny Tower should be to the west of here.

Gonna have to cross that bridge if I want to go further west.

Which means cutting through those ruins, unfortunately.

Oh, goddammit. Super Mutants.

Sometimes the simplest solution really is the best one.
NOW I can bridge.

Well, okay. A bit of a detour won't be so bad.

Whup. Mind the raiders.

Can't complain about more stuff, though. Now, let's hit the road!

Goddammit. Well, let's think about this logically. Mr. Burke was staying in Megaton... I guess we'll have to start from there.

Whoa. Apparently scorpions are a thing now.

I guess I can use this for

Now to just resume my journey and


Here, Dogbrows is harassed by a group of raiders.

Fire, as it turns out, only makes him madder.

There she is. Tenpenny Tower, home to the vile fuck that tried to murder my home.
Speech, 100% I have a lucrative offer for Tenpenny. Let me in, or you'll come to regret it.

Just a minute, let's not be hasty. If Tenpenny is interested in what you have to say, I suppose you should get your chance. Though, he normally conducts all his business through Mister Burke. If Tenpenny doesn't want to talk to you, then you best leave him alone. If you bother Mister Tenpenny or any of his residents, I will be very glad to forcibly show you out. Do we understand each other? Good.

Hey. Hey buddy. Guess what.

Well, that was fun.

Say, who's this friendly fella hangin' out not far from the tower?

: Interest you in a combat robot? Only 1000 caps!

Hell fucking yes you can interest me in a combat robot.

Gentlemen, we have robot.

Now, about those Mirelurks. Their lair is supposed to be eastish of Super-Duper Mart, so we'll set out from there.

Whup. Hang on, I'll take care of-

that's reasonably effective.

What's this?

Ah, just a rest stop of sorts.

The memorial's up ahead, so I'll just have Mutts and Bolts sit tight.

I...don't think I can trust them to not kill things.

Just gotta creep.
THAT'S a Mirelurk?

Good a time as any to try this chameleon field emitter!

So far, so good. Just try not to-




Annnnnd safe.

Now who're these douchebags?

Douchebags who wanna kill me, I guess.

That wasn't so hard.

Hey, what's this?

Fuckin' Burke.

Sir, at this juncture I am morally obligated to point out that I am equipped with a fully functional storage unit.

You don't say! How much can you carry?

I've never gone out of my way to test it, but my carrying capacity has been described as "bananas", sir.

Then I think we need to make a little side trip.
Not pictured: my arrival at the area behind the GNR plaza. Fraps is an idiot.

It should be right...there we are. Carry this for me, would you?

Good gravy! That's a Fat Man!


It's, uh...well, y'know that rocket launcher of yours?

Right, the boomy thing.

Well, imagine one that fires special payload
TEN TIMES as devastating.

Special rockets?

Yes, sir.
NUCLEAR payload, like miniature A-bombs. Can't miss 'em!

Wait, "A-bombs"?

...bloaty-looking missiles, sir.

Oh, like
these! Great, mystery solved!

Anyway, we've got a mission report to give.

Lady, I think you're giving crab monsters about ten times more credit than they deserve. But more importantly, I planted the observer and didn't even shoot a single one of the fuckers.

I'll bet most people would have just gone in there, guns blazing, without half a thought! But not you! You're the best research assistant ever!

I've been getting a good signal, but what do you think about them from your first-hand observations of them?

They're probably crabs twisted into horrible monsters by radiation like everything else. Does that count as an observation?

That's very scientific of you! Personally, I wasn't sure if they were crabs or if they came from some sort of brine shrimp, perhaps.

Some of these observations about their armor and camouflage gave me an idea for reinforced, color-neutral headgear. Here, consider it thanks for not interfering with them. Oh, speaking of which, take these. So you can continue to avoid them in the future.
Shady Hat, 5 Stealth Boys added
I was pleasantly surprised with this quest's reward! The Shady Hat confers five points of Sneak and one point of Perception, making it a straight upgrade from our cowboy hat to the tune of five points of Sneak. With the Recon Armor, that's ten whole points of Sneak!

I suspect this completes the second chapter's research, correct?

Correct, as always! And your feedback's led to a really smartly written book. Maybe too smart for some folks, I worry.

Well fuck those guys then.

Of course, if the reader can't be bothered to understand something so important as a book on how to stay alive, then what can we do, huh? And in case those readers blame you for their ignorance, here's your payment: two big boxes of ammo. Now, on to the next chapter! The last chapter's a bit more esoteric. It's about the survival of humanity as a whole, and how to rebuild society. Deep stuff, huh? We need to know how large settlements are formed, how to harness the old technology, and I'll need you to get ancient history from a nearby library.

Using old technology sounds interesting.

It does, doesn't it? I mostly just deal with it after it's junked. But a trader gave me this RobCo processor widget. He said it's worth a fortune! According to him, if it's connected to the mainframe in the RobCo factory, you could have access to all the robots you'd ever want! Now that would be a great example of how to harness technology, wouldn't it?

Just go in and connect the widget to the mainframe? I can do that.

Yeah, you should just be able to plug it into the mainframe at the RobCo production facility. It'll give you access to the robots and terminals.

And just to be clear, the "mainframe" is...?

A huge computer, basically. And be sure to keep an eye out for any other examples of how to make old technology work for you out there!

I probably won't!

And as luck would have it, I already know where the RobCo facility is. It's where that guy sold me the Sergeant.

Lots of old robots here, as you might expect.

And, of course, fucking Radroaches.

Oh, goodie. Reading material.

So the
moon is responsible for tides. Huh.

I must say, this robot adventure is proving quite uneventful.

Well, I'm
somebody's employee!

There's a few robots in pods scattered around, but mostly there's just vermin sniffing around.
THAT looks like our mainframe.

Annnnd right into the AGP slot ya go.

Let's see what else we can convince this puppy to do.

"Total Liquidation" sounds bad.

Stress Testing is tempting, but I think I'll just set them on pest control. That should be good for everyone involved.

Of course, target practice is fun too.
In addition to topping off Speech this level, I'm dumping points into Energy Weapons. I am the Laser Wizard, after all!
I'm also taking Intense Training, just to increase the number of perks available to us in the future. Anyhoo, back to Megaton!

I reactivated the robots and was able to modify their programming.

Harnessing the technology of the past and modifying it for your own purposes? That's just the thing! Tell me all about how it worked out.

Even after reprogamming, they were still, well, mass-produced hunks of junk. Not exactly the backbone of an army.

Well, they're only human. Err, well, made by humans. Well, probably manufactured by other robots, but you know where I'm going with this. Seems like a good thing to watch for when dealing with tech of any age. And it helps to pack a few pulse grenades, just in case. Here, have a few. Oh, and take my book on science - for some reason, I can't get into the computer parts, but I've got the rest pretty much memorized.

Speaking of books, you wanted me to look into a library for you?

Books are where the old world kept its knowledge, and libraries are where it kept the books. And there's supposed to be one in Arlington.

Okay, I'll check out my local library.

Great! The library should be in old Arlington, not far from downtown.


See if you can download the archives from its computer. If you can't get those, then even the card catalog would be useful. Any little piece of information could help the book. And thus, humanity!

You heard the lady! Move out!

Huh. Those robots are getting more organized.

Still, between me and Sarge's plasma and Dogbrows' horrifying strength, they're not much of a problem.
Fun fact: since I have Broken Steel installed, Dogbrows comes with a whopping 2,500 HP at minimum. Sergeant RL-3 has 10,500 HP!

Headin' into town, dealin' with some raiders.


Well, that works.

Oh hey, a merchant.


Well, we can't have that.

Annnnnd I'll just help myself to your wares. I'll let Sarge hang on to that fire thing, too.

Ghouls? Heh, easy enough.

Uh. Crap.

Try this!

I defer to your ferocity, Dogbrows.

Sheesh, that was harrowing. Back to exploration!

Raiders be steppin' up their game up in here.

But ultimately, that just means we get to take advantage of their campsite.

And in no time at all, here we are!

Immediately, I am accosted by some gal who wants to pay me for any intact books I can find. Sure, I'll keep an eye out.

Now, to adventure!

And by adventure, I mean blasting.

Oh my! Some poor Brotherhood of Steel fellow died and dropped his minigun.

I'll just cram that in there for ya.

Shooty shoot shoot,

shootily shoot,

shooty shooty shoot shoot,



Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to
book it back to Megaton. Till next time!
radintorov posted:
I'm also voting that you should faff about a bit.
I hear Canterbury Commons is lovely this time of the year, and so is the town of Old Olney, just to the NW of CC: both towns are full of helpful people and nice surprises waiting for you, especially Old Olney. 

That sounds lovely.