Part 11: An Anty, Climatic Battle
An Anty, Climatic Battle
Went and delivered my "book report" to Moira. She was pretty damn pleased about it. She wanted me to do some more stuff for her, Besides, I've got stuff I wanna do.

Like check out this wonderful Canterbury Commons place I've heard so much about!

Ten bears later...

Hello, fair weapons trader!

Goodbye, fair weapons trader!

Now, Canterbury Commons should be juuuuust...


...this is something stupid, isn't it.

The guy with the robot suit and the gal in the ant suit argued, dueled their ants and robots, and the ant lady absconded. Welp.

Turns out they've been kind of a nuisance! See, this gal, the AntAgonist, has been raving about ant power and attacking the town. The guy in the robot suit, the Machinist, decided to play rival to the AntAgonist after one of his personal robots got junked by an ant.

So I offered my services.

My premium services.

I decided to investigate the AntAgonist's hideout just outside of town first. Somehow Ant Lady seems more...immediately manageable than Robot Man.

Just slip through the tunnels, open the secret passage...

Yup, those're some ants.

And there's the queen!

Remember how I took that point of endurance to make more perks available? Well, this is the one I had in mind. Nearly 40 points to Big Guns? Sold!

Now to deal with the Machinist in his damn robot shop on the hill.

Right off the bat we're greeted by a RoboBrain. I can respect that.

And in here, we have...disconcertingly empty pods.

Gun hand and rocket hand. Hm. Sarge, my big gun, please.


You too, ya lousy turret!

Fuck all your motherboards!

We bulldoze a path to the Machinist's inner sanctum.

He's clearly a powerful man. I'll have to be crafty about this.

I really can't allow that, Machinist.

There. No ants, no war robots, no problem.

Annnnd back to Roe for my reward. He even threw in 200 caps extra for being so thorough!

Suddenly, my Pip-Boy let out a little chirp. I guess I got a message!

Ooh. A treasure-filled vacation, that's the thing.

Just gotta make a few preparations first!

One vacation moustache, please!

Dashing. Now to pack.

Not gonna let THIS vacation rape me.

Pick up some ammo in Rivet City just to be sure.

There's a few annoyances to deal with on the way to the boat, but nothing dire.
Just wanted to show off Protectron's Gaze here. It's technically weaker than the Plasma Pistol, but it fires five beams at a time, which is awesome. Plus, each one of these shots has its own chance to crit, so it can be pretty devastating in VATS or the right situation!

The boat should be just past this Brotherhood of Steel stronghold.

Who's that I see locked in a firefight?

A big, mean green fucker, that's who!


Don't you try to outlaser the Lizard Wizard.


Centaur get out of here, you are ridiculous.

Now, let's see what we've got.