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The Let's Play Archive

Fallout 3

by Lizard Wizard

Part 17: Time to do some science!

Time to do some science!

Okay, I think I've done enough karmic legwork for now. Time to get down to some science.

Riiiight after I support my local businesses, that is. This schematic is rather eye-catching - if I'm not mistaken, it's just like the tin-can grenade I found in the raider base. Let's take a closer look.

Yes science okay. On my long trek, I decided to fiddle around with my Pip-Boy a bit, and I found a few...cries for help, I guess, on the radio. One was from this guy who wanted help freeing his people, and the other was from some group called the Outcasts. Part of me wants to check that out, but the rest of me doesn't want to go to space again.
These distress signals will lead us to The Pitt and Operation Anchorage expansions respectively. I'll be happy to go to either one if the thread demands it!

Anyway, time to catch up with Dad and make a shitload of pure water, hopefully.

Not really, but I'll bite. What was it?
Revelation 21:6. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life, freely. Don't you see? This is what it all means. The water, the purifier. THIS is the water of life. Your mother's dream.
Daw. So what do you need me to do?
Just drain the floodwater mucking up our equipment in the lower levels, replace a blown fuse or two and report back to me over the intercom.

Simple enough!

I'll give you further instructions at the intercom near the pipe grate.

Looks like our pipe!

Then you should just be able to come out the other end.
See you soon, then.

There we go. Just turn this and...


Well fuck everything. President Crazy wants to bust our heads for some reason, I guess.

Time to go get shit done as usual.

Looks like the Enclave has power armor.

And lasers. Yowch. I could be in trouble against a group of these guys.

But hey, more fingers of justice.

I'm-a comin', Dad!

Some Enclave fuck is trying to take over the project, I guess. Can't see his face, though.


Come on, Dad, you know better than that. Don't do it.

Wait, did he just...? magnificent bastard.

Oh, I hear that.

Down to the maintenance tunnels, then.

I'm gonna miss this puppy, but hey, these guys probably need it more than I do.

Another bot spouting Enclave nonsense?

Imagine a really awesome couple of screenshots of Lizard Wizard with gritted teeth, punching the Eyebot into smithereens. Unfortunately, I was off by a split-second and didn't quite get it. In future updates I'll be experimenting with grabbing stuff from video. Someone get on fanart of that, though.

Anyway, fighting for my life.

Outnumbered, outgunned.

Somehow I manage to vaporize my enemies and press on. Fuck my life.

...okay, that cheered me up.

Made it.

Oh hey, it's that Brotherhood citadel place.

Hey, it's that jerk who wouldn't let me in before.

Ladies of science do not fuck around.

And with that sick burn, we've reached Level 20! Without any DLC, this is the level cap. No computer, door or container is safe from our urges now! More importantly, we've picked up what is arguably the game's most powerful perk. Replenishing our action points whenever we make a kill in VATS, it'll come in quite handy against groups of enemies.

Turns out Lyons has access to some Vault-Tec databases. That'll help us find a GECK before the Enclave does, with any luck.

More importantly, with the future of the wastes at stake he's more than willing to let me learn the super-secret art of using power armor.

It's a lengthy process!

Time to do something I've been meaning to do for a looooong time.
Power Armor offers a lot of protection and rad resistance, but slows you down a bit and makes it more difficult to sneak undetected. I'll mostly be using the Tesla Armor. It has a bonus to Energy Weapons, which is a moot point, but it's pretty cool-lookin'!

Damn but this is some manly armor. Don't care much for the helmet, though.