Part 18: Wasting time all over the land
I'll get to Anchorage...eventually. For now, enjoy an update with GIFs!Wasting time all over the land

Man, now that I've got this armor there's no way I'm carrying all this booze.

I might as well keep all my Nuka-Grenade stuff in one place, too.

With my burdens lessened, it's time for some exploring.

More specifically, I really wanna see what's down at the bottom of that weird radioactive place.

Oh, awesome. Some action already.

Just a little closer...


Eat that, you...


That's okay, I got this.

Well THAT was pretty sweet.

And hey, free backscratcher!

Let's take a moment to enjoy the scene of battle.

Okay, that's enough of that. Gotta keep moving, after all.

What a view.

I spy something sciency, so scope is surreptitiously set up.

Sinister soldiers?


Scorching salvos!

Okay, no more time for alliteration, this is a combat situation now.

I'm pretty sure that fire is only nourishing Dogbrows.


Well, that works too. Thanks, stranger!
Not pictured: me being unable to find the corpse of the Enclave Hellfire Trooper. Oh well!

Hey, what are you-


Good boy.

To the victor go the-

Oh goddammit.


To the victor go the spoils!

Let's see here...hold it like this and...

Oh hell yes.

I'm finally glad I kept all that fuel.


No escaping.

Anything good?

The Enclave Scientist Outfit, as you might expect, provides a bonus to

Whup, another turret.

I know what to do.

God I love this thing.

Before we hit the road again, I'll just nab all this Enclave stuff.

Still a long way to our destination, so-

You've gotta be kidding me.

Huh. That guy with the laser pistol doesn't power armor.

That's fine by me.

VATS did not help the timing on this GIF. Oops.

That was easy.

Now for the rest of these smug motherfuckers.


Uh-oh. That other guy's drawin' a bead on me.

You don't get to draw a bead on me.

Well, that was fun.

Trek trek trek.

Oh my goodness, a raider ambush! Whatever shall I do?


Pictured: me checking the Pip-Boy after walking for about five minutes and realizing I'd overshot Wheaton Armory.

Here we are!

There's trash to clean up, of course.

Thankfully, my Very Arbitrary Time Slowiness wins the day.

All the time...

Just fuck off already.

Goddammit, dog. I've seen enough soul-crushing crazy shit today.

Hey, it's one of those

Always with the Enclave guys. Sheesh.

Dogbrows is taking care of that one with the fancy power armor I haven't seen before. Good boy.


From what I can tell, Enclave Hellfire Armor is pretty sweet. The set has a smidge less rad resistance than the Tesla Armor, but it comes fire resistance and a strength bonus, letting us carry ten more pounds of stuff. I also dump my missile launcher on him to free up some space because we have the Heavy Incinerator, and at this point, missile launchers aren't hard to find.

Pretty slick, if I do say so myself.

And it goes with my hat!

Now for some exploring.

Might as well suit up in full. I seem to recall this place being pretty radioactive.

Jeez, I can even feel it through my armor.

Thank god for modern other-dimension medicine!

Still?! Man, this radiation doesn't fuck around. Oh well. Just gotta get to the bottom.

Wheaton Armory's kind of a neat concept. Judging from those doors down there, I like to think there's a damaged nuclear missile just pouring radiation through the whole place. World-building!

Can I hack it?

Of COURSE I can!

I'll be unlocking the door the nightgun's way, of course.

Easy as pie.

I...I had no idea...

I feel like a kid in a gun store!

Ooh. Big Guns skill raised by 2

You better believe I'm taking this.

I'll just leave this here as a surprise for the next guy.

Now to get out of this godforsaken glowhole and never look back.

That was fun.

I forgot about my quest!