Part 19: To the Vault!
Sorry about closing the thread there, but hey, I'm serious, knock off the NV shit. Here's some Fallout 3 for you to talk about around the water cooler!To the Vault!

Welp, I guess I'd better get on that whole GECK thing.

The computers are this way, I think.

Yup! Let's see, I can ask those scribes, the guys in red, if I need any more help.

I'll just dive right in, though.

Listings seems like a good place to start.

No choice but to check 'em all.

A GECK would be equipment of a sort, wouldn't it?

Vault 76 is a dud.

Hey, wait a sec. Let's see if we can't find out some more info about that vault with the violin.

I suppose that was kind of obvious.

Whoa, check out Vault 87. All kinds of mysteries up in here.

Huh. The GECK bit wasn't redacted. Anyway, let's go see if a scribe can't help us find the location of the Vault itself.

Damn, these guys are ready for everything.

Whoa, sweet map.

Might as well mark those other Vaults on my map.

It's a long way, so let's get going!

Needless to say, I'm walking there.

My new toy makes things a bit less boring, though.

Why hello there, cow. How are you

What's that up there?

Oh, it's just mutants.

I...I think Dogbrows just did some kind of super move.

This seems worth hanging on to.

Hey, what do you know, it's those caves we're looking for.

I guess I can see why they call it Lamplight Caverns.

Okay, this is a mite suspicious. that a child?

Apparently this is Little Lamplight, and the Vault is beyond it. They're not letting me in because...I'm an adult, I guess.

I manage to curry his favor with a few butt jokes, though.
And I'm not making that up.

That was easy enough.

Kinda...cluttered, isn't it?

This is Sticky.

Apparently, it's his birthday.

Which means he's a full mungo. Er, adult. But enough about him.





informawhat's all this about Big Town, Sticky.

You want someone to take you there? Yeah, okay, I'll do it.

Settle down there Sticky.

We'll be there in no time!

Pictured: Big Town, halfway across the game world.

Well, come on. Daylight's burning.

Just STICK close, eh? Hohoho.

Ha...ooh, what do we have here?

Cola! I'll have to see what Zip will give me for it.

Sorry about the hold-up, St...

It seems I have lost my manchild.

He'll be fine, I'm sure.

He...wound up at Little Lamplight somehow. Hey Sticky, where ya goin'?

Pictured: Bethesda.

What. Sticky, just...just stay here and don't be a wizard while I'm gone, okay?

More information gathering. Hey, fwee wazer wifle! Not as good as my twi-beam, I'm afwaid.

And I finally convince the mayor to open the way to the vault for me.

See, they've got it shut off because of a super mutant problem.

I've gotta go through their turf, Murder Pass.

Time to murder some mutants.

You mutants aren't very good at this aiming thing, are you?

They may have rockets, but I have weapons of unspeakable burning!

A heated battle ensues.

I do love a good battle.

Hey, that's the Vault-Tec logo, isn't it?

That's...quite a trap, mutie. Quite a trap.

From somewhere, a voice...

Thanks, voice from another universe!

I think this is the place.

Ding! Now that I've got incinerators and miniguns, I figure I might as well dump some points into Big Guns. If you seriously don't know why I took Strong Back, start reading filenames.

I am so ready for this.