Part 21: Hurtling Towards the Endgame, Part 2
Alkydere posted:
And of course, the awesomeness of that shot is immediately ruined due to the fact that you hit the bear's ass. Everything leading up to it was pretty damned awesome, but where the rocket lands kinda ruins the cinematic experience with (unintentional) slapstick.
Well, it's not like I was super-concerned for the bear's comfort or anything. Anyway, I hope you like dialog, folks!
Hurtling Towards the Endgame, Part 2

So, you're awake. Let's keep this nice and simple. You're going to tell me the code for that Purifier, and you're going to tell me now.

What the hell is going on here?

I'll tell you what's going on here. You lost. The good guys won this one, and now we're just wrappijng up loose ends. We've got the purifier, now we just need the code to start it. You're going to give me that code now, and save us all a lot of trouble. Maybe I'll even let you go. So how about it?

Why do you want the code anyway?

You know why. We can't start the purifier without it. The longer the purifier isn't running, the more people suffer. Now I'm running out of patience, son. I want that code, and I want it now.

I don't
have your code. And fuck you, anyway.

You lie!

Colonel... I have need of you.

Mr. President, I have no time for other matters. I'll be with you shortly.

Now, Colonel...

Yes, sir...

Ah, alone at last. I do apologize for Colonel Autumn's attitude. He's been under a great deal of stress lately. I have no doubt that you know who I am. I'm sure you've heard my radio broadcasts. I'd like to have a word with you, face-to-face. I think there are a few things you and I should discuss. You'll find your possessions in the locker near the door. I'll unlock the way for you. And I'll unlock your restraints as well. I'll be waiting for you in my office. Please don't tarry.

I'm not exactly sure if I'd get along with the President, but he
was kind enough to let me have all my stuff back.

If nothing else, I can murder a bunch of dudes.

Huh. Dwemer-y.

Hold it right there.

There's a full complement of guards in the next room. As soon as I get them, you're going back to your cell. In a body bag, if necessary.
Speech Whoa whoa whoa, hold on. You
could get the guards. Alternatively...


I could punch you in the face.

Wait, what?

...oops. Guess I didn't have to do that.

I think I'd rather just murder these guys anyway, though.

He's gotta be around here somewhere.

Y'know, for a radio despot, the President's kind of an okay guy.

Now we're getting somewhere. This looks like a main hallway.

Oh hey, another soldier.

Man, that never gets old.

Biolab, huh? I might learn something today yet!

...that would be a Super Mutant.
BAD scientist. Bad.
Author's note: I proceeded to go on a rampage punching Enclave soldiers in the biolab, and then the game crashed. Nothing worth noting happened on my reload, but I don't think I went through the biolab, thus the abrupt cut to the kitchen. Let it be known that Fallout 3 cannot take sustained fistings. Also, Colonel Autumn is a dick.

Oh well. More fun this way.

Hey, wait a sec. If I recall, these things have...

Bingo! One step closer to my fire-sword. And hey, free gravied meats.

Up seems like the way to go.

More labs? What could they possibly-

Well, at least I'll have no shortage of ammo.

Speakin' of, might as well keep my man-burner at the ready.

Caution? Bah.

I have nothing to be cautious of.

Leave no lock unturned!

Well, I don't know what a ZAX is, but a destruct sequence could be nice to have in my pocket. Let's have a listen.

I'm not entirely sure Eden can be trusted. And I think he knows I don't trust him. But I don't think he knows I have the emergency destruct sequence for his console. "Priority Override. Authorization code 420-03-20-9" and...boom. It'd have to be a last resort, of course, but at least the option is there.

Yeah, I'm totally going to blow up the President's computer now.
Author's note: That computer can be hacked to remove force fields preventing me from looting footlockers. I really didn't want to clutter up the update with a boatload of footlocker screenshots, but rest assured I didn't miss it.

Man, this is easier than I thought it'd be.


Suddenly, the robots start firing on the human contingent of the Enclave. They're not on my ass, so I can live with that.

I should be getting close. 1 would be the closest to the surface. Or 0, maybe.

I'm getting kinda tired of stairs, though, gotta say.

Ooh, computer.

Ah, face to face at last. It's high time we met. I am quite pleased you were able to make it. The trip was not what I had intended, but serves as an adequate test of your abilities.

If we're meeting face to face, then show yourself. Don't hide behind a monitor.

Ah, but I have! I am right here before you.

You're a computer? Well, how 'bout that.

How very open-minded of you. Kudos for embracing the reality of the situation, rather than railing against it. Let's get to brass tacks, shall we? There are some things I'd like to talk to you about.

We have nothing to talk about.

Oh, but we do! Don't you see? You wouldn't be here if you weren't important. Your country needs you.

What country? Look around. Everything is destroyed.

That's a bit of a bleak outlook, don't you think? The United States has fallen on hard times, yes, but it can be healed. You have that power to heal within you, if you allow yourself to act. What I ask of you needs explanation, so you understand why it must be done. Perhaps that will stir you to act.

Get on with it, then.

The good people of this country cannot regain control while mutation runs rampant through our land. My soldiers cannot stem the tide, nor can the cult you've come into contact with, this Brotherhood of Steel. Mutations like the "Super Mutants" and ghouls must be purged from our society, our world, before we can proceed anew. Where others have failed, I believe your father's work can succeed.

Hold on. Just how is my father's work relevant to the issue of mutants?

The purifier your father helped create has the ability to provide clean water to the whole of this "Capital Wasteland". With a simple modification, it can be used to distribute agents that destroy mutated creatures upon ingestion. In time, we could eliminate all mutations in the Wasteland at the same time the good people of the world regain their health. What I require of you is really very simple. There is a vial in front of you, filled with a modified FEV virus. It needs to be inserted into the control console for the purifier. Once that is done, and the activation code is entered, the purifier will be activated and the process will be automated. It's not too much to ask of you, is it?

I'm not going to poison the Wasteland's water supply.

I find that unfortunate, and most disappointing. I must impress upon you the severity of the situation. I cannot allow you to leave unless the vial is in your possession.

Well, in that case...
ahem. "Priority Override. Authorization code 420-03-20-9".

...oh dear. ... Root level access granted. Override 0-923. Authorization J-512. Self-destruct sequence initialized. Civilian is requested to secure FEV vial and vacate the facility at once.

Well, it is his final request and all, so I'll secure it.
Author's note: you can't leave this room without the FEV vial no matter how you deal with the President.

Now to
get the fuck out of here.

Hey, what's that lift?

Ten caps says Colonel Douchebag's on that airship.

I hear growling.

Annnd now I'm just gonna stand back.

Godspeed, you horrible monster.

Looks like Eden's machines still hate Autumn's men.

I think the machines are winning.

Hey, wait a sec. Does that soldier have a...?
rocket launcher

Keep your cool...

Draw a bead...

And aim for the head.

I'll just take that off your hands.

See, this is always why you need to search villainous lairs thoroughly. Even when under threat of explosions.

Finally, the light at the end of the Enclave base.

Gotta be ready for anything.

I see Fawkes is doing all right for himself.

My friend! I see I've found you at last! I knew you had survived, and I had hoped to assist in your rescue to repay my debt to you.

Fawkes! What the hell are you doin' out here, my main Meta-Man?

I saw your capture, and a little cleverness allowed me to follow your captors. I only wish I could have arrived sooner to aid your escape! As I owe you my freedom, I felt it was only fair that I return the favor. After all, I know no-one else in this world.

I could always use a hand. Come with me.

My friend, I would be honored to follow a hero such as yourself. Shall we go?

Yeah, sure. Hey, nice toy, by the way.

Yes...and a most fascinating one at that. This technology is amazing! Imagine the evil that can be eliminated with such tools!
Author's note: to my dismay, Fawkes no longer had any of my guns when I ran into him. This means that there's either a separate instance of Fawkes for this part of the game onward, or the game specifically has him clear his inventory. On the other hand, he has a gatling laser with effectively unlimited ammo now, so I'm not too broken up about it.

I just blew up the President.

And I have a Gatling Laser.

I think I'm done here.

Better report in about the whole GECK thing.

Fawkes contemplates the tiny armored man.

What's this? Some kinda hubbub in the lab.

All I'm saying is, the longer we sit here, the more time they have to shore up their defenses. We should hit them sooner rather than later.

We barely have the manpower to keep the Citadel fortified. We've been over this before, Sarah...

So we just wait until they decide we're next on the list? If the Pride goes in now, we might have a chance.

And if you fail, then what? The risk is not worth the reward.

I don't like it.

You don't have to like it, Sarah. You just have to follow orders.

Yes, father.

I'm back, by the way.

We had feared both you and the GECK were lost. Were you successful?

Well, sort of. I found the GECK.

Excellent. With that, we hold the key to keeping the Enclave from controlling the purifier.

Yyyyeah, but then some
stuff happened.

What do you mean? Explain yourself!

The Enclave took the GECK. They're installing it now.

Then we must go at once! If you have any other information, tell me now before we mobilize. Any help you can give might save lives.

The Enclave is fractured. They're not as unified as they'd like us to believe.

That's good news. Perhaps we can use it to our advantage. Still, we cannot afford to wait and see what happens. It seems we must act now...

Send the Pride in. We can do it. We can win this!

What? No! I mean, Li and I have solved the power problems, but we've only barely finished diagnostic tests.


Then it's decided. Sarah, you take the Pride and use that robot as support. Take our friend here and secure that purifier.

Yes, sir!


that robot. Okay then.

The Pride and I have decided that after all you've survived, you've done enough to be an honorary member of Lyon's Pride. So congratulations. Membership come with some priveleges, including our Power Armor. You want the full suit, or the Recon Armor?

I've kinda already got my own, in case you haven't noticed.

Okay, it's your call. I'm just trying to protect you. If you think you can handle this, we need to get moving.

I sure hope so.

Me too. If you need a minute to collect yourself, now's the time to do it.

Gimme an hour or two. I need to hunt down one of those

lawn-mower blades

for my fire sword.