Part 22: Operation: Fuck the Enclave
Shei-kun posted:
Still sucks that this part of the game pretty much makes you go from "Just looted a vault" to "Just looted a vault AND the Enclave and moving is hard and I had to sacrifice so many things
" to "We need to strike now now now now now here's power armor and a giant robot go fight the enclave again and reach the endgame no time to sell loot go go go go go"

I know we need a sense of urgency sometimes, but can we at least have a chance to store our ill-gotten booty?
Well, Sarah
does ask you if you need a break to pretty much do that, so...yeah.
Operation: Fuck the Enclave

Okay. After much scavenging, I think I'm ready. Fire sword? Check.

Pals? Check.

practice? That's a big ol' check.

Okay, we're going to go over it one more time. The Pride is on me. The goal is Project Purity, but we can't get into the facility with those energy fields up. Rothchild and Li say this robot should be able to take down the energy fields. So we're on fire support. We stay close to the thing, keep it clear, and get it to where it needs to go. Once the fields are down, we head straight for the facility. We'll use the robot to keep them occupied while we get inside and secure the control room.

Cover the robot. Got it.

When we're done with this, everyone can have a nice cold glass of water on me. Let's move.

I get the distinct feeling this is going to be fun.

To the purifier!

Oh, great. More Enclave airships. Hold on, I'll see what I can-

that's fine too

Okay, new plan: stay behind the robot and take all the credit.

I wonder how he takes down energy fields.

Apparently, by not giving a fuck.

I'm glad he's on our side.

REALLY glad.

Look at him. He's almost casual about the eye-lasers.

This looks like it'll be the last energy field.

What's he up to?

And he
STILL doesn't even give a fuck.

Ain't no Enclave gonna stand in my way.

I've got fire sword!

To the rotunda!

Fawkes, too, displays a feat of wizardry.

I can't say I'm surprised. You and your ilk seem hell-bent on destroying everything our government has worked to achieve. There's nothing to stop me from killing you this time. Tell your father I said hello.

For the love of...

Oblivion take you.

By now the Pride should be mopping up whatever opposition is left outside. Let's get this room secured.

I've been monitoring the equipment remotely, and we have a serious problem. The facility has been damaged during the fighting. Some of it looks accidental; some of it may have been sabotage. There's pressure building in the holding tanks. It needs to be released now, or else the whole facility could explode. To release the pressure, you're going to have to turn the purifier on. Do you understand me? It has to be turned on NOW. If I'm reading this right, I'm afraid there are lethal levels of radiation inside the chamber. I'm sorry. I wish there were some other way, but there's just no time. It has to be done now, or the damage will be catastrophic.

Well, that doesn't sound good.

One of us is going to have to go in there and turn the damned thing on. And whoever does it isn't coming back out.

...Fawkes would.

If that's how you want do to this, fine. But be quick about it.

Fawkes, you heard that, right? I need you to start the purifier.

Ah, of course. My immunity to radiation makes me a far better candidate for surviving in there. But, what about the code...?

I'm almost positive the code is 2-1-6. My dad's favorite Bible passage.

I would say that your destiny lies in that chamber, but you have already altered mine. The least I can do is return the favor.

Godspeed, my friend.

I'm sure he's got this under control.

C'mon, Fawkes! Just two more numbers to go!

Nearly there!

It's six, Fawkes. Six.

Annnnd done!

Way to go, you did it! We're gonna make it!

We're gonna...oh dear.

...okay, that wasn't my fault. a dire predicament.