Part 15: Coral (1 of 2)
Part 15: Coral (1 of 2)
After the last extra-large map, it looks like we're back down to a normal size for Coral. Our challenge this time is Ride or Die, but you can just think of it as "no repairs". We can only pull this challenge off because each turn's supply is a manual action in this game, so I just won't do it if it would cause a unit to get repaired.

This map is actually the same size as the first map, and laid out somewhat similarly as well. We're back to using only ground units, with a long row of neutral cities in the middle of the map. The main difference is that Blue has a rather unfair advantage in how close most of the neutral cities are to its HQ. We'll have to hustle to win the capturing race here.
Turn 1

We have just the base 4000 G income from the starting HQ and bases, so the first turn is just both sides building four infantry to run off and start capturing.
Turn 2

Really it's the same thing on the second turn. Move one set of infantry up, and build another set.
Turn 3

Both sides reach their first neutral city, and both sides decline to build anything further this turn.
Turn 4

Pretty similar turn for both sides again. One city captured for each player now, but Blue is able to start more captures. We can't even reach our next city without getting attacked next turn. Oh and we get an APC built by each player, too.
Turn 5

We're able to start one more capture but can't quite reach the top row of cities yet. I put out a tank this time but another couple of APCs would've probably been better with all that enemy infantry around.

Our first combat for the map! That'll delay our capture by another turn.

Blue captures two more cities and builds the two additional APCs that I should have built. Ah well.
Turn 6

Three captures in progress now; all should complete next turn. We also get another tank.

Blue makes a strong play for the top row. The left-most infantry is the injured one from last turn. A fresh infantry attacked our capturing one in the center again, but didn't do enough damage to prevent the capture from completing.

Another enemy APC. Our new tanks have plenty of targets but they'll be busy clearing out infantry for awhile first.
Turn 7

Three cities captured this turn, so we will finally have a decent income soon.

Our APC took out the nearby wounded infantry, while some of our own infantry ganged up on and killed another one. Down by the HQ I put out yet another tank.

Blue finally gets its own APCs involved, killing this infantry.

We lose another infantry to an APC, and Blue finishes two more captures, pulling ahead in the capturing race again. Luckily the AI movements are not always very economical, which makes up for the way our half of the road curves all the way around the stupid mountains before reaching the center.

Yet more APCs.
Turn 8

Yes, that's another tank. No, I don't have a good plan for clearing out the enemy infantry.

Our APC didn't do as much damage to the capturing infantry as I would've liked (just three), so Blue's going to eventually get that city. But we do start capturing the other two remaining neutral cities, and I set up a little screen for each capturing infantry while taking out one of Blue's infantry.

Those enemy APCs tore through us, killing two of our infantry and getting to a capturing one.

Blue finally gets its own tank, plus a mech. I think we'll have to start saving up for something stronger soon.
Turn 9

Luckily the APC attacked the infantry on the left. The one on the right completes its capture, and I'm able to use the tanks to get rid of the APC and also set up a screen to finish off the last neutral city. Back at HQ I panic at how many infantry are around to capture stuff and build another two APCs.

Okay, this looks bad. Okay, this is bad. APCs cleared out the central city and an enemy infantry started capturing it. We cannot afford to lose that city!
Turn 10

Hey, at least we got that last city captured.

So the capturing race is now over. We ended up even, which is actually a pretty good result considering the terrain advantages that Blue has here. Notice how many more units that Blue has deployed, however.

My only priority is getting rid of that infantry on the central city. Unfortunately the tank only does three damage, and the APCs are preventing us from getting in any other attacks this turn.

I realize we're going to lose our remaining infantry so build a couple more, plus transport to get them to the middle of the map more quickly.

Shit shit shit. Two more of our cities are getting captured now. Luckily neither infantry has full life, so we have some time to deal with them. But all I have are tanks, and having them attacking infantry means they aren't dealing with the APCs. And as Foxfire_ mentioned earlier in the thread, tanks against infantry are a cash-loss, and we're pretty cash-constrained right now, so hitting these infantry - on cities no less - will cause us to take more damage than the infantry is worth in total.

Blue gets another tank and the first ranged unit of the map. That'll complicate the latter half of this battle. Assuming we make it that long!
To be continued...