Part 23: Unit Overview: Rocket
Part 23: Unit Overview: Rocket

Basic Info:
Cost 13000 G Movement 4 Move Type Vehicle Fuel 50 Ammo 5 Ammo Cost 7 G Range 3-5 Special Cannot attack and move in same turn; cannot counterattack
Opposing Unit Damage Dealt Damage Taken Infantry 4.5 0.5 Mech 3.5 3.5 Medium Tank 5.5 8.5 Tank 6.5 5.5 APC 6.5 3.5 Rocket 4.5 4.5 Artillery 5.5 3.5 Supply 6.5 N/A AA Missile 5.5 N/A AA Tank 6.5 N/A Fighter N/A 1.5 Scout N/A 0.5 Bomber N/A 6.5 Copter N/A 0.5 Battleship 1.5 8.5 Lander 2.5 2.5
Rockets are the ranged companion to medium tanks - expensive and worth it. They've got massive range, able to strike across mountain ranges or through a chokepoint behind multiple protectors. They hit hard against all vehicles, but are relatively weak against footsoldiers and can't do much against naval units. They even have a healthy supply of ammo. Their main drawback is a lack of mobility, making it a bit harder to get them into the perfect position, especially in forests. Try not to let any tanks or medium tanks get near them, either.