The Let's Play Archive

Famicom Wars


Part 28: Unit Overview: Anti-Air Tank

Part 28: Unit Overview: Anti-Air Tank

Basic Info:
Cost		5500 G
Movement	5
Move Type	Vehicle
Fuel		50
Ammo		4
Ammo Cost	3 G
Range		1
Special		None
Combat Data*:
Opposing Unit	    Damage Dealt	    Damage Taken
 Infantry		N/A			1.5
 Mech			N/A			4.5
 Medium Tank		N/A			7.5
 Tank			N/A			7.5
 APC			N/A			4.5
 Rocket			N/A			6.5
 Artillery		N/A			6.5
 Supply			N/A			N/A
 AA Missile		N/A			N/A
 AA Tank		N/A			N/A
 Fighter		6.5			1.5
 Scout			7.5			1.5
 Bomber			6.5			6.5
 Copter			7.5			1.5
 Battleship		N/A			9.5
 Lander			N/A			2.5
* All damage values are between new undamaged units on terrain with no defensive bonuses. Fractional values indicate a % chance to deal an extra damage point.

The Anti-Air (AA) Tank is a cheap and annoying plane-killer. They're heavily vulnerable to ground vehicles and battleships (against whom they can't even fight back) but are very difficult to remove effectively otherwise. So on maps where ground vehicles can't cross to the enemy HQ, and battleships aren't available, your only option for going after an AA tank is a bomber, which costs almost four times as much and is at best an even fight on neutral ground. On the off chance you're fighting a defensive battle against enemy air units, they're great on your side, but how often does that happen in this game? Otherwise they can't attack ground or naval units at all here, so have limited utility.